Should homosexual men be allowed to be priests?

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"But from the beginning of creation God made them male and female. ‘For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ Therefore now they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder."…Yes, this is stated in the old testament as well, but this passage was taken out of the new that is a quote from the Lords mouth. Mark chptr 10 verses 6 thru 9
Which will be oh so relevent as soon as the Pope runs the APA.
Originally Posted by Kevin Walker
Homosexuals don’t have a mental health disorder; homosexuality is a mental health disorder it is “objectively disordered” by Catholic definiation
  • It is true that all sins are of the mental disorder. The mind is what Satan attacks and determins ones weakness. Lust for the human flesh is one of his number one tools. When one can face that fact he or she can move forward to overcome their problem, with prayer and repentance, and also not to look back after asking foregiveness or you just might fall back into that sin again. Peace and God bless*
Your way of thinking is the exact reason why we continue to have this problem in life. You tend to accept it because it is there wether it is right or wrong. In order to stop this nonsense of homosexual behavior, we must stand strong against their ways and do as the Bible says to and pray for their return to the proper way of life thru Christ. We also must not allow these people to have any type of authority in any Church, for it is written ;“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination.” also “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death"For this cause God has given them up to **shameful **lusts ; for their women have exchanged the natural use for that which is against nature, in like manner the men also having abandoned the natural use of the woman, having burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men doing shameful things …” I will continue to pray for you and all other misguided souls…Peace to you and hope you will soon see the true light thru Jesus.
My friend, if you pull up just about any post of mine you will see I am a stalwart against the "gay"agenda and do not support homosexuals in the priesthood. In fact, I am often characterized as “homophobic”. I will gladly accept all prayers.
Your view is correct, but agreeing with that poster is way off. No one has advocated saying or doing anything unjust to those with SSAD. That those who suffer from SSAD constantly play the victim game is part of their pathology. Yes, let us pray for them.
Sorry, I do not see any statement on SSAD in the post that I replied to. The remark about people in this world continuously have the bad habit of putting children in certain catigories while they are still developing their way of thinking. When a suggestion is made to a child that child is most likely going to believe the words of that adult that told them so due to the fact that they have not been told differently. This is what leads into child developement of poor guidance. We should see to it that even those who teach children on a daily bases are not degrading children in any way shape or form. When this situation is noted, the gaurdians of that child should take immidiate peaceful action to correct that teacher in private first then if that doesn’t work then to the PTA. This is a concern to many parents and gaurdians. take action now do not let the problem grow to a worst level. God said that we are not to misguide children, for if so we would be better off with a millstone around our necks.
My friend, if you pull up just about any post of mine you will see I am a stalwart against the "gay"agenda and do not support homosexuals in the priesthood. In fact, I am often characterized as “homophobic”. I will gladly accept all prayers.
Sorry to have taken your statement the wrong way, but you did write "I accept there have always been homosexuals in the priesthood and always will be. " to me that is the same as saying it is ok to be so. Yes, they exixt thereand probably in many other religions as well that we are not told of. I do hope that there will come a time where ther will not always be this situation in the priesthood. Peace to you and God bless
Sorry to have taken your statement the wrong way, but you did write "I accept there have always been homosexuals in the priesthood and always will be. " to me that is the same as saying it is ok to be so. Yes, they exixt thereand probably in many other religions as well that we are not told of. I do hope that there will come a time where ther will not always be this situation in the priesthood. Peace to you and God bless
My point was that there will never be a way to eliminate homosexuality 100% from the priesthood. The authorities should do all they can to not take such candidates, but it will never be possible to totally eliminate it in every case.
i posted this on another thread, but it fits here too.
Kevin Walker:
Homosexuals don’t have a mental health disorder; homosexuality is a mental health disorder - it is “objectively disordered” by Catholic definiation.
you consider the Church’s use of the word “disorder” in the same way that mental health people do. that opinion is not the teaching of the Church. when the Church says that homosexuality is “objectively disordered”, that doesn’t mean some mental condition. it means that it is always (objectively) incompatable with the truth about God and his creation. the ‘order’ referenced by the term ‘disorder’ is the way God has ordained things to be. God, by virtue of creating us, says that sexual union is for the male and female. homosexuality fails to recogize that truth (disordered). the Church doesn’t not teach that it is a mental health disease.

maybe you could enlighten people instead of just going off on tyraids about how evil homosexuals are. maybe you can explain how actions or a disposition could remove the intrinsic good endowed in each person by God.

that challenge goes out to all the vindictive name callers out there. remember: “there, but for the grace of God, go I.” instruction is righteous, but cra* is just cra*.
**New Vatican Document on Homosexuality and the Priesthood Coming Before Fall 2005


VATICAN CITY, December 13, 2004 ( - John Thavis, the Vatican correspondent for the Catholic News Service, an agency of the US Bishops Conference, reports that the Vatican will soon publish a document concerning homosexuality and the priesthood. The report notes that Vatican officials are preparing an inspection (or visitation) of US seminaries to commence in the Fall of 2005 and the document is expected prior to the visitation.

Bishop John C. Nienstedt of New Ulm, Minn., chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Priestly Formation, said in an interview in Rome, “I think they intend to have it out by the time the visitation begins.”

The Vatican has confirmed several times that men with homosexual sexual orientations should not be ordained. The December 2002 bulletin of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments contained a letter signed by Cardinal Jorge Medina Estevez, who has since retired as the head of the Congregation, which said ordaining such men would be imprudent and "very risky."

A prominent Vatican document dealing with the issue was released as early as 1961. The 1961 document from the Sacred Congregation for Religious prohibits the admission of homosexuals to the diocesan priesthood and religious orders. The document states: “Those affected by the perverse inclination to homosexuality or pederasty should be excluded from religious vows and ordination,” because priestly ministry would place such persons in “grave danger”.

The document is being prepared by the Congregation for Catholic Education in consultation with several other Vatican agencies, including the doctrinal congregation. In a report earlier this year, the education congregation described it as an “instruction on the criteria and norms for the discernment in questions regarding homosexuality in view of the admission of candidates to the seminary and to sacred orders.”

Commenting on the coming document which has been more than five years in the making, Bishop Nienstedt said, "“I think it’s going to be a balanced document, because the whole question of homosexuality not only has psychological dimensions but also has varying degrees of a person acting out or not acting out.” He added, “So the whole question has to be nuanced considerably: ‘What is homosexuality?’ ‘What are the homosexual attractions?’ and that sort of thing. I think this document will be helpful because it is going to address those questions.”

my opinion is no. It ´s against God words…The Holy Bible.:nope: I don´t hate homosexuals- I don´t like the sexuality they practice.😦
Psalm 5:6 the arrogant cannot stand before you.
You hate all who do evil;
my opinion is no. It ´s against God words…The Holy Bible.:nope: I don´t hate homosexuals- I don´t like the sexuality they practice.😦
I think we need to go back and directly address the original post/question.

Because isn’t that opinion based on the assumption that those ordained with same-sex attraction would live a homosexual lifestyle? The question was put on the assumption that the vow of chastity remains.
I guess as long as chastity is being preserved and their homosexual tendencies aren’t apperant… it should be okay, however, they need to act “normally” (if you know what I mean) because they are supposed to be Christ present for us… and they cannot give Him a bad name
Church Militant:
I like that 2nd post best Ghost, but good point.
Chastity is the call for all of us…society cannot handle gay priests, & I wonder if there really is such a thing…I mean … I don’t know…sexual sin is just that , egardless of the bias of the soul in question, but homosexuality bi/ whatever just seems more grievous.
I don’t think I would be at all comfortable w/a gay priest or lesbain nun.
But WHY is it more grievous? You would probably recoil at an “obvious” homosexual, but what about “sexy” straight priest.
I think one reason Christians fasten on homosexuals is that it is ONE sin we will never be tempted by and feel a sort of natural revulsion for. We understand the weakeness of the flesh when it comes to women and maybe we’d even be ready to forgive a straight priest who gave into temptation but many condemn the idea of gay priests out of hand.
Personally, I see no reason they are less likely to keep their vow than heteros. As for child abuse, this is committed by pedophiles, not by homosexuals.

OTOH, if a large number of gays are admitted to thepriesthood I think there is a chance that we will wind up with gay “cliques”. I saw Fr. Andrew Greeley interviewed and he was asked about the issue of gay priests and he said he thought most Catholics would accept them but they wouldn’t want the priesthood to turn into a gay profession.

my opinion is no. It ´s against God words…The Holy Bible.:nope: I don´t hate homosexuals- I don´t like the sexuality they practice.😦
I agree. I don’t hate homosexuals either or do I understand them, but it is a mental health disorder and homosexuals should be prevented from entering the Priesthood, or any other vocation requiring emotional stability and clarity of thought.
I think we need to go back and directly address the original post/question.

Because isn’t that opinion based on the assumption that those ordained with same-sex attraction would live a homosexual lifestyle? The question was put on the assumption that the vow of chastity remains.
The opinion made was crystal clear to the original question as to should homosexuals be aloud in the priesthood. The vow of chasity is for the men that wish to pracitce priesthood and to remain in good faith with the Holy Spirit. Again I will say that the Laws laid down by the Holy Spirit, thru Moses, are not to be taken lightly. Jesus said clearly “Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets.I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For amen I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall be lost from the Law till all things have been accomplished. Therefore whoever does away with one of these least commandments, and so teaches men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever carries them out and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you that unless your justice exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven.” Matt: 5, 17 thru 20
But WHY is it more grievous? You would probably recoil at an “obvious” homosexual, but what about “sexy” straight priest.
I think one reason Christians fasten on homosexuals is that it is ONE sin we will never be tempted by and feel a sort of natural revulsion for. We understand the weakeness of the flesh when it comes to women and maybe we’d even be ready to forgive a straight priest who gave into temptation but many condemn the idea of gay priests out of hand.
Personally, I see no reason they are less likely to keep their vow than heteros. As for child abuse, this is committed by pedophiles, not by homosexuals.

OTOH, if a large number of gays are admitted to thepriesthood I think there is a chance that we will wind up with gay “cliques”. I saw Fr. Andrew Greeley interviewed and he was asked about the issue of gay priests and he said he thought most Catholics would accept them but they wouldn’t want the priesthood to turn into a gay profession.

Weakness of the flesh comes from the temptations that we allow ourselves to give into by Satan and his demons.A true Christian will not allow a known homo to be a part of the priesthood or any other form of preaching do to the issue of the Law laid down by our Father, the Holy Spirit. Your statements are rebellious against the Holy Spirit and I do hope soon you can understand what being a true Christian is all about. For a priest to make such a statement would be grounds to be excommunicated from the church until he came to his senses of what he originally had set his goal to do as a priest, not by his own opinions. You are not to look at a priest as to be sexy, nor any other person for that matter. This reasoning is due to the fact that you would be looking at that individual with lust and this is a sin of adultry as Jesus had worned us. Lets have stronger hearts against temptations by turning our heads away from them and tell Satan NO, be gone as Jesus did to him in the dessert.
Kevin Walker:
I agree. I don’t hate homosexuals either or do I understand them, but it is a mental health disorder and homosexuals should be prevented from entering the Priesthood, or any other vocation requiring emotional stability and clarity of thought.
Also agree with the exception of it being a health issue. A mental disorder, yes. For Satan is working on the mind of man to tempt mankind with his wicked thoughts of his own. One could even say that in todays world, lust is Satans number one weapon. From lust there comes jealuosy, anger, adultry, and even murder. Lets continue to pray for peace and hope that those who have fallin into this bad situation become free from their lusts and see clear the truth and way of our Lord, Jesus. This way we can some day soon say that we too are like our teacher, Jesus. The day that this takes place, we can truelly say we are all one. Peace and God Bless
The opinion made was crystal clear to the original question as to should homosexuals be aloud in the priesthood. The vow of chasity is for the men that wish to pracitce priesthood and to remain in good faith with the Holy Spirit. Again I will say that the Laws laid down by the Holy Spirit, thru Moses, are not to be taken lightly. Jesus said clearly “Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets.I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For amen I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall be lost from the Law till all things have been accomplished. Therefore whoever does away with one of these least commandments, and so teaches men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever carries them out and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you that unless your justice exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven.” Matt: 5, 17 thru 20
Your point being? Being tempted itself is not a sin. Jesus was tempted. Hetero priests are tempted constantly. Acting on that temptations is the sin. The point of the argument, I recall, is assumed the vow remains – i.e. temptations are being resisted.
Your point being? Being tempted itself is not a sin. Jesus was tempted. Hetero priests are tempted constantly. Acting on that temptations is the sin. The point of the argument, I recall, is assumed the vow remains – i.e. temptations are being resisted.
The point was clearly made. There also was no mention of being tempted alone was a sin. Your statement was this; “I think we need to go back and directly address the original post/question.” No vows were mentioned in the original post either. All though the vow of a priest is to remain chase and live without sin, which would include that of not conducting homosexual acts. You should really take the book of Leviticus more serious then what you are. I can only pray for you that you will someday soon see the truth of what we are on earth for. Peace to you and God bless
GloriaPatri4 said:
New Vatican Document on Homosexuality and the Priesthood Coming Before Fall 2005

VATICAN CITY, December 13, 2004 ( - John Thavis, the Vatican correspondent for the Catholic News Service, an agency of the US Bishops Conference, reports that the Vatican will soon publish a document concerning homosexuality and the priesthood. The report notes that Vatican officials are preparing an inspection (or visitation) of US seminaries to commence in the Fall of 2005 and the document is expected prior to the visitation.

Bishop John C. Nienstedt of New Ulm, Minn., chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Priestly Formation, said in an interview in Rome, “I think they intend to have it out by the time the visitation begins.”

The Vatican has confirmed several times that men with homosexual sexual orientations should not be ordained. The December 2002 bulletin of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments contained a letter signed by Cardinal Jorge Medina Estevez, who has since retired as the head of the Congregation, which said ordaining such men would be imprudent and "very risky."

A prominent Vatican document dealing with the issue was released as early as 1961. The 1961 document from the Sacred Congregation for Religious prohibits the admission of homosexuals to the diocesan priesthood and religious orders. The document states: “Those affected by the perverse inclination to homosexuality or pederasty should be excluded from religious vows and ordination,” because priestly ministry would place such persons in “grave danger”.

The document is being prepared by the Congregation for Catholic Education in consultation with several other Vatican agencies, including the doctrinal congregation. In a report earlier this year, the education congregation described it as an “instruction on the criteria and norms for the discernment in questions regarding homosexuality in view of the admission of candidates to the seminary and to sacred orders.”

Commenting on the coming document which has been more than five years in the making, Bishop Nienstedt said, "“I think it’s going to be a balanced document, because the whole question of homosexuality not only has psychological dimensions but also has varying degrees of a person acting out or not acting out.” He added, “So the whole question has to be nuanced considerably: ‘What is homosexuality?’ ‘What are the homosexual attractions?’ and that sort of thing. I think this document will be helpful because it is going to address those questions.”



What they say is true, but i see they still refuse to be direct with the issue and just flat out say it is WRONG. What is so difficult about that? It is absolutely against God’s will. This is what they should be telling people. Peace
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