Score One For Satan!!

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But it won’t bring Laci and Conner back @ all. That shows you how the devil’s got control over America.
I’m thinking your fear is caused by lack of faith which you cover with an alarmist attitude.

Satan has always been the prince of this world but God is in control of every-thing.
Can death rehab a criminal? Do people think that would deter crooks from mudering?
Absolutely. Nothing prevents a criminal from repeating his crimes like being dead.
Do the words other jobs mean anything. I’d quit such a job, regardless of the circumstances, even in martrydom.
Some people may not be able to find other jobs. Especially with the economy today. If someone finds a job they are going to hold on to it.
If it’s what it takes to be soldiers of Christ, sure. .
So now it’s ok for someone to divorce their spouse and abandon one’s children just because YOU personally don’t like the jobs they have?
Some people may not be able to find other jobs. Especially with the economy today. If someone finds a job they are going to hold on to it.

So now it’s ok for someone to divorce their spouse and abandon one’s children just because YOU personally don’t like the jobs they have?
I am seriously wondering if I should quit my job because I work for a District Attorney’s office as a Victim’s Advocate. We prosecute cases that are capital crimes. I have worked with victim’s families in these cases. Maybe I am part of the process too? :confused:
Some people may not be able to find other jobs. Especially with the economy today. If someone finds a job they are going to hold on to it.

So now it’s ok for someone to divorce their spouse and abandon one’s children just because YOU personally don’t like the jobs they have?
Not if they worked flipping burgers and hospital voluenteer wok. To hold onto a job that ain’t right…at the risk of one’s soul? :confused: As for the bottom, when I said that, I referred to single people; for those married, they don’t have to divorce and be priests but work in other parts of the church like altar or cantor of lay person of the church. Maybe work in the different chuch groups and bake offs, that sort of thing.
Absolutely. Nothing prevents a criminal from repeating his crimes like being dead.
Why is it always “his” crimes, out of curiousity? Women commit the same stuff too. But there’s just WAY too many killers in the world to discourage… :eek:
I try to point out the best way I can. Everone’s got a viewpoint on what they believe. Not every one agrees with what me and may family and our ilk believes in what you believe. But by the same accord, there’s a handful of people that don’ t agree with what one believes. And all I can say, on behalf of my family and the few that beloeve that death won’t bring Lacey and Conner back. @ all. Death penalty sessions cost too much. Where can they get that kind on money? Do what you like, but still… Anyhow, ANY person, be it Scotty or otherwise, is just a human loving thing of our Lord’s creation; it’s the demon, the thing in one’s soul that is pure evil, not the person itself. A human, is like say, an saw; it can be used to cut wood or it can be used to cut a skull. It’s up to the user that owns it. It all depends on what’s in a human’s soul–an angel or a devil. The human be almost like a puppet, yet with a free will. But sometimes a devil can be strong to control the person’s will. unless prayer can drive the devil out the save the will from controlling the person from doing…well whatever such. Now, if it had been someone famous that did what Scotty did, would that one get death? Not a chance…remember OJ?

I mean no consternation but I only wish to point out peacably, what eyevryone’s beliefs should be.

P.S.: I am inclined to agree on the matter of the Romans, that wehn it comes to the masses in America tuning into a trial, just for the fun of it and rejoicing at a someone’s death sentence; it’s like a sort of bread and circuses kind of thing, like what the Romans did, cheering each time the Christians died in The Coloseaum.
People who work in prisons also get killed, not, just prisoners…

Scott, as well as everyone, deserves their life to repent. I won’t hold my breath on him though. He seems like a sociopath to me. They don’t typically, take repentence or remorse seriously. They don’t have the capablility to. But, that is up to God to judge. I pray for all of their souls. Scott was not the victim in this. Although, he needs prayers.
A friend of mine, who is Catholic, is a Federal Corrections Officer. He tells about Tommy Silverstein.

Tommy was convicted of murder and got a life sentence. While in prison, he killed a fellow inmate – and got ANOTHER life sentence (at that time, the Supreme Court had invalidated the death penalty, and states and the Federal Government were struggling to come up with a version that the Courts would allow.)

The state sent Tommy to the Federal Prison at Marion – just then being set up as a “Super-Max” for especially violent inmates. Tommy was in the lock-down wing, spending 23 hours a day in his cell – time he spent doing pushups, and so on. He was an unusually powerful man.

Regulations required that when out of his cell, he had to be shackled and accompanied by three Corrections Officers. One day, coming back from the shower, Tommy broke away from the Corrections Officers, ran the length of the cell block, skidded to a stop, and thrust his manacled hands through the cuff solt in the last cell. The inmate there unlocked his handcuffs with a home-made key and handed him a 15" knife.

As the Corrections Officers came running up, Tommy attacked one, cutting him literally to ribbons.

Another Corrections Officer was killed the same day, in a similar manner.

Tommy got ANOTHER life sentence.

Now, Tommy is currently in a special cell in the basement at the Federal Penetentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas.

How many of those who oppose the death penalty are willing to volunteer to be Tommy’s guard? How many will put THEIR lives at risk every day to feed, shower, and guard such a dangerous prisoner?

And if they won’t volunteer, what right have they got to demand OTHERS put their lives at risk guarding men like Tommy?
P.S.: I am inclined to agree on the matter of the Romans, that wehn it comes to the masses in America tuning into a trial, just for the fun of it and rejoicing at a someone’s death sentance, it’s like a sort of bread and circues kind of thing, like what the Romans did ,cheering each time the Christians died in The Coloseaum.
I don’t think his crime was on the level of the Christians believeing and practiceing their faith in Christ.

You are right that this won’t bring Laci and Connor back. I really doubt that Scott will make it to his death sentence, not i California at least.

I believe that your heart is in the right place… But, Scott has the obvious signs of being a sociopath… remorse and repentence he might not be capable of… That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pray for him. and, don’t forget the judge has not made his ruling yet.
I agree, nothing prevents a criminal from repeating HER crimes like being dead.
The death penalty means never having to say, “What! YOU again?”
vern humphrey:
A friend of mine, who is Catholic, is a Federal Corrections Officer. He tells about Tommy Silverstein.

Tommy was convicted of murder and got a life sentence. While in prison, he killed a fellow inmate – and got ANOTHER life sentence (at that time, the Supreme Court had invalidated the death penalty, and states and the Federal Government were struggling to come up with a version that the Courts would allow.)

The state sent Tommy to the Federal Prison at Marion – just then being set up as a “Super-Max” for especially violent inmates. Tommy was in the lock-down wing, spending 23 hours a day in his cell – time he spent doing pushups, and so on. He was an unusually powerful man.

Regulations required that when out of his cell, he had to be shackled and accompanied by three Corrections Officers. One day, coming back from the shower, Tommy broke away from the Corrections Officers, ran the length of the cell block, skidded to a stop, and thrust his manacled hands through the cuff solt in the last cell. The inmate there unlocked his handcuffs with a home-made key and handed him a 15" knife.

As the Corrections Officers came running up, Tommy attacked one, cutting him literally to ribbons.

Another Corrections Officer was killed the same day, in a similar manner.

Tommy got ANOTHER life sentence.

Now, Tommy is currently in a special cell in the basement at the Federal Penetentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas.

How many of those who oppose the death penalty are willing to volunteer to be Tommy’s guard? How many will put THEIR lives at risk every day to feed, shower, and guard such a dangerous prisoner?

And if they won’t volunteer, what right have they got to demand OTHERS put their lives at risk guarding men like Tommy?
There’s bound to be risks. They should’ve spiked his food with tranquilizers :confused:
I agree, nothing prevents a criminal from repeating HER crimes like being dead.How do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time. How do you get rid of all the violent criminals, one exectution at a time.
Better still, build an American death camp (ala Auschwitz) send all the killers to the gas chambers, disguised as shower rooms Even better, why not collt all the killers, and like I said, gather them all together in one spot, and drop a H bomb on them
I don’t think his crime was on the level of the Christians believeing and practiceing their faith in Christ.

You are right that this won’t bring Laci and Connor back. I really doubt that Scott will make it to his death sentence, not in California at least.

I believe that your heart is in the right place… But, Scott has the obvious signs of being a sociopath… remorse and repentence he might not be capable of… That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pray for him. and, don’t forget the judge has not made his ruling yet.
Thanks for your support, Amy. The only reason why Scott’s a sociopath is because he is infested with so many legions of demons within. I thought California had the most determination to get death sessions done quick. And let’s not forget the taxpayer’s money.
There’s bound to be risks.
And it’s interesting how people who are so solicitous for the criminal are so willing to put OTHER people at risk.
They should’ve spiked his food with tranquilizers :confused:
You can’t do that – the courts won’t allow it.
Better still, build an American death camp (ala Auschwitz) send all the killers to the gas chambers, disguised as shower rooms Even better, why not collt all the killers, and like I said, gather them all together in one spot, and drop a H bomb on them
No H bomb - way to messy. I like your gas chamber idea, though!
“Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.” - Deut 22:24
Better still, build an American death camp (ala Auschwitz) send all the killers to the gas chambers, disguised as shower rooms Even better, why not collt all the killers, and like I said, gather them all together in one spot, and drop a H bomb on them
Great idea, when do we start.
vern humphrey:
And it’s interesting how people who are so solicitous for the criminal are so willing to put OTHER people at risk.

You can’t do that – the courts won’t allow it.
Not if they were bribed or persuaded. Money talks in today’s corruption.
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