Score One For Satan!!

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vern humphrey:
A typical holier-than-thou tactic. They can’t make a logical argument for their position, so they use sophistry and offensive remarks.
True, I shouldn’t, and haven’t so far, let people like that push my buttons… But… There are certain things that just get to me. Picking on victims, law enforcement, soliders… are just some of them.
True, I shouldn’t, and haven’t so far, let people like that push my buttons… But… There are certain things that just get to me. Picking on victims, law enforcement, soliders… are just some of them.
With trolls like this, it’s their stock in trade. They’ll start with snide remarks, and escallate to more offensive comments. He’s not here to defend or advance his point of view – he’s here to sadistically push other people’s buttons.
vern humphrey:
With trolls like this, it’s their stock in trade. They’ll start with snide remarks, and escallate to more offensive comments. He’s not here to defend or advance his point of view – he’s here to sadistically push other people’s buttons.
:hmmm: interestingly too, they are often really bad with grammer :ehh: Not, that I am good at it… But, it is a sign of an overly emotional person I think.
AmyS said:
:hmmm: interestingly too, they are often really bad with grammer :ehh: Not, that I am good at it… But, it is a sign of an overly emotional person I think.

I have long had a theory that when you look at what someone has written, you are looking inside their heads. While everyone makes mistakes, persistant mistakes, bad grammar and disorganized sentence structure tells us something about the thought processes of the writer.
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