We do seem to be having a problem communicating.
We should not be reluctant to use all of the tools available to us.
Again, my comments were addressed to a Catholic, and I was attempting to point out the implications of rejecting a fundamental doctrine of the church. Mine was not an argument about homosexuality; it was about what it really means to claim the church is wrong about a fundamental issue.Joe 5859 said:
it is technically true that the Church does have that authority, appealing to that authority is definitely not the way to convince the unconvinced.
I agree with this, which is why I am unenthusiastic about the claim that natural reason will (as opposed to “may possibly”) lead one to the correct conclusion about a difficult moral issue. I’m pretty sure that what most people think of as natural reason is simply rationalization.Most philosophers and theologians, however, think that most people, most of the time, don’t engage in critical thinking at all.
I was addressing that issue by pointing out the consequences of assuming that the church is not infallible (in those things which she in fact teaches are…infallible).But, for better or worse, many/most Catholics don’t believe the Church is infallible, and you can’t take that for granted – especially when the person is specifically questioning an infallible teaching!
Aquinas may be able to successfully argue this point from natural reason but most people cannot, as can readily be seen from some of the interminable arguments that have arisen on this forum. Natural reason is the only tool we have in discussing this topic with a non-Catholic, but it is not the only tool available in debates with Catholics.…the truth made known to us by Revelation is neither the product nor the consummation of an argument devised by human reason. (Fides et Ratio #15)But Aquinas argued for the wrongness of sodomy from natural reason, not from revealed truth.
We should not be reluctant to use all of the tools available to us.
True, but while it is reasonable for a Protestant (Muslim, Buddhist,…) to reject what the Catholic church teaches, it is irrational for a Catholic to do so.But one must have the ability, at the very least, to discern the true Church.
True again, but you can reasonably point out to a person what it means to claim both to be a Catholic and to reject the certainties the Catholic church professes.You cannot know that a group is the true Church simply by asking whether they infallibly say that they are.