Serious doubts about Church teaching on homosexuality

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What would you suggest to LGBT people who have given their all to celibacy only to see it fail them?
Repent, confess, receive the sacraments as often as possible. Pray frequently and trust in the Lord.

I find great strength(and comfort) in confronting my sinful inclinations by reading the lives of the Saints.
Do you know how rare such prayer groups are, Tigg? Most straight Catholics wouldn’t be seen within miles of a ministry to gay people. Sad, but true.
Not rare at all.In fact my parish had a prayer group every dayv of the week for all sinners It’s called the Mass.We don’t have specific groups for those who engage in Homosexual behavior but then we dont have groups for adulterers, those addicted to pornography, those living together without being married,etc. either.
Oh, Joie, I’m so sorry!

I obviously can’t speak to any of the details, but your friend has my prayers.
H was quite aware of the spiritual consequences, it got so bad that he just didn’t care anymore.
When I lived in a very large city, I was part of a prayer group that ministered to many gays. They came to church and socialized with our immediate group; a welcome was even printed in the bulletin. Not once did I ever hear a disparaging word spoken to them and in praying with these people it opened up avenues of some very deep sharing on their part. I never once in the six years of this ministry heard of any incident of a gay being hurt by the general community; although cruel comments did come from within their own family.
That’s actually very unusual.
This leaves me perplexed about those Catholics the OP seems to be associating with. Perhaps she’s speaking about something she’s read on blogs or even on this forum. I would venture a guess that one’s own conflict in the deepest part of their soul with the daily living of a life of homosexuality would indeed create fear and one’s own conscience, that voice of God, is relentless when living with incongruous attitudes and remember, she also said she is trying to follow the teachings of the Church. I would be afraid too.
I’m not even gay and bullying over perceived sexual orientation still managed to mess me up pretty bad.
Do you know how rare such prayer groups are, Tigg? Most straight Catholics wouldn’t be seen within miles of a ministry to gay people. Sad, but true.
I agree with you. Our culture is so hung up on being PC these days that most people feel like they have to walk around blacks, gays, etc with kid gloves and in a wide circle. My daughter (one of my 5 kids) is a lesbian. She has never faced a moment of discrimination, but anytime she doesn’t get what she wants, that’s the first sentence out of her mouth… I quit molly-coddling her years ago and now she know better than to play that game or card with me. Sometimes you don’t get what you want because someone else is better equipped and sometimes you don’t know why you don’t get it. Life is what it is. All people have to deal with diappointments and get over themselves. That goes for gays too.
Brown people are still treated with tons of suspicion these days. I still see people making extra sure they locked their cars when they see black people walk by, even if they are in said car, when said black person is wearing a button down shirt and slacks that is just plain racism. I still saw plenty of abuse directed at gay people in urban California. There have still been cases of transgendered people being killed or have people gravely injure them.
Repent, confess, receive the sacraments as often as possible. Pray frequently and trust in the Lord.

I find great strength(and comfort) in confronting my sinful inclinations by reading the lives of the Saints.
I’m talking about the point some reach where they are just simply too burned out to continue.
Not rare at all.In fact my parish had a prayer group every dayv of the week for all sinners It’s called the Mass.We don’t have specific groups for those who engage in Homosexual behavior but then we dont have groups for adulterers, those addicted to pornography, those living together without being married,etc. either.
If we don’t have a group where people can confess their sins and temptations to one another – whatever they are – then we are not carrying out the teachings of Jesus, as relayed to us through the book of Acts. This is where, sadly, American Protestant churches are much more faithful to the historical reality of the Church than American Catholic churches.

It’s not a problem with the Church as such, though, but a problem with churches and dioceses.

By the way, I love this sort of response. I complain that we don’t have sufficient help for gay people, and you respond that we don’t have sufficient help for adulterers, pornophiles, fornicators, and so on. I agree. And these sins are major scourges on the Catholic Church right now. SO WHY DON’T WE GIVE THESE PEOPLE HELP – ALL OF THEM? :confused:

(It doesn’t have to be dedicated groups – in fact, I somewhat dislike dedicated groups. But we need to make clear that we want to share in one another’s struggles, in some straightforward way).

Sorry to shout. I feel somewhat strongly about this. And if Jesus meant for the Confession and the Eucharist to be the sole means of support for people, He would never have let Acts and the Epistles be written the way they were.
This leaves me perplexed about those Catholics the OP seems to be associating with. Perhaps she’s speaking about something she’s read on blogs or even on this forum. I would venture a guess that one’s own conflict in the deepest part of their soul with the daily living of a life of homosexuality would indeed create fear and one’s own conscience, that voice of God, is relentless when living with incongruous attitudes and remember, she also said she is trying to follow the teachings of the Church. I would be afraid too.
Yes, the Church’s teachings could naturally inspire fear, sure. But the role of an evangelist is just like the role of a nurse – bring the patient to the surgeon, as gently as possible. And we are all evangelists, 100% of the time. The surgeon has some hard truths for Naomily. But I don’t see what role individual Catholics (and strangers!) have in rubbing in these truths, especially since Naomily doesn’t seem confused about what the Church actually teaches.

We are not surgeons. 🤷
If we don’t have a group where people can confess their sins and temptations to one another – whatever they are – then we are not carrying out the teachings of Jesus, as relayed to us through the book of Acts. This is where, sadly, American Protestant churches are much more faithful to the historical reality of the Church than American Catholic churches.

It’s not a problem with the Church as such, though, but a problem with churches and dioceses.

By the way, I love this sort of response. I complain that we don’t have sufficient help for gay people, and you respond that we don’t have sufficient help for adulterers, pornophiles, fornicators, and so on. I agree. And these sins are major scourges on the Catholic Church right now. SO WHY DON’T WE GIVE THESE PEOPLE HELP – ALL OF THEM? :confused:

(It doesn’t have to be dedicated groups – in fact, I somewhat dislike dedicated groups. But we need to make clear that we want to share in one another’s struggles, in some straightforward way).

Sorry to shout. I feel somewhat strongly about this. And if Jesus meant for the Confession and the Eucharist to be the sole means of support for people, He would never have let Acts and the Epistles be written the way they were.
You misunderstood what I said.I didn’t say we don’t have sufcicient help for other groups of sinners.I said wee have sufficient help for ALL sinners. Repent ,confess, go to Mass as often as possible and pray . I think just as bad as believing homosexuality is somehow worse than other sexual sins is the idea it needs solutions different than those for other sins.
You misunderstood what I said.I didn’t say we don’t have sufcicient help for other groups of sinners.I said wee have sufficient help for ALL sinners. Repent ,confess, go to Mass as often as possible and pray . I think just as bad as believing homosexuality is somehow worse than other sexual sins is the idea it needs solutions different than those for other sins.
You misunderstand what I said. 🤷

I don’t think homosexuality is a worse temptation than others. I think ALL temptations need more support than just repentance, confession, Mass, and prayer.
My now former pastor always says that the Church is not a hotel for saints, but a hospital for sinners. Miss OP, this is what you have to remember. Be sure to remain in the bosom of the Church and, although some people refuse to show homosexuals charity, you should know that most of us do follow the “love the sinner, hate the sin” mentality.

Also remember that this is the cross that you were made to bear. Yes, we may fall, but like Jesus and with His help, we can rise up again and again and we better in the end. Something I have realized recently is that the gift of perserverance is one of the most important virtues, keep praying for it. Also, maybe find a spiritual director who can help you with your predicament. 🙂

May God bless you all!
You misunderstand what I said. 🤷

I don’t think homosexuality is a worse temptation than others. I think ALL temptations need more support than just repentance, confession, Mass, and prayer.
I don’t discount the value of support graphs.AS wss crucial in my sobering up.But the fact that a particular parish does not offer such support groups is not an indication they don’t care.And I beg to differ that we need more help than just the sacraments.That is all that is needed. ThecKey is getting people to realize this.How can you possibly have more help than holding the creator of the universe in your hand and following his admonition to consume him.?
You are very brave to come to this forum for advice. Since it is mostly populated by conservative Catholics, I advise you to seek counsel from a trusted local church leader, a deacon, a nun, a lay minister, a priest in your parish. I would also strongly, very strongly advise you to seek counsel from a reputable therapist. You have a lot of concerns you need to work through.

You also need to realize that there more Catholics out there in the US that support your life style than are against it. Remember, you, me, our fellow parishioners, our church leaders… we are all single bricks in the foundation of the church. No one person is the Church, not me, not you, no one here in this forum, not even the pope himself. The bricks of our church are made up of a very diverse group of people with varying traditions & practices. Catholics all over the world are masters at intertwining local traditions with their faith. Vestiges of our missionary work, our Church is a cornucopia of diversity, contrary to what many US Catholics think. You’re just one more variation. Remember, who you are, your feelings, your personality, your entire being is loved by God. And anyone who tries to defame God by defaming you is not your concern. We are all sinners one way or another & God loves us just the same.

Lastly, I have never met a single Catholic who follows the church 100%. Most Catholic men & women have used birth control at least 1x in their lives. We all know Catholics who believe in capital punishment even though the Church has said with our current prison system, we should not execute. We all know Catholics who regularly speak out against politicians in ways that are mean spirited & anger filled. We all know Catholics who think the USCCB doesn’t speak for them, especially when the bishops called for greater govt spending on the poor & greater gun control laws. We all know Catholic who’d rather pay extra $ for the heated seat options in their cars than spend that $ to help the poor. I like to spend $ on books when I could easily get them from the library. I could use that $ to help fund a ministry instead. What would Jesus do? Spend $ on unnecessary things, big houses, nice cars, jewelry, the sports cable package, vacations, books, etc. or would he feed the poor? We are all cafeteria Catholics. Live the best life you can, be kind, do not judge, defend the victims, care for others, & love God with all your heart & soul. Stay true to the creed, follow the commandments, live the beatitudes. Be true to you… because you, your life, is a gift from God. Be strong. Do not allow anyone to soil that gift for you. You are the sacred keeper of that gift & your connection with God is yours alone. Who are we to judge? We are not God. Our judgments of you & your lifestyle are our sins and are of no concern of yours. Be well, good luck & God bless.
PeopleB4Things #293
We are all cafeteria Catholics
What a cop out! Typical of the cafeteria Catholic. The pick and choose, self–described “Catholic” needs to listen to Christ Himself:
“if he refuses to hear even the Church let him be like the heathen and a publican.” (Mt 18:17).

CCC 2359: Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

As part of his homily on June 10, 2013, Pope Francis said this:
“This is salvation: to live in the consolation of the Holy Spirit, not the consolation of the spirit of this world. No, that is not salvation, that is sin. Salvation is moving forward and opening our hearts so they can receive the Holy Spirit’s consolation, which is salvation. This is non-negotiable, you can’t take a bit from here and a bit from there? We cannot pick and mix, no? A bit of the Holy Spirit, a bit of the spirit of this world … No! It’s one thing or the other.”

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said, “Being an adult means having a faith which does not follow the waves of today’s fashions or the latest novelties. A faith which is deeply rooted in friendship with Christ is adult and mature.”
do not judge
Unfortunately this is used often without an iota of understanding that it is a major misrepresentation of the teaching of Christ as to the need to judge everything. Hence the virtual acceptance of error and the promulgation of error in faith and morals.

We may not judge motives, intentions, and guilt before God but we are commanded by Christ Himself to judge actions, speech, writing against truth and in this way we can help others by offering truth.

The rule from Christ is:
“Judge not that you be not judged.” (Mt 7:1)

“Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly.” (Jn 7:24).

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them” (Mt 7:15, 16).

“Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them.” (Mt 7:19-20).
You are very brave to come to this forum for advice. Since it is mostly populated by conservative Catholics, I advise you to seek counsel from a trusted local church leader, a deacon, a nun, a lay minister, a priest in your parish. I would also strongly, very strongly advise you to seek counsel from a reputable therapist. You have a lot of concerns you need to work through.

So what is the difference between a conservative catholic and other Catholics? Have been that many have posted in detail church teaching on this what do you expect the original poster to gain from going to a local church leader, deacon Nun, etc?
You also need to realize that there more Catholics out there in the US that support your life style than are against it. Remember, you, me, our fellow parishioners, our church leaders… we are all single bricks in the foundation of the church. No one person is the Church, not me, not you, no one here in this forum, not even the pope himself. The bricks of our church are made up of a very diverse group of people with varying traditions & practices. Catholics all over the world are masters at intertwining local traditions with their faith. Vestiges of our missionary work, our Church is a cornucopia of diversity, contrary to what many US Catholics think. You’re just one more variation. Remember, who you are, your feelings, your personality, your entire being is loved by God. And anyone who tries to defame God by defaming you is not your concern. We are all sinners one way or another & God loves us just the same.
I fail to see why the fact that all members of the church are centers somehow gives one a free pass to engage in homosexual behavior. And you could not be more wrong when you say we’re all church leaders. Our church leadership is based on apostolic secession and is held by the pope and other members of the magisterium.

You are correct that God loves us regardless. If there is nothing we can do to make God love us anymore and there is nothing we can do to make God love us any less. However we are given the three wheel to reject God and with that rejection there are consequences.
Lastly, I have never met a single Catholic who follows the church 100%. Most Catholic men & women have used birth control at least 1x in their lives. We all know Catholics who believe in capital punishment even though the Church has said with our current prison system, we should not execute. We all know Catholics who regularly speak out against politicians in ways that are mean spirited & anger filled. We all know Catholics who think the USCCB doesn’t speak for them, especially when the bishops called for greater govt spending on the poor & greater gun control laws. We all know Catholic who’d rather pay extra $ for the heated seat options in their cars than spend that $ to help the poor. I like to spend $ on books when I could easily get them from the library. I could use that $ to help fund a ministry instead. What would Jesus do? Spend $ on unnecessary things, big houses, nice cars, jewelry, the sports cable package, vacations, books, etc. or would he feed the poor? We are all cafeteria Catholics. Live the best life you can, be kind, do not judge, defend the victims, care for others, & love God with all your heart & soul. Stay true to the creed, follow the commandments, live the beatitudes. Be true to you… because you, your life, is a gift from God. Be strong. Do not allow anyone to soil that gift for you. You are the sacred keeper of that gift & your connection with God is yours alone. Who are we to judge? We are not God. Our judgments of you & your lifestyle are our sins and are of no concern of yours. Be well, good luck & God bless.
Again is a supposed to be some kind of great revelation at all Catholics are sinners?
And no one is soiling either God’s love or god’s gift to those who engage in homosexual behavior. They are soiling it themselves. That’s what sin does. But the good news is that forgiveness is just a confession away.
If we don’t have a group where people can confess their sins and temptations to one another – whatever they are – then we are not carrying out the teachings of Jesus, as relayed to us through the book of Acts. This is where, sadly, American Protestant churches are much more faithful to the historical reality of the Church than American Catholic churches.

It’s not a problem with the Church as such, though, but a problem with churches and dioceses.

By the way, I love this sort of response. I complain that we don’t have sufficient help for gay people, and you respond that we don’t have sufficient help for adulterers, pornophiles, fornicators, and so on. I agree. And these sins are major scourges on the Catholic Church right now. SO WHY DON’T WE GIVE THESE PEOPLE HELP – ALL OF THEM? :confused:
You get that you are the Catholic Church, too, right?

“Why doesn’t someone do something?!” Why don’t you?
You get that you are the Catholic Church, too, right?

“Why doesn’t someone do something?!” Why don’t you?
I am. Both individually, by working with young people with SSA, and through my blog, and through shouting about this issue as loudly as I can to people in the Church. This forum is one place where I shout, but it’s not the only one.

You get that you are the Catholic Church, too, right?

“Why doesn’t someone do something?!” Why don’t you?
“Courage” is a wonderful group that consists of gay Catholics supporting each other. “Encourage” its sister group is a support group for parents and relatives of gays. Many Parishes have active chapters—if your parish doesn’t, why not look it up on your search engine and start one? Wouldn’t that be a more helpful approach than simply cursing the dawn?
“Courage” is a wonderful group that consists of gay Catholics supporting each other. “Encourage” its sister group is a support group for parents and relatives of gays. Many Parishes have active chapters—if your parish doesn’t, why not look it up on your search engine and start one? Wouldn’t that be a more helpful approach than simply cursing the dawn?
Hi there,

Look, I **am **going to the Courage conference this year, so again, you guys are presuming things about my inactivity. And I am not here to “curse the dawn”. I’m here to express clearly and unambiguously that same-sex attracted Catholics (and other Catholics) need help getting freed from shame – especially if nobody else knows about their shame!

If you really want to know, I feel a calling to become an evangelist to the gay community, and especially to teenagers with same-sex attraction. That isn’t something Courage is doing, not really. And I would, honestly, be speaking very publicly and very loudly (though also respectfully) in Church circles – but I can’t, right now, because I have a dilemma. You see, I’m married and I have kids. So it’s not an easy choice to go into this sort of ministry, where the most effective thing would be to publicly admit my own same-sex attractions.
Hi there,

Look, I **am **going to the Courage conference this year, so again, you guys are presuming things about my inactivity. And I am not here to “curse the dawn”. I’m here to express clearly and unambiguously that same-sex attracted Catholics (and other Catholics) need help getting freed from shame – especially if nobody else knows about their shame!

If you really want to know, I feel a calling to become an evangelist to the gay community, and especially to teenagers with same-sex attraction. That isn’t something Courage is doing, not really. And I would, honestly, be speaking very publicly and very loudly (though also respectfully) in Church circles – but I can’t, right now, because I have a dilemma. You see, I’m married and I have kids. So it’s not an easy choice to go into this sort of ministry, where the most effective thing would be to publicly admit my own same-sex attractions.
I pray you find a way to follow your dream of counseling young LGBTQ teens. Having taught high school for 35 years I can attest to the sad fact that these kids need all the support we can show them in a positive and non-shaming manner. (I do not consider reparative therapy to be anything other than the worst sort of quackery…)
I am. Both individually, by working with young people with SSA, and through my blog, and through shouting about this issue as loudly as I can to people in the Church. This forum is one place where I shout, but it’s not the only one.

Well then it sounds like something is being done about it, no? 🙂
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