Scott Hahn and "fallible collection of infallible documents"

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The question is can they back up their claims with history and logic?
Its being done daily, to millions, and the paradigm is the same as yours. Granted, their history is limited and their logic is subjective, but im sure they think ours is as well which gets me back to my point.

The difference in wresting the truth and resting in the truth is usually a heart matter, not indoctrination.
I hope you are not suggesting that people’s confusion from the differing things they are told is in their own heart, are you?
They could profess the same thing and they too have the same scriptures used to back up their position.
And they do.
And since there is no “magic bullet” of qualifying rightness the lost person who may be searching is now justified in his confusion.
Ok, give them your magic bullet and see how many you unjustify, taking away their confusion, unto true salvation.

Indeed a few may repent , but so to from a non sectarian gospel.
I hope you are not suggesting that people’s confusion from the differing things they are told is in their own heart, are you?
Are you suggesting Mormons and JW’s are simply confused by other viewpoints, that if there were a united Christian Church, all Catholic ( no O’s or P’s) , that there would be no confused folk, no Mormons etc.?
I’m afraid you have it completely backwards friend. It’s not absurd that your agree with Jerome. It is Evangelicalism that is absurd … or, at least, it should appear absurd to anyone who has delved into the “fallible collection of infallible documents” issue.
Well, at the end of the day it comes to faith. Do I have faith the God revealed the 27 books he wanted as Scripture to the church. Yes I do. Do I have understand that the church came to an agreement about what those 27 books are. Yes I do. Do I have faith that this was the will of God and He is the one responsible for this happening. Yes I do.

You see, it is not really about having faith in people, or even the church. It is about having faith in God and that His will has been accomplished.
It may surprise you to learn that Catholics can (and do) use that same kind of my-beliefs-are-validated-by-my-faith approach.
It is a fallacy to claim once right = always right and once wrong=always wrong.
Believe it or not, I agree with you on this point.

The Church of Alexandria is a good illustration: it was the hero of the Council of Ephesus in 431, but the villain of the Council of Chalcedon in 451.
An analogy would be engineers leaving the Ford Motor Company, redesigning the Model T and claiming they’re the one true Ford Motor Company.
Well, from our point of view, the Model T was redesigned, but by her own engineers. Others then went back to designing the old model. They more rightly may be like a Ford, where as ironically, the Ford company calls the other car " new" , and not up to Ford standards.
There was a book written a few years ago by a Protestant titled, “Canon Revisited” by Dr. Michael Kruger which addresses the NT canon. Last year a book was written that deals with the OT canon titled, “Why Protestant Bibles are smaller.”
Ok, give them your magic bullet and see how many you unjustify, taking away their confusion, unto true salvation.
The “magic bullet” (not my words) is in unity. Their justification, and equally their motivation, is in our (Christian) disunity.

Look, i really dont care if Catholicism is not the true church, I honestly dont care which church/denomination it is. But if Catholicism is not please show me/us where this true church is and i will violate the stay-at-home-order today and head that way for the sake of unity. This is what the Lord prayed for in Jn 17 and this unity is the only magic bullet that will keep other’s from further destorting the Word of God to the extreams they have. Otherwise, the disunity (non-agreements) allows them to use the confusion and say “even they (orthodox Christians) cant agree on what the Word of God says therefore who is to say we (Mormons or JWs) have it wrong”. Is this really that hard to see? Only together can we give them the “magic bullet”. “I” dont have a “magic bullet” but together “we” do.

The “magic bullet” (not my words) is in unity. Their justification, and equally their motivation, is in our (Christian) disunity.
Honestly, when we look at Catholicism we don’t (or at least I don’t) personally see the unity you profess. Yes, you are unified on the sacraments and the dogmas of the church. But you also have different denominations under that umbrella of unity. I’ve mentioned some of them. Thomist or Molinist? SSPX, Traditionalist, Evangelical, Liberals, Charismatics, those crazy dudes in the Philippines that crucify each other every year, those folks in Latin American who have incorporated Voodoo into their version of Catholicism.

You have those that thing Protestants are brothers and sisters in Christ and work with Protestant churches to better their community. And you have those who think Protestants are following Satan and are all going straight to hell.

So while the Church teaches that we are all unified. The reality is the people of the church (and many bishops and priest) are split just about as much as protestant in thought and practice. Usually when I say that I get the answer that they aren’t all following “real Catholicism”. Well, they certainly believe their version of Catholicism is the correct version.
Well that is kinda that point. They all believe they are obedient to the Catholic Church.
Being a ‘cafeteria catholic’ or better yet, eating from the buffet over the banquet is somewhat dangerous.
Honestly, when we look at Catholicism we don’t (or at least I don’t) personally see the unity you profess. Yes, you are unified on the sacraments and the dogmas of the church. But you also have different denominations under that umbrella of unity. I’ve mentioned some of them. Thomist or Molinist? SSPX, Traditionalist, Evangelical, Liberals, Charismatics, those crazy dudes in the Philippines that crucify each other every year, those folks in Latin American who have incorporated Voodoo into their version of Catholicism.
Is 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways—oracle of the LORD.”
But I do understand your viewpoint. All I am asking is WHO gets to draw the lines that do eventually become division? You? Me? Westboro Baptist Church? Maybe the next Westboro Baptist Church?
You have those that thing Protestants are brothers and sisters in Christ and work with Protestant churches to better their community. And you have those who think Protestants are following Satan and are all going straight to hell.
And we also have teaching tool (ccc) that says otherwise that even you can use to correct those that may stray from the truth. What objective definitive tool do you have, that Mormons, JW’s and WBC don’t have, to correct other Christians who are straying from the truth? What do you have, that Mormons and JW’s don’t have, that can tell the Westboro Baptist church they have crossed the line?
So while the Church teaches that we are all unified. The reality is the people of the church (and many bishops and priest) are split just about as much as protestant in thought and practice. Usually when I say that I get the answer that they aren’t all following “real Catholicism”. Well, they certainly believe their version of Catholicism is the correct version.
…and they eventually will leave the church because of their personal thoughts. You are making my point for me.

But enough deflecting lanman87 - If you can’t definitively show the true church, and if there is no “magic bullet” to rightly define the faith, then why cant Mormons, JWs, WBC or whoever use your paradigm, “the bible as sole rule” to define and justify their faith? I usually ask this and get an answer something like “because they don’t profess Christ” in which I answer “sure they do, just not as you have interpreted this “sole rule of faith”. What makes your interpretation more right than theirs? And so the circle continues… Please put an end to this and define which church is the true church so the souls who are seeking can know.

Well that is kinda that point. They all believe they are obedient to the Catholic Church.
I don’t want get too far off-topic, but as I read your various comments about unity (or lack thereof) in the Catholic Church, I keep things “Isn’t that how it always was?”
In a free society anyone can profess anything. The question is can they back up their claims with history and logic?
If someone believes in Sola Scriptura, why would they try to back up their claims with history?
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