Scott Hahn and "fallible collection of infallible documents"

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Spiritual unity, @lanman87?

You and I don’t have a mutual understanding about things. So, we’re not an unity. Unity is mutual and common understanding; true catholicity that your illusion lacks.

How can you have a spiritual unity in Christ when you guys can’t even agree whether or not Christ meant the Words of Institution literally or figuratively? How can you guys say you’re led by the same Holy Spirit when you guys disagree on so many points of doctrine?

Being led by the Spirit ensures a common understanding; true catholicity.

I’m afraid your Kumbaya circle isn’t catholic.
How can you have a spiritual unity in Christ when you guys can’t even agree whether or not Christ meant the Words of Institution literally or figuratively?
Because our unity doesn’t come from us. We are all screwed up sinners who fall at the feet of Christ and beg for mercy. Our unity comes from Christ alone and His Spirit.

Even Catholics aren’t as unified as you make them out to be.

If I become a Catholic should I be a Thomas or Molinist?
If I become a Catholic which type of Mass should I attend?
If I become a Catholic should I be a Charismatic Catholic or a Traditionalist?

Those question aren’t really any different that asking if I should be a Methodist or Presbyterian or Assembly of God.
Nope, @lanman87.

Your point doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, @lanman87.
I’ve got the truth on my side, @lanman87. What you have is your revision.

As for your other point:

It doesn’t matter if I’m Franciscan, Jesuit or Dominican or Ukrainian Greek; we know and believe, in common; that it’s Our Lord Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity at the altar.

We have true catholicity on our side. All you have is semantics and word games about what you think Jesus said and meant.
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You’re free to believe what you want, @lanman87. The truth is there, regardless what you believe.
I can prove my points.
Proving just might be vain disputation or counter intuitive in matters of faith.

Now evidences is something else (valuable) , as well as testifying to substances experienced and known.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”
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How can you have a spiritual unity in Christ when you guys can’t even agree whether or not Christ meant the Words of Institution literally or figuratively?
Don’t forget variances on water baptism, or Holy Spirit baptism, or predestination, or eternal security or rapture, or post or pre millennialists, etc., etc.

Indeed, we “community” folk must be unified in being saved by grace, and not by being “church” folk or right on everything.
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doesn’t matter if I’m Franciscan, Jesuit or Dominican or Ukrainian Greek; we know and believe, in common
There is not unanimous consent of early fathers and popes on a lot of things.

Thankfully some stuff is " in common", even amongst Catholics and Protestants and Orthodox.

Happy Easter to all in Christ Jesus.
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Im sorry mcq72, I really just dont get this statement. How do you have faith on what was handed down to you (scripture canon) then differ what was handed down. Respectfully i just done get this position.

Well, when you became Catholic or raised as one, they handed you a bible. When I became a Protestant they handed me a bible. You have faith in your canon as I have faith in mine. Twas handed down to us. Yes, your handing down goes back further, but our rationale for our difference goes back just as far.
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