I wasn’t aware that there were any rules when it came to art. You seem to want to impose some. But let’s go with it. Everything short of actual intercourse is OK with you. That’s the line you want to draw? Somehow I think not.
So no-one need consult you, or the church or anyone else. But I’m not sure what you mean by ‘industry’. As I said before, there is a continuum of what people might consider acceptable in every possible medium. Literature, music, film, paintings, cartoons, sculpture, video, advertising, TV, blogs, newspapers, magazines, theatre etc etc. Do you have someone in mind from each of those mediums, plus many more, that might take on the responsibility for deciding what you personally can access?
The thing is, you don’t want me to decide on your behalf. And I would rather you didn’t on mine. Because what we each find acceptable is utterly different. So who should decide for you? Well, no big surprise that the answer is…you. And no prizes for guessing the best person for deciding as to what I should have access.
Are you kidding me?
And could everyone please bear in mind that a person taking a position against banning something does not necessarily mean that that person is actively in favour of promoting whatever is being discussed.
We seem to get this a lot. Abortion is a classic example when anyone who argues against making it illegal is described as ‘pro abortion’ as if they actively want to promote abortion as a good thing.
Personally, I don’t find much to enjoy in 99% of what is classed as pornography and I am far from wanting to encourage anyone to watch it. But…I will man the battlements and defy anyone who says that he or she can decide what I can and cannot watch.