I am a big baby-man when I’m sick.People really need to stop treating men like children.
I am a big baby-man when I’m sick.People really need to stop treating men like children.
I don’t weigh into the emotive language side of it. I’m just deferring to the science of it. I trust the science and the many years of being a female and having a male husband and male sons. Males of nearly every species are physically driven by testosterone to pursue the very natural purpose of reproducing of the species. As a Catholic I also believe that God ordained a divine purpose to that natural process. Denying what is a biological fact is just a modern flight of fancy. I’m certainly not falling for it.It’s not ‘more difficult’. The reality is that women and men on average have different experiences with sexuality. Fine. That should not be interpreted as ‘lust is a man’s problem’ or ‘men have it harder’.