Score One For Satan!!

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vern humphrey:
He’ll be revenge murdered for killing Laci, not Connor. The charges were First Degree Murder for Laci, Second Degree for Connor.

But, yes – the pro-abortionists were up in arms at the outset, demanding he NOT be charged with the murder of Connor. They see what you see – if it’s murder to kill Connor, it’s murder to kill any unborn child.
Even so, it STILL won’t bring them back. Also, even after what he did, does it please God and Jesus with joy that he shpuld die? Should there be a nation holiday to celebrate Scotty’s death be next? A week long party with medals earmarked for the revenge muderers that have the honors in putting the death on Scott? After all ain’t it a sin to rejoice in someone dying, no matter what that person did? Did the apostles seek death for those that crucifed Jesus, or seek death for the one that beheaded John The Baptist? Not a chance. When he was crucifed, Jesus did pray his father would forgive those that slammed the pegs in him.
I agree, let’s outlaw death! Call you congressman right now and have them sponsor a bill making it illegal to die…ever.
AMEN!! 🙂
Even so, it STILL won’t bring them back. Also, even after what he did, does it please God and Jesus with joy that he shpuld die? Should there be a nation holiday to celebrate Scotty’s death be next? A week long party with medals earmarked for the revenge muderers that have the honors in putting the death on Scott? After all ain’t it a sin to rejoice in someone dying, no matter what that person did? Did the apostles seek death for those that crucifed Jesus, or seek death for the one that beheaded John The Baptist? Not a chance. When he was crucifed, Jesus did pray his father would forgive those that slammed the pegs in him.
And should there be a national thanksgiving over the next murder? If we depersonalize the victims, and save all our sympathy for their killers, what have we done but make it easier for others to kill?

The right to life includes the right to self-defense. The execution of a heinous criminal is an act of collective self-defense.
Not if they worked flipping burgers and hospital voluenteer wok.
OK. So someone working as a cashier at McDonald’s is going to be able to afford to support a family? Fat chance. And volunteer work is great to do on the side, but it’s not going to pay the bills.
To hold onto a job that ain’t right…at the risk of one’s soul?
If your God is really all-loving and understanding, etc. I think he would understand that someone needs to make a living to support their family. I doubt they would be “condemned” for that.
As for the bottom, when I said that, I referred to single people; for those married, they don’t have to divorce and be priests but work in other parts of the church like altar or cantor of lay person of the church. Maybe work in the different chuch groups and bake offs, that sort of thing.
That is also fine. Volunteering in a Church, hospital, etc., would be great for these people (or anyone else), but that doesn’t mean they have to quit their jobs as well.
I agree, let’s outlaw death! Call you congressman right now and have them sponsor a bill making it illegal to die…ever.
OK. So someone working as a cashier at McDonald’s is going to be able to afford to support a family?
No, someone comtemplating starting a family is supposed to work their way up to the point where they can afford to support a family.

When people marry and have children, they assume awesome responsibilities – one of them is to be in a financial position to take care of the family.
vern humphrey:
And should there be a national thanksgiving over the next murder? If we depersonalize the victims, and save all our sympathy for their killers, what have we done but make it easier for others to kill?

The right to life includes the right to self-defense. The revenge muder of a heinous criminal possessed by the devil is an act of collective self-defense.
Fine with me. But while my family don’t advocate what killers do, we also don’t like returning evil for evil, that 2 wrongs don’t make a right. In any case, my folks and me, will pray for the souls of not only Scott, but also for the judges, the revenger murderers, and the people that rejoice over someone dying. We thought it was a sin to rejoice over dying people. We wish you all well. And again, for the last time, it won’t bring Lacey and Conner back. It’s like some paganistic ritual, like using death on a person to bring a dead person back by magic.
P. S.: Do revenger muderers go to special collages and schools to learn how to do lehal injections and other death methods? How much do they get paid? Do they get medals?
Fine with me. But while my family don’t advocate what killers do, we also don’t like returning evil for evil, that 2 wrongs don’t make a right. In any case, my folks and me, will pray for the souls of not only Scott, but also for the judges, the revenger murderers, and the people that rejoice over someone dying. We thought it was a sin to rejoice over dying people. We wish you all well. And again, for the last time, it won’t bring Lacey and Conner back. It’s like some paganistic ritual, like using death on a person to bring a dead person back by magic.
That’s a strawman argument.

Yes, pray for the souls of murderers – but don’t let them loose to kill again, and don’t force other people to put their lives at risk by working in close association with such depraved monsters.
As you wish But while they may be monsters on the outside, inside, they’re still human; they’re only monsters when devils possess them. Someone on the forum once told me that if you cannot see God and Jesus in the face of a sinner like Scotty or whatever sinner, how can you see the face of God and Jesus in the face of the poor? That same person said that both were in need.
P. S.: Do revenger muderers go to special collages and schools to learn how to do lehal injections and other death methods? How much do they get paid? Do they get medals?
I saw your post in another thread, and you came up with fancy terms such as “revenge murder” rather than execution.

You do a grave injustice to these people. They are not murderers, they are (drum roll) EXECUTIONERS. So are you going to quote this message and edit it to make it more tasteful to you?

I’ve told you before to stop labelling people who don’t agree with you on this issue, since the death penalty isn’t evil in itself (INTRINSIC, another term you don’t like, eh?) Ending a person’s life isn’t always murder. Murder always has the element of malice and the intent to end a life because of hatred for that person.

EXECUTIONS (not “REVENGE MURDERS” spit, you wanna edit this?) are conducted by EXECUTIONERS because they are ORDERED to, not because they WANT to. Goodness, these people aren’t evil, and you are a most uncharitable, self-righteous bucko for thinking that.

I already said, you have an opinion, stick with it. But the others who disagree with you don’t hold a morally wrong position.

And as I said, READ THE CATECHISM!!! YOu don’t even have to find the Catechism of Trent, get the Vatican II catechism on the USCCB web site. You apparently form no opinions of your own, you simply suck up to your family.
REPENT!! The world is coming to an end!! It seems that Satan just triumphed in influencing the setence givers in choosing the sin of revenge murder aka the death penalty for Scott Perterson. Those poor souls just opened up to the Devil and the sin of revenge. Don’t they know that revenge murdering Scott won’t AT ALL bring Lacey and her baby back? Whatever happened to two wrongs don’t make a right? To hell with an eye for an eye–If me and my family wore the jurors, we’d refuse death, even if it means losing everything.
Why didn’t Peterson show any remorse? Is Evil at work with him?
I saw your post in another thread, and you came up with fancy terms such as “revenge murder” rather than executive.

You do a grave injustice to these people. They are not murderers, they are (drum roll) EXECUTORS. So are you going to quote this message and edit it to make it more tasteful to you?

I’ve told you before to stop labelling people who don’t agree with you on this issue, since the death penalty isn’t evil in itself (INTRINSIC, another term you don’t like, eh?) Ending a person’s life isn’t always murder. Murder always has the element of malice and the intent to end a life because of hatred for that person.

DEATH SESSIONS (not “REVENGE MURDERS” are conducted by EXECUTORS because they are ORDERED to, or lose their tax exempt million dollar paychecks, not because they WANT to. Goodness, these people aren’t evil, and you are a most uncharitable, self-righteous bucko for thinking that.

I already said, you have an opinion, stick with it. But the others who disagree with you don’t hold a morally wrong position.

And as I said, READ THE CATECHISM!!! YOu don’t even have to find the Catechism of Trent, get the Vatican II catechism on the USCCB web site. You apparently form no opinions of your own, you simply suck up to your family.
Whatever. Jesus loves you. But my folks and me, we’re still praying fot the souls of everyone. Including the executors that get medals and go on talk shows and become heroes (or heroines), for playing God by putting people to death. Doing something that should be God’s revenge or whatever alone. Didn’t the book of Romans say “Vengance is mine, saieth the Lord?” Go figure. Peace out.

P.S.: Everyone’s entitled to one’s own point of view ,and that applies not only to you, but to me as well * cleans up spit*. It’s a matter of interpetation. 👍
Whatever. Jesus loves you. But my folks and me, we’re still praying fot the souls of everyone. Including the executors that get medals and go on talk shows and become heroes (or heroines), for playing God by putting people to death. Doing something that should be God’s revenge or whatever alone. Didn’t the book of Romans say “Vengance is mine, saieth the Lord?” Go figure. Peace out.

P.S.: Everyone’s entitled to one’s own point of view ,and that applies not only to you, but to me as well * cleans up spit*. It’s a matter of interpetation. 👍
I don’t think that these people feel like heros… I work in a police department and when they have officer involved shootings it hurts them. Even if the person is a scumbag.
As you wish But while they may be monsters on the outside, inside, they’re still human; they’re only monsters when devils possess them. Someone on the forum once told me that if you cannot see God and Jesus in the face of a sinner like Scotty or whatever sinner, how can you see the face of God and Jesus in the face of the poor? That same person said that both were in need.
You need to meet some of these people.

While running for Congress, I met a woman who was working for clemency for an inmate in Arkansas State Prison. She wanted me to plead to the Governor for him.

The lady had worked in the prison, where she met this guy, and she told a heart-wrenching story about the injustice of his case.

Then I researched it. Here’s what happened – he was alone with a friend’s wife, and doing drugs. He dragged the woman outside, beat her unmercifully, raped her and left her for dead – on a railroad embankment. A train ran over her and severed both her arms.

Yeah, this guy is human – but let him out of prison? That would be an experiment with OTHER people’s lives.

And he is by no means the WORST inmate in prison here!
DEATH SESSIONS (not “REVENGE MURDERS” are conducted by EXECUTORS because they are ORDERED to, or lose their tax exempt million dollar paychecks, not because they WANT to. Goodness, these people aren’t evil, and you are a most uncharitable, self-righteous bucko for thinking that
Now I didn’t write this part in blue. You’re putting letters on my fingers. This shows the level of your ignorance.
  1. EXECUTIONERS (an EXECUTOR is a lawyer, HAHA) are paid barely decent sums. And they’re NOT tax-exmpt.
  2. Since you believe that everyone is entitled to a POV, which is the same thing I’ve been saying, then why are you still branding people who disagree with you as evil, murderers, and bloodthirsty? If you indeed respect others’ POV, you wouldn’t be doing that.
And your poorly-formulated euphemisms really sound ridiculous.

I predict I’m gonna get suspended soon, but this is really annoying me.
Now I didn’t write this part in blue. You’re putting letters on my fingers. This shows the level of your ignorance.
  1. EXECUTIONERS (an EXECUTOR is a lawyer, HAHA) are paid barely decent sums. And they’re NOT tax-exmpt.
  2. Since you believe that everyone is entitled to a POV, which is the same thing I’ve been saying, then why are you still branding people who disagree with you as evil, murderers, and bloodthirsty? If you indeed respect others’ POV, you wouldn’t be doing that.
And your poorly-formulated euphemisms really sound ridiculous.

I predict I’m gonna get suspended soon, but this is really annoying me.
You call them your way and I’ll call them mine. I don’t believe in fighting, and I don’t pick fights. I am, on behalf of my God fearing family, simply and expressing a SIMPLE viewpoint of ours. As for what you said, only a meany would say that. So those people that put them to death only get a meager salary, but they do get medals. Believe you me, I don’t want to start a fight. 🙂

How do you know so much 'bout the ones that ain’t tax exempt?

I don’t mean to get your dander up. Why do you want to hate me so much? That sounds like what Anime Zuba and Chris 90 said.
(sigh) Take care, dude. :cool:
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