Catholics who have taken the sedevacantist position believe that there is a substantial difference between the Novus Ordo and the Catholic Faith, which can be observed in the New Mass and the Sacraments, the 1983 code of Canon Law, the New Catechism and the new ordinary universal Magisterium. They see these two rel;igions as being incompatible and unable to exist together in one Church,
The recognition of this difference results in the conviction that because the Novus Ordo is substantially different from the Cathtolic Church then it quite simply cannot be Catholic and because it is not Catholic, it is impossible that such a thing could have been promulgated by the authority of the Catholic Church in the first place. Since the Church cannot err in matters of doctrine and worship, they therefore conclude that it is impossible that those who promulgated the Novus Ordo have the authority of the Catholic Church and that therefore it is impossible that Paul V1, John Paul 1 and John Paul 11 be popes.
These principles are sound and are supported by the the teachings of the Church. The indefectibility of the the Church is maintained by this viewpoint as it precludes the association of the abomination of Modernism with the Immaculate Bride of Christ.
The visibility of the Church is also maintained as it is seen in those who publicly adhere to the Catholic Faith and who look forward with great anticipation to the election of a Roman Pontiff at some stage in the future when God decides. This system does not necessarily strip every bishop of authority, only those who adhere to the New Religion. Sedevacantism does not alter the nature of the Catholic Church and it leaves the restoration of order in the hands of God.
I believe that due to the public proffession of heresy manifested by word and deed, JP2 and the Novus Ordo hierarchy have publicly defected from the Faith and have therefore tacitly resigned their offices in accordance with Canon 188 no 4.
Pope Paul 1V’s Cum ex Apostolatus also supports my beliefs as it states that even if a heretic is elected to the Papacy by the unanimous consent of the cardinals and even if he had the appearance of having acceded to the Papacy he would still not be Pope.
The practise of the Church has always been the same as has been demonstrated by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers who held that anyone who receeded even in the smallest degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritive Magesterium, was outside the Church. (Pope Leo X111, Satis Cognitum)
This is a brief explanation as to why an increasing number of Catholics see no alternative other than to adopt the Sedevacantist position. It is the only position that makes any sense to us amidst the devastation of the aftermath of Vatican 11. One only has to view a cross section of this forum to see what a tangled web has been weaved since Vat.11. What a mess!
I do not need any of you to agree with me and I am not going to waste time trying to convince anyone who is not prepared to think outside the square of the Novus Ordo Church. If you have honestly done your homework with an open mind and come to a different conclusion then so be it! I am content to agree to disagree. I have been around long enough to realise that the debate is futile with most people. However, I thank those of you who have contacted me privately and look forward to corresponding with you in the near future.