Score One For Satan!!

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JHutch said:
***Too bad the Courts can’t give murder/abortion victims a couple of choices. ***

Would you prefer to be dismembered, or would you rather be 3/4 born and have yor brains sucked out?
The jurors used Pure Emotion to render the verdict!There was absolutely ZERO evidence that tied Scott P. to the death of his wife. There was no forensic evidence whatsoever!
The jury acted from anger and emotion. They were instructed to act on the evidence.
If this is true the conviction will be overturned on appeal.
The death penalty is ok for people who are an absolute threat to society. (It’s in the Catechism.) His death penalty is arguable. Any man who kills his wife and child is capable of killing anyone.
I hate this kind of post. It is a mis-quote and a mis-understanding of what is stated in the CCC.😃

That’s not true. Just about the only case I can see for the death penalty is for very violent criminals who would pose a threat to other prisoners.

The United States has a very good justice system that can separate a criminal from society very well. Someone locked up for life is not a threat to me or you. But that doesn’t mean they still are not a threat.

Prison murders can and do happen. And it is very hard to protect against that without submitting large numbers of prisoners to permanent solitary confinement.

Someone who has been convicted of a crime and who is serving their sentenced time deserves to be protected from violent murders as much as we do.

The type of person this would affect would be very very rare, and Scott Peterson doesn’t rise to that level.
How can that protect someone? A humane way would be to exile some like Scott to Antartica; there’s no one for a dude like that to murder, becasue Antartica is uninhabited by humans.
Would you prefer to be dismembered, or would you rather be 3/4 born and have yor brains sucked out?
Yup. St. Stephen wasn’t scared when his turn came.
Well, you aren’t, so chill. Besides, Satan doesn’t need you to keep score for him; he has plenty of bean-counters to do that for him.

I’m glad to know you can speak authoritatively about these things - NOT!

Let’s see; Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Gary Gilmore, Timmy McVeigh; nope, don’t think it’s a sin to rejoice in SEEING REVENGE DONE.

Sit down, take a deep breath and wipe the foam off your chin; now listen carefully:

The world has the prerogative of removing from its numbers those who cannot abide by the law; if one violates the highest laws (like rape, murder or treason), the removal can be made permanent and inescapable by putting the miscreant to death through revenge. I’d like to have the individual repent of his sin and be made just, but his/her fate must be carried out; otherwise, all anyone would have to do is fake repentance and get off scot-free. Whether or not we as Catholics, Christians or whatever would seek such vengeance is irrelevant; governments are not held to the same standard as individuals - nor should they be.

I don’t know if Peterson deserves death; I didn’t get to review the evidence, so I’ll have to trust in the jury. I will admit that had Laci been MY daughter, Scott would have been in front of St. Peter so fast the air would crackle.
It STILL won’t bring those he murdered back. As long as revenge murders last, there will never be peace. If people want to bring people to justice, there’s such a thing as the right way, like exile to Antartica. Does the church praise these people that do the revenge murders on these killers? Do priests prays and blees those that do death penalties on them? Not to mention pray these death penalties go successsful? Not at all.
Yup. St. Stephen wasn’t scared when his turn came.
I’m confused. My comment was in response to the idea of giving abortion victims the choice of how to be aborted.
JHutch said:
The Condemned of California get to chose how they wish to be put to Death. Their options are 1) The Gas Chamber 2) Lethal Injection.

Several years ago one who was about to meet his fate sued on the grounds that the Gas Chamber was cruel and unusual revenge, especially since other states had (name removed by moderator)lemented Lethal Injection.

It was argued that the man would rather be put to death by injection. The Court decided that the Condemned should be given the option. The man got his wish(be careful what you ask for???) and was revenge murdered by Lethal Injection.
*** Too bad the Courts can’t give murder/abortion victims a couple of choices. ***

So it’s legal for people to play God and Jesus when the bilbe forbids it, that we should leave a person’s fate to the lord alone? If I was working in a factory that buit these gas chambers a injection equiment, I’ve would’ve quit that job, and become a priest.
If everyone’s advocating revenge murders, and stinking up the air with dead bodies of crooks plied up everywhere, at the risk of the taxpayers’ money, we might as well advocate abortion, the mercy kills, just wars thru force of arms, porno companies and money like rich lifestyles. Does that mean that protesting death penalties is acting out of step with America? Me and my folks still pray for the souls of the ones that ended Timmy McVeigh’s life. They can’t get into heaven unless they repent.
The jurors used Pure Emotion to render the verdict!

There was absolutely ZERO evidence that tied Scott P. to the death of his wife. There was no forensic evidence whatsoever!

The jury acted from anger and emotion. They were instructed to act on the evidence.

I would have had to vote not guilty.
Same thing my husband said.

Seems that the deciding factor was that many of the jury were appalled by Scot’s stoicism. I saw three jurors interviewed by the press. The third person interviewed was asked if his decision was influenced by public’s opinion. This man said he found it unfair to even accuse him of something like that. He acted and sounded normal to me. No excessive behavior or outburst. Because of this he was portrayed by the narrator as “angry.”

So, show a little bit of emotion, you’re tagged as “angry”. Show no emotion, and you’re guilty.

I am not against the death penalty. I consider it a deterrent to serious criminal behavior. However, for some reason I was sad to hear about S. Petersen’s death sentence.

(My newspaper reported about two days ago about this man who after 24 years in jail was set free because the courts decided he was not guilty after all. I just read the headlines. Some of you probably know which case I am talking about.) I could dig up the newspaper from out of my old newspaper stack, but right now I’m too lazy to do it. In other words, it is always sad when a verdict of “guilty” is pronounced only to find out later that that person was not guilty after all. Just think if it were you.
Fry 'em!!! If that low life(even if he didn’t do it, he’s still a lowlife cheater) did do it, FRY em, bring back the chair forget putting him to sleep like a dog, it’s too good!!!
lily, are you serious? what about letting God take care of it?
The puposes of punishment are:

defense of society against the criminal,
rehabilitation of the criminal,
retribution or the reparation of the disorder caused the criminal,

and some people add a 4th; deterrance.

We all know that rehabilitaion and deterrance is not happening. As for defense of society yes it does work. That leaves us with retribution, which I believe alot of people use that word for another, revenge or vengence. That is what I don’t agree with. One man’s anger is not God’s justice. By sentencing a criminal to jail I believe is more humane than killing them for the reason we are giving them time to reflect in the evil they have done and a chance to repent. Luke 15:7, I tell you , in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. That is the reason we as a christian society should be against the death penalty but yet still mourn for those who are victims of hanes crimes.
So it’s legal for people to play God and Jesus when the bilbe forbids it, that we should leave a person’s fate to the lord alone? If I was working in a factory that buit these gas chambers a injection equiment, I’ve would’ve quit that job, and become a priest.
Is this the answer to all the worlds evil? Quit and become a Priest??? The Priesthood is a vocation, a calling not an act of protest against the Death penalty.

I have to believe that there are Priests who fully believe in the Church’s Catechism regarding the Death Penalty. What should they quit and become???
. If people want to bring people to justice, there’s such a thing as the right way, like exile to Antartica…
Even with Global Warming the climate in Antarctica isn’t naturally conducive to human existence, last I heard. The US maintains a research station there year 'round. Sooo there are people ther who could be victim to a murderer. Even if they wer ther to act as teh murderer’s custodians, why should anyone else have to suffer that climate? I guess you mean that you want to just drop the condemned of and let him fend for him self.

Since it is not naturally conducive to human existence, in otherwords, anyone sent there would most likely perish shortly after arrival. Wouldn’t that in essence be a “Death Sentence?”

At least a Death Sentence at San (Saint) Quentin State Prison (California’s home to the Condemed) can afford a person 30 or 40 years or more years of life.
Not me and my family. The Catechism of the Council of Trent was underpressure form the goverments to agree to revenger murder .

It is the very Voice of the Holy Spirit that is heard in the pronouncements of every Eccumenical Council. They cannot, by definition, include anything that is unjust, immoral or contrary to God’s Will.

It CANNOT happen!

Are you honeslty implying that the Holy Spirit can be pressured by an earthly government???

Because the alternative, to state that the Doctrines of Trent are NOT the Voice of Holy Spirit is pure heresy.
Betcha the ones that personally do the death sessions on Scott get medals for their work and apper on talk shows. May God and Jesus have mercy on the jurors anfd the ones that will personally do the death on Scotty.
The people that physically put Peterson to death are just doing their jobs. They did not sentence him to death. People need to make a living and these are jobs they were able to get. Who are you to judge them?
May they repent afterwards, quit their jobs and be priests.
What if they have families to support? Should they just leave them too?
The puposes of revenge are:

defense of the world against the criminal,
rehabilitation of the criminal,
retribution or the reparation of the disorder caused the criminal,

and some people add a 4th; deterrance.

We all know that rehabilitaion and deterrance is not happening. As for defense of the world, yes it does work. That leaves us with retribution, which I believe alot of people use that word for another, revenge or vengence. That is what I don’t agree with. One man’s anger is not God’s justice. By sentencing a criminal to jail I believe is more humane than killing them for the reason we are giving them time to reflect in the evil they have done and a chance to repent. Luke 15:7, I tell you , in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. That is the reason we as a christian society should be against the death penalty but yet still mourn for those who are victims of hanes crimes.
Believe you me, I never advocated what Scott did. But return evil for evil? Two wrongs never make a right. As I said, and my family said, it won’t bring Lacey and Conner back. Can death rehab a criminal? Do people think that would deter crooks from mudering? No, they still do it, and worse still, other people will pick up where Scott left off and start the whole murder spree all over agaain. If people want death on all killers, they should round up all killers, free and on death row, place them in a wide open space, and drop an H bomb on them. But life in a padded jail, strapped to a bed, and injected with mind weakening drugs…that would be the best humane thing.
The people that physically put Peterson to death are just doing their jobs. They did not sentence him to death. People need to make a living and these are jobs they were able to get. Who are you to judge them?
Do the words other jobs mean anything. I’d quit such a job, regardless of the circumstances, even in martrydom.
What if they have families to support? Should they just leave them too?
If it’s what it takes to be soldiers of Christ, sure. Remember the apostles forsook everything they had to follow Jesus. On the other hand, there’s The Knights Of Columbus, or work in Christian TV stations, even in The EWTN Network. Then there’s work in the clinics and hospitals and nursing homes. There’s more than one way to make a living as long as it’s for the good of the church.
Brendan said:

It is the very Voice of the Holy Spirit that is heard in the pronouncements of every Eccumenical Council. They cannot, by definition, include anything that is unjust, immoral or contrary to God’s Will.

It CANNOT happen!

Are you honeslty implying that the Holy Spirit can be pressured by an earthly government???

Because the alternative, to state that the Doctrines of Trent are NOT the Voice of Holy Spirit is pure heresy.

It’s a metter of viewpoint. I didn’t say The Holy Ghost was pressured, but the church itself. The last thing me and my family want is to say herasy. Or words to that effect.
Even with Global Warming the climate in Antarctica isn’t naturally conducive to human existence, last I heard. The US maintains a research station there year 'round. Sooo there are people ther who could be victim to a murderer. Even if they wer ther to act as teh murderer’s custodians, why should anyone else have to suffer that climate? I guess you mean that you want to just drop the condemned of and let him fend for him self.

Since it is not naturally conducive to human existence, in otherwords, anyone sent there would most likely perish shortly after arrival. Wouldn’t that in essence be a “Death Sentence?”

At least a Death Sentence at San (Saint) Quentin State Prison (California’s home to the Condemed) can afford a person 30 or 40 years or more years of life.
Then how 'bout The North Pole, or Greenland, or better still, an uninhabited island?
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