Should graphic pornography be banned?

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Or alternatively, it simply means they enjoy looking at adults who have consented to engage in sexual practices while being filmed or photographed.

They do not feel shame or guilt, for the simple fact that they are comfortable with their sexuality.

When I was religious, I felt horrific shame and guilt when I would look at pornography.

Now that I no longer believe in a supernatural God that can see everything I do, although I rarely partake in pornography viewing, when I do…I am perfectly at ease with both my interest and enjoyment.

No guilt, no shame and zero concern. 👍
Yes, one can become inured to almost anything. But that should make you very worried. That you have managed to kill your conscience shoulf make you scared as he–.

Pornography, like prostitution, is the raw sewage of society and must have its outlets in order not to pollute and injure society at large. Like Saint Thomas Aquinas’ view on prostitution, I agree.

Aquinas believed that prostitution could not be dismissed entirely even though fornication itself was sinful. Aquinas compared prostitution with a sewer in a palace: without the sewer, the palace would be filled with pollution; similarly, if the prostitute was eradicated, the world would be filled with "sodomy:’ In addition, Aquinas believed that prostitution should exist to save the chastity of other women; just as the use of food is for the preservation of life; so are venereal acts for the welfare of the human race (ST 2-2.153. 2). Thus, this rationalization of prostitution as a necessary evil encouraged the toleration of prostitution in medieval communities and the Church. Bishops ran and owned brothels in London and Westminster during the 15th and 16th centuries, and they were not only owners but many were also clients as well. However, although prostitution via Aquinas’s beliefs was tolerated for the benefit of the community, prostitutes were excluded from the Church if they continued their work, but there was always hope of their conversion.
-Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work
Pornography, like prostitution, is the raw sewage of society and must have its outlets in order not to pollute and injure society at large. Like Saint Thomas Aquinas’ view on prostitution, I agree.

Aquinas believed that prostitution could not be dismissed entirely even though fornication itself was sinful. Aquinas compared prostitution with a sewer in a palace: without the sewer, the palace would be filled with pollution; similarly, if the prostitute was eradicated, the world would be filled with "sodomy:’ In addition, Aquinas believed that prostitution should exist to save the chastity of other women; just as the use of food is for the preservation of life; so are venereal acts for the welfare of the human race (ST 2-2.153. 2). Thus, this rationalization of prostitution as a necessary evil encouraged the toleration of prostitution in medieval communities and the Church. Bishops ran and owned brothels in London and Westminster during the 15th and 16th centuries, and they were not only owners but many were also clients as well. However, although prostitution via Aquinas’s beliefs was tolerated for the benefit of the community, prostitutes were excluded from the Church if they continued their work, but there was always hope of their conversion.
-Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work

Women are sewers, men are blameless and helpless, and women must pay the price. Was the same argument employed to justify pedophilia? That child prostitution should exist to save the chastity of other children?


Women are sewers, men are blameless and helpless, and women must pay the price. Was the same argument employed to justify pedophilia? That child prostitution should exist to save the chastity of other children?

“Of two evils, the lesser is always to be chosen.” -The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis

Society must realize the strength of the libido and the weakness of the flesh. Doing away with porn, I’m afraid that men will only resort to more evil means of dealing with their concupiscences. Idealistically, I’m strongly against porn, but realistically I realize that in our current world, people would only resort to more evil means for satisfying their libido.

LOVE! ❤️
I wasn’t aware that there were any rules when it came to art. You seem to want to impose some. But let’s go with it. Everything short of actual intercourse is OK with you. That’s the line you want to draw? Somehow I think not.

So no-one need consult you, or the church or anyone else. But I’m not sure what you mean by ‘industry’. As I said before, there is a continuum of what people might consider acceptable in every possible medium. Literature, music, film, paintings, cartoons, sculpture, video, advertising, TV, blogs, newspapers, magazines, theatre etc etc. Do you have someone in mind from each of those mediums, plus many more, that might take on the responsibility for deciding what you personally can access?

The thing is, you don’t want me to decide on your behalf. And I would rather you didn’t on mine. Because what we each find acceptable is utterly different. So who should decide for you? Well, no big surprise that the answer is…you. And no prizes for guessing the best person for deciding as to what I should have access.

Are you kidding me?

And could everyone please bear in mind that a person taking a position against banning something does not necessarily mean that that person is actively in favour of promoting whatever is being discussed.

We seem to get this a lot. Abortion is a classic example when anyone who argues against making it illegal is described as ‘pro abortion’ as if they actively want to promote abortion as a good thing.

Personally, I don’t find much to enjoy in 99% of what is classed as pornography and I am far from wanting to encourage anyone to watch it. But…I will man the battlements and defy anyone who says that he or she can decide what I can and cannot watch.
Moral Relativism at its worst.
I clearly explained why Child Pornography is wrong.

**I’m going to shock you;
I don’t need a God to know that Child porn is a horrific wrong. Not only do I know it’s wrong, but I can articulate why it is wrong. All without a God.
Really. Our consciences were made by God also. Where’s your life without God now.
How will you prohibit adults from choosing to film and photograph each other while engaging in sexual relations in the privacy of their own homes?

Does the state have any business telling consenting adults what they can and cannot do while engaging in sexual relations privately?
This was already dealt with in a previous post. Someone hasn’t been bothering to read the responses to their posts… :hmmm:
Lol just lol @ pornography being a victimless pastime. Just start to peel back the fake veneer on that sick industry and you’ll be disgusted—if you have a conscience that is awake, that is.
That is quite true. The nation was gently led by the hand for decades and very gradually led down this road from “that’s dirty” to “What’s the big deal?” The words “We want porn” were replaced by “we want freedom.” Freedom to be sex addicts, porn addicts, masturbation addicts… Addiction is not healthy.

Self-control is good.

The West now has something worse on its hands than atheistic communism - this was the issue last century which posed so much danger - and this an atheistic anything-goes mentality, which is an anti-Christian movement of relativism, prevalent in all areas and walks of life. :knight2: :knight1: A disease that has been slithering along in the grass slowly waiting for its opportunity to bite, for at least a few decades, then we had the internet: CHOMP!

As long as there are people sticking up for the Truth out there then the gates of Hell will not penetrate the R.C Church any more than it has done. I believe this is the worst it can be so there is room for some optimism.

But I have a right to my moral space just like everyone has a right to a smoke free environment. No one has a right to put their filfth in my space, no one.
I agree. But just where are you seeing all this graphic pornography? Where do you live, for heaven’s sake?

It’s all over the internet, so where someone lives rarely matters.
Are you accidentally stumbling upon porn? Why not turn on the filter for adult and offensive content in either your browser settings or the settings of your preferred search engine?
As long as there are people sticking up for the Truth out there then the gates of Hell will not penetrate the R.C Church any more than it has done. I believe this is the worst it can be so there is room for some optimism.

Typo alert: I meant…‘Hell will not penetrate the gates of the…’ 😛
This is a great idea. Many Jews, Protestant, and Muslims, and who knows, maybe even a few atheists, might be glad to join the cause.

Don’t count on the ACLU, who will fight it with their last breath.
You just trumped the Christian call post, to an outreach mission to all people. 👍🙂
Chastity is both a fetish and an activity in BDSM, which I’m sure you regard as a perversion. For obvious reasons, I will not provide you with links.

Now will you prove that pornography turns adults into pedophiles?

I won’t hold my breath.
Chastity is perversion…

…to Satan.
Graphic pornography was banned in America until the middle of the last century. Since then, it has flooded our culture along with many other symptoms of the the decline of Christianity (ban on prayer in the schools, abortion rights, same-sex marriage, etc.)

Should censorship be restored? Does anyone believe it could happen legally and would the public accept it? Why or why not?

Is there among Catholics a sinking feeling that our civilization is lost to the hedonists and moral relativists, and that no government action can or should be taken to reclaim the ban on pornography?

In the matter of pornographic movies, how is this to be distinguished from prostitution, since in both cases the actors are paid for sexual activity?

How many human lives have been sullied and/or destroyed by addiction to pornography?

“Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom. Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.” Thomas Jefferson
It would not be a restriction of freedom to ban pornography in the United States. It would be a restriction on “license”, which I believe to be a different matter. I would be all for this ban. Pornography existed when I was growing up, but it was very well controlled, and relatively hard to come by for minors. In retrospect, the laws should have been tougher even in the 50’s and 60’s, but that ship has sailed. I don’t expect it to happen, even though, the industry, even with it’s license to do most anything, still manages to find illegal matter to put out, and I can’t even imagine there is a way to count the cost or number of marriages and lives destroyed by this degradation of the human being. When I think of all these young models, and what they do for money, or even under force, and when I think that the audience for it is as large as ever, it is very discouraging, but I try not to despair, as Christ has conquered the world. Still…tough times indeed. Satan has had a field day with morality in the U.S., (and everywhere else for that matter). Unless we build the Church in the U.S. and stand up to immorality at the cost of our own lives and freedom, the U.S. is just as doomed as Rome, The British Empire, the Greek Empire, etc. on down through the ages. God rights things eventually. We’ve been living pretty easy as a country, because our angels appreciated our creeds, even if the people didn’t always live up to them. Now, we seem to have dispensed with our creeds in the U.S., and invited satan into all aspects of our society. God, just may allow the U.S. to die in it’s sin, as Jerusalem, Tyre, Sidon, and others. Please pray for our conversion as a nation.
Robert Sock;12429460:
Pornography, like prostitution, is the raw sewage of society and must have its outlets in order not to pollute and injure society at large. Like Saint Thomas Aquinas’ view on prostitution, I agree.

Aquinas believed that prostitution could not be dismissed entirely even though fornication itself was sinful. Aquinas compared prostitution with a sewer in a palace: without the sewer, the palace would be filled with pollution; similarly, if the prostitute was eradicated, the world would be filled with "sodomy:’ In addition, Aquinas believed that prostitution should exist to save the chastity of other women; just as the use of food is for the preservation of life; so are venereal acts for the welfare of the human race (ST 2-2.153. 2). Thus, this rationalization of prostitution as a necessary evil encouraged the toleration of prostitution in medieval communities and the Church. Bishops ran and owned brothels in London and Westminster during the 15th and 16th centuries, and they were not only owners but many were also clients as well. However, although prostitution via Aquinas’s beliefs was tolerated for the benefit of the community, prostitutes were excluded from the Church if they continued their work, but there was always hope of their conversion.
-Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work

Women are sewers, men are blameless and helpless, and women must pay the price. Was the same argument employed to justify pedophilia? That child prostitution should exist to save the chastity of other children?

Yikes.“Of two evils, the lesser is always to be chosen.” -The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis

Society must realize the strength of the libido and the weakness of the flesh. Doing away with porn, I’m afraid that men will only resort to more evil means of dealing with their concupiscences. Idealistically, I’m strongly against porn, but realistically I realize that in our current world, people would only resort to more evil means for satisfying their libido.

LOVE! ❤️
Comparing women with sewers and sacrificing them to men is the most evil thing I’ve ever heard of. It is a cynical objectification of women which wouldn’t be allowed with livestock. To gain its misogynistic ends, it callously ignores the inhumanity of the means.

In such a “morality” anything goes, there are no absolutes, nothing is forbidden, just cold calculation of loss vs. gain.

If Aquinas really said that then we should question whether he knew anything whatsoever of Christ, let alone of what it means to be a human being.
Comparing women with sewers and sacrificing them to men is the most evil thing I’ve ever heard of. It is a cynical objectification of women which wouldn’t be allowed with livestock. To gain its misogynistic ends, it callously ignores the inhumanity of the means.

In such a “morality” anything goes, there are no absolutes, nothing is forbidden, just cold calculation of loss vs. gain.

If Aquinas really said that then we should question whether he knew anything whatsoever of Christ, let alone of what it means to be a human being.
An “Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work”, if such a publication exists, sound like a cynical left-wing feminist sort of publication so it’s not the place where i would expect to read a fair representation of a Catholic philosopher.

You see the bridge from “there were at some point a small number of Catholic bishops who may have played a part in running a brothel or maybe even used its services (and we know this because of hearsay or because somebody discovered the text of a rude song or a rude caricature that says so, so it must be true)” to saying “bishops generally ran brothels and also frequented them”. If they make one such mis-statement, why trust the other stuff they are saying?
Are you accidentally stumbling upon porn? Why not turn on the filter for adult and offensive content in either your browser settings or the settings of your preferred search engine?
I have an IT specialist do that for me. I was in a public library looking for something benign, then a pornographic image appeared on the screen. I hit all the buttons I knew to use. Nothing. And there were children in the room. I covered the screen with one hand and tried a few tricks I had heard about. I stumbled on the right one and I was back to the page I was looking at. And junk mail. Wow. They can be pretty clever. Rule number one: do not click on any links from any unknown recipient. Rule number two: a friend’s e-mail was hacked and I got a message from her and it was not her. Our IT guy fixed that, but some people are not as aware.

And they just keep trying different ways to make you think that next innocent sounding message is just for you.

I did a quick search of the word ‘light’ for this thread.
God is light. All porn aims at corrupting physical light.
I truly believe we are not talking only about the corruption
(of moral light) in these, forms of sin, but about using a useful,
natural stimulus to portray images that serve no purpose
in the natural order from which light is given.
Much of the higher light of the ministry of Jesus, all his words and
deeds, have their substratum in the power of the brain or mind
to receive and manipulate natural light.
The question for those who want these, forms of sin banned,
should be to ask if they like all of us who are corruptible
on some level, want such images to supplant the parables and
stories of Jesus.
At the very least, they cannot be seen to augment the
If they respond that nothing is corruptible,
then they should say what corruption is.

Sorry if I reiterated anyone’s previous remarks.
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