Sexual Morality "Opt-out"

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I don’t know why they want their kids confirmed either.

I was a kid around the time divorce and remarriage rates were skyrocketing. There was talk in the schools among teachers and catechists on how to manage the situation because a lot of kids were living in divorced and remarried homes, and it was a rather delicate thing to talk about the morality of their parents living situations…
It’s like spiritual insurance to some. And it’s killing our kids.
until they were sufficiently mature enough to do so.
My ancestors made their confirmation in the sixth grade. They were deemed sufficiently mature by their bishop back then. I’m not sure why the culture has changed so much. There is too much emphasis on sexuality these days. It is not the be all and end all of knowledge.
Bummer. That’s terrible. I agree with the person who said they’re not ready.
Or teach it yourself! Here’s where you can buy the materials.
Now granted, that’s not to say they will mosey down the street and find someone who will just make their foreheads oily.

I’ll say a prayer for you!!!
Oh I did like that too. And NO CLUE what was happening.
We have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, And I had NUNS teaching us.

Why is education always considered an “optional thing” on CAF?
I guess just so long as you have wifi and access to the GIRM…

I’m opting out of this thread. I don’t care for the tendency to shoot the Catechists…
My 13 year old niece knows more about sex and sexuality than I did at her age. Her public school health class just had a whole lesson on gender identity.

Did your ancestors have that to contend with? Heck, we didn’t have to deal with this crap in the 70’s & 80’s!

Kids have more access to information now than at any other time in history. Sorry, that is just a fact and we cannot continue to discount it.
Our children must be armed with the ability to defend their faith’s stance on society’s biggest obsession.
Your ancestors weren’t being taught to believe that gender was something you get to choose, people only told you not to have sex because they were trying to oppress you, and a pregnancy was just an inconvenience you could get rid of with a pill.

It’s entirely possible our approach should change as the world in which we live changes.
ETA: when our grade school offered classes on this in Middle grades. one mother was upset because of the “P-word”

Take a wild guess

Go ahead, guess

Oh. My. Lord.

ETA: I am 44. That means these parents are MY AGE.
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I was learning about women’s anatomy before I knew basic algebra. Boys definitely need to know about menstrual cycles in the 5th grade, right?

Now there’s all this gender identity stuff being taught in schools? May God have mercy on us and on the whole world. I hope the bishop gives these parents a stern talking-to about what this sacrament really means.
It’s funny because I learned about sex through state-mandated sex education. It was not a public school but the school for the deaf. I think they had the permission form but but no one opt-out at the time.
I’m just hoping he explains what the term “sexual morality” means and that it’s not the same as “sex ed” to a public school system.

That seems to be the disconnect here.
It appears they were, and they’re not getting it.

I seriously doubt they weren’t informed.
I think the issue is that these are parents who disagree with the church’s teachings on sexual morality, and don’t want their children taught that content.
I wish. There is no disconnect. The parents know exactly what we will be teaching and that is what they don’t want.

They don’t want their kiddos to hear that Aunts Sally & Susie aren’t really “married”.
They don’t want the kiddos to hear that sex outside of marriage is a sin.
They don’t want it reinforced that marriage is between a man & woman, that artificial birth control is a sin or that marriage is forever.

They want their kids to have the Sacrament because that’s what we’ve always done, but they don’t want the theology that goes with it. Very, very sad.
I think I was mixing up posts. Sorry - I got confused!

That’s even worse.

How can you call yourself Catholic, then?
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