Desensitizes in reference to what? What do you mean by morals? You are surely mistaken if you think the core principle and function of the legal system in America is to legally enforce Catholic moral truth. This is becoming so painfully obvious that i don’t understand why this thread even exists.
So what is a political system based on - thin air?
Secular law is not based on good and evil in the Catholic sense of the terms, and it is not its function to tell the difference between good and evil as presented by any religion. Secular law is essentially pragmatic and utilitarian in how it regulates human behavior. And in any case, evangelization is the proper function of the church, not Christian legalism.
As I said: it is a duty for religion to be in politics but not politics in religion. Because love is the key to any properly civilised and self-sustainable community and nation.
This legalism is a word you have construed to redirect the conversation against moral value and, as another poster rightly said, ethics.
What makes you think that it is the function of secular law to combat immorality in the first place?
Love for one’s neighbour, and peace.
Combat what? The devil? That is clearly not the responsibility or the function of the legal system and never will be.
Although the devil does exist people also have these things called consciences, and unless these consciences are educated, people can end up behaving like selfish animals.
People with personal beliefs. And they often express these personal beliefs in order to win votes in much the same way that some scientists promote their atheism in science books in order to make it appear that science is on the side of atheism.
Politicians may or may not do this. I suspect this sometimes but then I have heard stories from the families of government members and they are people with real lives, beliefs and feelings too.
However catholic moral law is not the standard by which secular laws are made regardless of personal beliefs, in much the same way that atheism is not the standard by which physical objects are measured.
As I said before the West was founded on Christian principles. I am in the U.K. btw…not the U.S.
The legal principles that protects you from Muslim theocracies is the very same principles that protects Gays from Christian legalism. You cannot have it both ways.
Sanctity of life issues are very different from theocratic dangers. Not good to mix the two. We have to have government systems which allow freedom of movement and of personal choice. This does not mean that we relativize everything so we allow murder of the unborn through to seemingly aggressive belief systems (at least speaking for some of the members of these). Don’t mix atheistic communism up with Christianity.
If you voted because you thought that the state has the power and the legal justification to enforce your religious beliefs, then you are confused and deceived.
Who said this?
The thread is about banning pornography, or are you just in this thread to dump on Christianity?
There is no such thing as Catholic politics outside of a Catholic theocracy.
Again, incorrect. You are mistaken if you think that any politics that is just and freedom-giving stems from anything other than what are contained in Christian principles. If you don’t believe me, read the Bible.
The wide spread legalization of pornography is inevitable just like gay marriage.
For now. Because of a lack of self-control. Look at the nerdy idol-worship of technology as if people’s lives depended on gizmos. And that is the point. This all stems from a person’s heart which doesn’t believe it is loved. It points to a massive section of society who is not God-centred and who try to make out that because they believe life is meaningless and so might as well go hell-for-leather, then everyone else ‘should’ as well - a misconception (to use the word correctly) - and they make fun of anyone who has a deeper notion of what life might mean.
They have moral consequences on the Personal Soul, and that is what the Church is here to combat; not the legal system.
How can you combat the moral consequences of the soul without combatting the reasons?
Christians are called to speak out against unjust systems. It is when Christians don’t speak out that you have rebel factions that start-up and do things the wrong way.
So you are saying that the state should ban pornography because it promotes lust?
No. This is not the reason I want it banned.
Maybe you should live in a Muslim theocracy. I hear they wrap their women up real nice.
It is sad to see someone speak so
hypocritically as to try and defend women’s rights by speaking against oppressive religious and cultural set-ups then on the other hand defend pornography that is the culmination of men’s egos deriving from centuries of mistreatment of women.
Lust, in the context you present it, is not a legal concept and thus it cannot be regulated in legal terms.
This is not a thread specifically about lust…
There is more than one way to win a war. Christian legalism lacks faith.
What, by pretending there is nothing wrong? Good luck with that war!
As I said, ‘Christian legalism’ is a word made up to suck the life out of Christian perception, designed to demotivate, and pour water on Christian fervour. I choose to remain motivated so I’ll have to turn down your invite to
anything-goes atheism.