When you’re corrected by your parents or fellow LDS, do you think they do it because they don’t love you? Why would you think we’re any different? We try to correct people’s view of God so they can come to a better understanding of Who He really is, because we love Him, and them. We don’t do it just to win a stupid argument. We want everyone to find the truth about God, so they can get closer to Him.Thank you for all the love and respect you have shown me.
Our DNA is flawed because of the corruption that occurred as a result of sin. I know you’d rather just think we’re all born as perfect human beings. That would be nice, but if it was true, we’d all be born in the Garden of Eden. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen that Garden. If it was true, why would we need a savior? You still didn’t answer that question.I can never accept that we are sinners because of bummer DNA. If that were true, why would we be responsible for anything we do, we’re nothing but automations, pre-programmed from our DNA?
How does being born with Original Sin make us automatons? Are we robots? Do we all have the same thoughts, like the Borg? Of course not. We have free will to do whatever we want. We decide whether to sin or not. Our own sins just add to the Original Sin.
How do LDS define sin?TRANSGRESSIONAdam & Eve’s transgression (sin to you Catholics) brought death into the world. It’s a jump to say it also brought corruption. The spiritual death was being cut off from the presence of the Lord.
an act, process, or instance of transgressing: as an **infringement or violation of a law, command, or duty **
1: an offense against religious or moral law
2: a: transgression of the law of God

Our ‘spirit’ is our soul, basically. It’s the part of us that’s immortal (not to be confused with eternal). Once God creates it, it can never be destroyed. But, it’s not composed of any kind of matter. It’s more like a thought. We know it exists because God told us it does, but it’s a completely different substance, that’s not made of any kind of physical ‘material’. We won’t completely understand what it is until we pass over the veil. There’s actually a very good article here that discusses what a soul is believed to be and what it does. The soul certainly influences all of our thoughts and actions, but our values are learned from our parents and the world around us. They affect the moral choices of our will.I think it’s time to whip out the catechism again. What is our spirit? Isn’t the part of us that decides everything, based on our values? If God made that part perfect and then Satan corrupted it, then Satan is in charge of our salvation. He’s the one who decides who is good or evil.
The influence of Satan (evil/sin) is what ultimately corrupted the world. He tempted Adam & Eve to sin. That’s why God punished him and sent him into the earth before them. His evil is what caused the corruption. He’s certainly not ‘in charge’ of our salvation, nor does he decide who chooses between good and evil. He wants us to go to hell and suffer the same fate as him, eternal damnation. He’s the reason we needed Jesus to save us, because Satan is very powerful and only God can defeat him. No mortal man ever could. Jesus is God, and always has been. He defeated Satan by His death on the cross. He reopened Heaven to righteous souls that live according to God’s law, and follow Him. He doesn’t save our bodies from physical death. He saves our souls from eternal damnation. Spiritual ‘death’ is eternal damnation.
Lucifer was the highest, most powerful and most intelligent angel ever created by God. He was also the most loved and favored, but it went to his head. Pride made him want more than God was willing to give him. He wanted to be worshiped like God because he knew how wonderful he was. When God wouldn’t give him what he wanted, he rebelled like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. That’s why he hates humans, because God still loves us. He gave us a second chance when Satan deceived Adam & Eve. The angels already knew what they were doing when they made their choice, but Adam & Eve had no knowledge of evil before they ate the fruit, that’s why we get a second chance.
Both God and the devil can inspire us to take certain actions, but we always make the final choice between listening to the devil, and listening to God. Those are always our two possible choices. (Some of us already said that, several times in this thread.) Original Sin is a stain on our souls when we’re born. It gets washed away, along with all of our actual sins, through Baptism. It doesn’t affect our free will at all. We always choose which way we’ll go, to follow good or evil, God or the Devil.