Should men have their ears pierced?

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vern humphrey:
A couple of weeks back I went to confession. After doing penance, I was walking down the hall and stopped dead – there was a woman, about 45 or 50 with a low-cut dress and on her wrinkled and drooping bosom was what once must have seemed a cute tatoo.

Back to the confessional.
Yes indeed. A good friend of mine is in her late 50s and she has a tattoo. Let’s just say it probably looked better when she was thirty years younger. I think some things probably look daring and kicky when you’re young but start looking pretty silly when you’re Mrs Pushing Sixty.

Lisa N
I don’t know if this is an old wive’s tale or urban legend or anything, but, I heard pirates used to pierce their ears because it was a form of accupuncture that they thought would help their eyesight.

As far as tongue rings go, the mentality behind it, as far as I heard from a fellow who has one, “There’s only one reason a person would get a tongue ring…and it’s not because it looks cool.” My cousin, however, who has a tongue ring, assures me this isn’t the case.
Lisa N:
Yes indeed. A good friend of mine is in her late 50s and she has a tattoo. Let’s just say it probably looked better when she was thirty years younger. I think some things probably look daring and kicky when you’re young but start looking pretty silly when you’re Mrs Pushing Sixty.

Lisa N
I think that some older people get tatoos and piercings because they want to look young and hip. Sadly, they usually end up drawing much more attention to their age.
Lisa N:
Stephen are you a dentist? Because if you are, you are the ONLY dentist who claims tongue piercings are no more dangerous than ear piercing.
No, I’m not a dentist. It is important to point out that there is a difference between something being “more” dangerous and being “very” dangerous. Dentists and doctors do, in fact, categorically rant against body piercings. And it has still been done for thousands of years just as it is today. Take that for what you will.

Or, to put my semantics in a more clear format for communication. Motorcycles are “more” dangerous than cars …

I know an awful lot of people with tongue piercings … a bunch. They heal quickly and are less likely to get an infection that other piercings. The navel is the most prone to infection that I am aware of. I had that happen to myself. Honestly, I hear more stories about infected ears than tongues amongst those who are prone to pierce multiple body areas.

So, only go to a health conscious piercing shop. You can usually find a couple in any major city. Only use surgical or implant grade steel jewelry for the initial piercing. Pay careful attention to the post treatment care of the piercing (aka antibacterial soap and sea salt), and I assure you, it is safe “enough” … like motorcycles … so we are on the same page …

Will the person spit on you? Only for a couple of days. Then, you won’t even notice it except for a brief flash of metal when they open their mouth wide for any reason. And no, it really doesn’t matter if it is a ring or barbell (Note, they do not use studs in tongues and the distinction between stud and barbell is actually rather important).

My point in all of this is that amongst the concerns of getting body piercings (in general), health risks just do not make the top of my list. The social aspect of some people considering it to be “repulsive” actually has a far more significant impact on your life.
I am female and also have never had anything pierced. Not even my ears. I don’t see the point, but if someone (male or female) wants to pierce themselves or get a tatoo, that is their perogative.
I am female and also have never had anything pierced. Not even my ears. I don’t see the point, but if someone (male or female) wants to pierce themselves or get a tatoo, that is their perogative.
It’s also our prerogative to laugh at them.
Of course it’s their right, but I don’t like it. I’m female and don’t have piercings or tattoos myself. To me it shows vanity & self-absorption. But often it’s done to impress the women, so many of whom are eternally impressed by any sort of bad-boy move, probably to impress their stupid friends. How easy to fake them out! I saw my ex with one recently, probably done for his wife.

It’s sort of like back in the Sixties, someone would say what does your boyfriend look like and if you said he had long hair, that’s all you needed to say. It *really *impressed 'em…wow. It’s about that shallow.
Rand Al'Thor:
i have one ear pierced…there’s nothing wrong with it. i did have to take it out when i was going to a catholic school in junior high, though.
Hence one of the reasons my boys are going to Catholic school.
Stephen Butler:
No, I’m not a dentist. It is important to point out that there is a difference between something being “more” dangerous and being “very” dangerous. Dentists and doctors do, in fact, categorically rant against body piercings. And it has still been done for thousands of years just as it is today. Take that for what you will…
I have never heard a dentist OR doctor ‘rant’ against pierced ears, or even eyebrows for that matter. The problem is having a piercing in the mouth where there are a lot of bacteria, a warm moist environment and a lot of movement and thus opportunity for tearing of tissues and introduction of said bacteria into the bloodstream. Further dentists have long commented about the connection between tongue studs and cracking teeth.

Yes people have had piercings for thousands of years but I suspect the tongue piercings, belly buttons, nipples and genitalia piercing are more of a new fad. Undoubtedly done in the past but becoming more mainstream. People have done many stupid things for thousands of years. Doesn’t make them less stupid.
Stephen Butler:
I know an awful lot of people with tongue piercings … a bunch. They heal quickly and are less likely to get an infection that other piercings. The navel is the most prone to infection that I am aware of. I had that happen to myself…
So you are basing your entire argument on your own experience? On whose authority can you claim that tongue piercings are “less likely to get an infection”?
Stephen Butler:
Honestly, I hear more stories about infected ears than tongues amongst those who are prone to pierce multiple body areas. …
No, what are often called ‘infections’ in pierced ears are a reaction to certain metals, most frequently nickel. Even if an earring has a 24K or sterling POST, the area where the post attaches to the earring often exposes the area to nickel. These are not bacterial infections but an allergic reaction.
Stephen Butler:
So, only go to a health conscious piercing shop. You can usually find a couple in any major city. Only use surgical or implant grade steel jewelry for the initial piercing. Pay careful attention to the post treatment care of the piercing (aka antibacterial soap and sea salt), and I assure you, it is safe “enough” … like motorcycles … so we are on the same page …
Infection does not simply occur when the piercing is done but can occur subsequently. Further all the cleanliness in the world will not prevent cracked teeth.
Stephen Butler:
Will the person spit on you? Only for a couple of days. Then, you won’t even notice it except for a brief flash of metal when they open their mouth wide for any reason. And no, it really doesn’t matter if it is a ring or barbell (Note, they do not use studs in tongues and the distinction between stud and barbell is actually rather important).
Quite honestly it is not difficult to tell when a person has something in their mouth by the way they speak, not to mention the free shower. As someone who has braces I can assure you that having metal in your mouth makes speaking clearly more difficult. Tongue studs, rings, barbells, whatever, do change the way a person speaks, and I don’t find it attractive. Like I said, you sound like someone with a mouth full of oatmeal. I am very conscious of the way I speak subsequent to having braces and everytime they change the wires or springs or bands, it changes the entire dynamic. The good news is that I will eventually get these braces off and can talk like a normal person again.
Stephen Butler:
My point in all of this is that amongst the concerns of getting body piercings (in general), health risks just do not make the top of my list. The social aspect of some people considering it to be “repulsive” actually has a far more significant impact on your life.
You are right. The health risks are not like jumping off a bridge or even riding a motorcycle. My point however, is that there seems to be a lot of downside (health issues, revulsion, limited employment options, etc) and little upside. You must admit that the majority of people do not find body piercing attractive and once you get older it’s gonna look downright ridiculous, just like my friend with her wrinkled rose on her bosom.

Lisa N
I always thought the male earring in one ear meant “married” and the other ear meant “not married”, but I think now it’s just a fashion statement.

Men (and women) with all kinds of facial parts pierced may look weird to us now, but once we get more used to seeing it, it will probably seem normal. Shucks, I can remember when even women with pierced ears look strange. 😃

As for me? No piercings, thank-you. Not even my ears. Squicks me out.
When she was in high school, my daughter used to tell me “left is right and right is wrong” . She is in the music business where many
of the males are pierced and “wready”!
I really dislike it, but both my sons did it and I just told them I thought it was stupid. Niether of them, at 24 & 28, now wear their earrings. Just a silly fad, but one I think is unneccessary.
In any culture, things can arise, become acceptable, and become part of the culture - but this does not necessarily make them right…

It is not always possible to draw an exact line and say where the bounds of moderation have been exceeded. But this does not mean that there is no line. No-one can define at what exact temperature a day passes from being cool to cold, but everyone knows that when the temperature is near zero, it is cold beyond dispute. Let us never fall for the ploy which tries to argue from borderline or difficult cases that there are no guidelines or principles, and that there is no such thing as a just mean or moderation, just because they are hard to define.

The human body is meant to be treated with care, not maltreated or disfigured. Its dignity and beauty must be kept and cultivated, in order that it be an expression of the deeper beauty of the soul…
  1. Exultation in the ugly.
  2. Self-mutilation and self-disfigurement.
  3. Harm to health.
  4. A desire to shock and repel.
  5. Indecency and irreverence.
I chose the first option. I think it’s totally weird, but I don’t think there’s technically anything morally wrong with it. That being said, if I’m going to hire someone and both candidates are equal in competency, but one has an earring, I’ll choose the one without the earring.
That would be reasonable.
Hence one of the reasons my boys are going to Catholic school.
well, i went to a public school in high school and i go to a state university now…i’ve turned out alright. my earring hasnt led me to a life of crime and sin yet.
Rand Al'Thor:
well, i went to a public school in high school and i go to a state university now…i’ve turned out alright. my earring hasnt led me to a life of crime and sin yet.
I don’t think that’s been the issue. Although this is “Moral Theology” it seems most of the posts are with reference to either health concerns or the distaste that some feel when they see piercings on men. We’ve probably hijacked the thread since it does refer to pierced ears.

Lisa N
Whenever I see a male w/ an earing I find myself checking to see which ear it’s on then I start to wonder…:hmmm: Why would a “real man” want to even think of wearing somthing that is equated w/ being feminine??? Maybe I’m “rash judging” or… just too getting old…:cool:
Do you wonder the same thing about women who wear pants instead of something nice and feminine, like a skirt or dress?
When I say tongue “ring” I mean “stud”…ring is just a way of referring to the piece of jewelry. It’s also often called a “barbell” now, because of the shape of the stud. No one has a ring stuck in their tongue or anything…that would probably not look too hot.
I think that a man who wears ear rings should wear womens underwear.

Can you imagine if you get to heaven and see Jesus with ear rings and womens underclothes what youd think?
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