Paul Danon:
Forgive me if I do the quote below in full. The thread is closed so I need to pick up where this particular topic left off.
*Unitatis redintegratio *may contain some truth but that doesn’t mean it can’t contain error.
Say I say to you that:
*]red is red
*]blue is blue
*]yellow is yellow
*]black is white
and you point out that black isn’t white. I might reply: “Aha, but 1 to 3 are correct.” You’d be right in saying to me that, just because 1 to 3 are correct, that doesn’t make 4 right too.
Unitatis redintegratio may have some correct stuff in it, but it also says that the holy Ghost uses protestant services and that those churches are means of salvation.
Error is a parasite. It cannot exist without the truth, and St Pius X pointed out that this is a classic trait of the heresy of Modernism: to convey falsehood by couching it in truth. This particular error jumps right out of the page. Of course, the Holy Ghost does not use false religions as a conduit of salvation. The very idea is blasphemous nonesense.