I wouldn’t use the word “flooding.” In a world in which publication can through the transfer of electrical signals instead of through the transit of mass you’ll find that a number of different types of publications get around the world faster and are available in higher quantity. People with access to Internet connected devices can make their thoughts known to wider audiences and much faster with less effort. I’ve not even gotten out of bed yet and here I am making my thoughts known to you and others in different geographies.Why? Pornography is flooding the country and everyone knows that.
Different types of expressions are shared much faster in present day times. Pornography is but one types of these expressions.
Pornography was also one of the leading areas of business that established ecommerce. Appealing to peoples baser drives sells.More money is made in the porno industry than Hollywood movies.
This part seems more an expression of your feelings on the matter. If that is your intent, then I acknowledge that you find the pornography industry as negative.Yes, I was working with a broad version of voyeurism…but the fact that the peekers will pay to see such things does not remove the stain of rank and sick hedonism from the act.
People in general seem to like watching, hearing, or seeing what other people are doing or even stories made up about what people are doing. I wonder if this is tied to us being social metazoans. Throughout time the “publication” of such stories has occurred through word of mouth and song and plays, increasingly with writing and print as literacy rates and print publication capabilities increased, visually through moving pictures, television, and digital communication devices. Sexual stories are but one element of these.Yes, I misspoke in the quotation you cited. I meant to say this:
“Only a rank hedonist would deny that the massive availability of pornography today indicates we have become a nation of voyeurs.”
I’d hazard a guess that you and said “hedonist” had not first come to an agreement and what was meant by “sick.” As long as you don’t have compatible interpretations or criteria for the word I wouldn’t not expect you to come to agreement on matters described by the word.My experience with hedonists is that they never think of themselves as sick, or if they do, they would never give anyone the satisfaction of admitting it … except perhaps a priest in the confessional or a psychologist if they decide after all they want counseling after they have seen the priest.
If you are using “sick” as a label for things that cause disgust you’ll discover that different people get feelings of disgust by different things. I went to a beach (outside the USA) and on the beach there were some people that were naked. To me these were people enjoying their day at the beach. To others that I know the same scene would be a display of impropriety.