I am literally laughing out loud. (I totally rocked bell bottoms BTW).Not exactly an I wore bell bottoms because everyone else did kind of situation.
I am literally laughing out loud. (I totally rocked bell bottoms BTW).Not exactly an I wore bell bottoms because everyone else did kind of situation.
I went to college, studied Modern American History, learned how to research, write papers, and discuss complex subjects without dragging the Bible and God into every discussion.Really. Odd that. I was taught that everything we do and say has to do with being a follower of Christ. Here’s where I get it
I said that we have discussed both current and historical issues surrounding racism in the United States.They tell you they have no problems with the idea that evil gets a pass because it’s ok as long as it’s a “product of the times”?
It’s a matter of keeping things in proportion and avoiding preposterous and emotionally charged comparisons. Davis to Hitler is like comparing Saddam Hussein to Mao Tse-tung. We might disagree with their actions and motives but Davis was not responsible for the murder of millions or even a global calamity.How was Hitler not the same?
Sure, they could’ve walked away and fought for the Union. I wouldn’t doubt that the thought crossed their minds. From all accounts, they both were rather hesitant. But I’m sure they knew that in doing so they’d never be welcomed home again and always be regarded as traitors to the southern cause.There’s no evidence to suggest that JD and Lee couldnt have decided to not be white supremacist traitors, as many people living at that time were not.
Uhmmm…this is a bit awkward…especially since I’m a Calvinist Protestant…but you do realize we’re on a Catholic website right? As a result - the Bible does get dragged into a conversation or 2 on this site - especially when the fundamental value of all human beings is in question.I went to college, studied Modern American History, learned how to research, write papers, and discuss complex subjects without dragging the Bible and God into every discussion.
Roger that. Got it. Evil is measured in how many you murder and enslave. Pol Pot was not such a bad guy after all.Davis to Hitler is like comparing Saddam Hussein to Mao Tse-tung. We might disagree with their actions and motives but Davis was not responsible for the murder of millions or even a global calamity.
The South seceded for the reason of slavery, correct. Attempts to cast it as otherwise are historically inaccurate. And yes, the Union launched the war for political-economic reasons that were not related to slavery. However, the rest of your post is just your opinion. Hannah Arendt was certainly smarter than me and she disagreed.However, evaluating the moral superiority of the two warring “sides” is not. The confederacy launched the war to protect and promote slavery and white supremacy. The US responded first to restore the the union as it was (with limits to the expansion of slavery, then later included various degrees of emancipation). While neither position is perfect, it’s pretty clear to anyone not wilfully choosing to misunderstand that starting a separate country out of sour grapes over your difficulty expanding slavery and the desire to more vigorously enshrine white supremacy, is worse than being an imperfect country fighting to stop said upstart country.
Of course you feel that way. It’s your opinion. But I can’t find it in myself to completely side with the Union. I can identify with the abolitionists, particularly Lysander Spooner, who advocated guerrilla warfare to end slavery. However, as hard as it may seem, some things must be seen in their historical context. Some inconvenient facts:Come on; are you really going to go with Hannah on this just because she had a big brain? I feel like you know my “opinion” has the advantage of being the smart thing you talk yourself out of rather than the stupid thing you talk yourself into…
I was wrong to say all countries except ours. Still, why couldn’t we?did you want to worry about this or your Fourth point, they are mutually exclusive.
Was that really necessary?I’ll leave it to you if you want to attempt the argument that slavery and white supremacy were “fundamental” rights. (I dont think you should).
How about neither?-so? A & B are bad. Would you prefer a plate of Both A & B, or a plate of B. Not hard.
But the Zagliomorgs were right!Sadly it’s not Jefferson Day or the day the Zagliormorgs landed and taught us their ways of harmony.
People have certainly not forgotten Hitler, Stalin, or Benedict Atnold. Doesn’t mean they are building or defending statues or monuments to them.Now I admit to not having gone far in philosophy…but I think “celebrate the leading advocates of white supremacy or forget American history” is a false dilemma?
We are discussing whether chattel slavery, and fighting (whether in part or whole, whether coincidentally or with deliberation) to defend a society that was based on it, are wrong. And whether a day in honour of those who do such things is likewise wrong.When you consider that different people approach different historical events from differing perspectives it is tough to think events and people who will not offend some viewers or groups of viewers.
Hiding from the past doesn’t make it go away.