She told them leggings were too suggestive, so they wore them in protest—-

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People who complaina bput what the mom wrotr do not get it.

Leggings are okay to wear if, and this is what I wear: with a long top or tunic, with a minidress, or with a miniskirt or shorts. Leggings are not pants. You also have to check to it too thin? Or is it thick enough to not be weirdly formfitting?
This just some people wearing tight clothing, not people showing vast amounts of skin.
Are the clothes that tight that they reveal hidden parts?
What’s indecent clothing for women is indecent clothing for men, anything else is moral relativism.
Men can control themselves as much as women can. Modestly dressed people get lusted after just as much as immodestly dressed people, hence #mosquemetoo.
Dressing modestly isn’t just about not tempting people, it’s also about not grossing people out.
Churchmen, until recently, taught women were more lustful than men.
Obviously they were wrong.
I am sure superheroes wears underpants on the leggins to be less indecent. They are more dressed, even if some finds them ridiculous de facto…
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I was spacing off at church today (not during the homily…the homily was good) and thinking about St. Ignatius of Loyola and leggings. I’m not judging or making light of St. Ignatius. However, something like leggings played a role in his conversion story.

His leg was badly broken with a cannon ball in a castle siege or something. Eventually he was returned home after being captured and had his leg healed, but a significant piece bone stuck out from his leg. In those days men wore something like leggings…super tight fitting pants to court. He was really like an advisor to royalty and a royal administrator before being injured, so he really needed to look good in leggings. He decided to have more surgeries to break and fix his leg again, so he would fit in at court again. There was no anesthesia back then, so it must have been horribly painful. During the recovery process, he basically got very bored and depressed and started reading about the lives of the Saints and Jesus. His conversion and spiritual growth really blossomed from there on.
It’s not ‘more difficult’. The reality is that women and men on average have different experiences with sexuality. Fine. That should not be interpreted as ‘lust is a man’s problem’ or ‘men have it harder’.
I don’t weigh into the emotive language side of it. I’m just deferring to the science of it. I trust the science and the many years of being a female and having a male husband and male sons. Males of nearly every species are physically driven by testosterone to pursue the very natural purpose of reproducing of the species. As a Catholic I also believe that God ordained a divine purpose to that natural process. Denying what is a biological fact is just a modern flight of fancy. I’m certainly not falling for it.
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