They’re having very severe stormy weather back where the mail-order nurseries are that I use. I’m still waiting for the rest of my order to arrive from Dutch Gardens. They’ve always been really good about getting me everything I’ve ordered in a timely fashion. I do have some of it, but not all. They’ve told me that another box will be shipped soon, depending on the weather and “availability”. My order is prepaid, and they have a guarantee, so if I don’t receive it all, they should make it right.
I’ve gotten everything else I’ve ordered from the two other favorite companies I buy from each year.
We had an unseasonably warm April, this year, so all my Daffodils came up early, and the weeds always outgrow the perennials ten to one. I’ve been digging, digging, digging, because I don’t like to use RoundUp, and only use it as a last resort when there isn’t any other choice. Then, I use it sparingly.
I’m trying to get rid of the thistles before they get tall and put on flower heads.
Now, there’s something I wish the deer WOULD eat – pesky Canadian Thistles!
My tall bearded Irises are still leafing out – haven’t sent up flower stalks, yet.
Plenty to do out there. Will have some pictures later on.