Which begs the question. Why then do we need a new Rose?
So if I understand you, you are saying that it is a failure of man to bring the fragrance of Christ to the world and therefore we need to be reminded ever so often through various manifestations. This would mean, however, that Christ’s own Church has failed in its great commission to teach all nations. It then follows that Christ’s promises to this Church have failed. Yet the evidence in front of us supports the Catholic position that His Church will never fail. As I have already stated, it is the oldest institution on earth, having outlived every single human institution on earth since its inception. Reality does not contradict the claim, but rather supports it.
God bless.
. Thank you very much for understanding what it seems may be a little hard for me to properly communicate. Also, before it slips my mind, I want to say thank you for all the patience and loving Christian dialogue I have received from you and so many others on the CAF threads.
. There is something sacred, so very sacred, about the Holy Spirit which God sends to humanity. It is like the bright summer sun, but also the winter sun, and the fall and spring sun. It is each of these, and it appears and disappears, then reappears each morning.
. In this amazing age we live in, I have to wonder whats going on in the rest of the universe. (I really like the Hubble…
Although it seems to extend beyond the Genesis story, I don’t think it contradicts it, and what we’re finding out is that there are more planets out there than stars, and they figure at least 20% of the stars have planets in the “habitable zone”.
. We can’t confine God to our own understanding. “He doeth what He willeth” He has sent His Prophets and Messengers to earth for humanity. I gotta wonder how those Martians could get along without their own Noahs, Moses, and Jesuses. (sp?)
. When we accept the beauty of the rose, we also recollect that the ancestor of that rose blossomed in full bloom in grandma’s garden, too. And her grandma’s, and hers, and hers, and hers ad infinitum. It seems a shame to think that God would not keep sending roses to all the future grandmas to their gardens, forever, and ever, and ever…
. There are Spiritual Roses, too, and Spiritual Springtimes in which They appear, renewing the Beauty and the Fragrances which poured forth from ancient times. Each season has its Light, and then there is a period of darkness, though in reality, that Light always goes on shining. It can never be put out. No matter how many times we hack down those Roses, they just shine on, and on, and on… (makes me think of John Lennon’s song…
. We live in a world of time. God doesn’t need time. We do. So in our world of time, this or that happens, and we look at our calendars, and say this is where we’re at on this timeline. In reality, we don’t always know where we’re at. We may be here, or we may be there - in relation to what God does, I mean, for us. So what time is it? Really? Is it Spring yet?
. God bless you, brother Steve.
. Thought I heard the cock crow…