Should men have their ears pierced?

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It’s just my little ol’ opinion so don’t get mad at me, but I think the idea of men being effeminate if they have an earring is kind of outdated and not true. And not fair. It’s jewelry. I bet people had a big fit when women started wearing pants too. But now it’s no big deal. It’s all what you are accustomed too, really.

I also think that most people (including me, when I got my piercings done) got them because they thought they looked cool. Same reason they would wear an outfit or any other kind of jewely. I think some people probably do do it for attention but overgeneralizing is never a good idea.
Ok, I’m going to stop posting on this thread now I think. 😃
Lisa N:
So you are basing your entire argument on your own experience? On whose authority can you claim that tongue piercings are “less likely to get an infection”?
No need to take my word for it except for convenience. By all means ask an expert. I suggest a good reputable shop like Taurian piercing in Houston, TX. They install these perhaps 10-50 times a day and have seen tens of thousands of them. They actively participate in the medical community regarding this practice, run around the town giving presentations, establish the best practices for cleanliness, etc etc etc. Odds are, they have seen more of it than your average dentist, but it’s really up to you who you will listen to, and who you will not.
Lisa N:
As someone who has braces I can assure you that having metal in your mouth makes speaking clearly more difficult.
Braces have a substantially greater impact on your speech than a barbell. And no, I’m sorry, but the spittle is minimal. How many people do I have to know before I can be sure they aren’t spitting on me? I would have thought a few would suffice, but hey, I’m just another yahoo.
Lisa N:
Tongue studs, rings, barbells, whatever, do change the way a person speaks, and I don’t find it attractive. Like I said, you sound like someone with a mouth full of oatmeal. I am very conscious of the way I speak subsequent to having braces and everytime they change the wires or springs or bands, it changes the entire dynamic. The good news is that I will eventually get these braces off and can talk like a normal person again.
I’ve been there, and I sympathize. Braces are, by their very nature, dynamic. Dentist mucks with them about once every couple of weeks. A barbell, once it heals initially, just sits there … It doesn’t take up much space. Some people won’t even notice you have it unless you laugh or eat around them.
Lisa N:
My point however, is that there seems to be a lot of downside (health issues, revulsion, limited employment options, etc) and little upside. You must admit that the majority of people do not find body piercing attractive and once you get older it’s gonna look downright ridiculous, just like my friend with her wrinkled rose on her bosom.
No upsides at all that I am aware of. For me, at one time it was a quiet, passive statement. I never intended to gain anything, and I never did. As for downright, ridiculous, I don’t know that age has anything to do with it. One of my friends is in his 60’s, and has multiple piercings other than his ears. I’m in my mid-thirties, a bunch of us are in our forties and some fifties. But, unlike a tatoo, unless you stretch the piercing out to really large gauges (like 00), you can easily just take it out … Just takes a special pair of pliars … I just haven’t …

And as for employment, yes, it can affect where you work. But, let’s not get the wrong idea. Me and my piercings spend a great deal of time hopping from executive tower to executive tower providing a service for clients from churches to banks to military bases to hospitals, often in the board room … and while I may or may not need to wear a tie at a client site, the ear stud stays right where it is. Somehow I manage to be effective anyway.

Men and piercings is a choice. And like any other choice, it comes with a set of consequences. Either you choose to live with them, or you do not, but in this particular case, I do not find either choice to be immoral. Honestly, I don’t think my Lord cares about my ear jewelry one way or another.
Lisa N:
I have never heard a dentist OR doctor ‘rant’ against pierced ears, or even eyebrows for that matter. The problem is having a piercing in the mouth where there are a lot of bacteria, a warm moist environment and a lot of movement and thus opportunity for tearing of tissues and introduction of said bacteria into the bloodstream. Further dentists have long commented about the connection between tongue studs and cracking teeth.

Yes people have had piercings for thousands of years but I suspect the tongue piercings, belly buttons, nipples and genitalia piercing are more of a new fad. Undoubtedly done in the past but becoming more mainstream. People have done many stupid things for thousands of years. Doesn’t make them less stupid.

So you are basing your entire argument on your own experience? On whose authority can you claim that tongue piercings are “less likely to get an infection”?

No, what are often called ‘infections’ in pierced ears are a reaction to certain metals, most frequently nickel. Even if an earring has a 24K or sterling POST, the area where the post attaches to the earring often exposes the area to nickel. These are not bacterial infections but an allergic reaction.

Infection does not simply occur when the piercing is done but can occur subsequently. Further all the cleanliness in the world will not prevent cracked teeth.

Quite honestly it is not difficult to tell when a person has something in their mouth by the way they speak, not to mention the free shower. As someone who has braces I can assure you that having metal in your mouth makes speaking clearly more difficult. Tongue studs, rings, barbells, whatever, do change the way a person speaks, and I don’t find it attractive. Like I said, you sound like someone with a mouth full of oatmeal. I am very conscious of the way I speak subsequent to having braces and everytime they change the wires or springs or bands, it changes the entire dynamic. The good news is that I will eventually get these braces off and can talk like a normal person again.

You are right. The health risks are not like jumping off a bridge or even riding a motorcycle. My point however, is that there seems to be a lot of downside (health issues, revulsion, limited employment options, etc) and little upside. You must admit that the majority of people do not find body piercing attractive and once you get older it’s gonna look downright ridiculous, just like my friend with her wrinkled rose on her bosom.

Lisa N
This is one of those things where its all a matter of time, the whole “infection” thing is still being downplayed, mostly because this face ring stuff is relatively new. I bet in another 5-10 years there will be a large amount of people with sever infections and loss of functionality of things like eyes, tongue, stomach muscles, etc. And they will have a hard time fixing it.
I think that a man who wears ear rings should wear womens underwear.

Can you imagine if you get to heaven and see Jesus with ear rings and womens underclothes what youd think?
Not to go offtopic, but You reminded me of another thing that I cant stand, its so sick I dont know what happened. All my life when I heard the word “thong” that meant those shoe sandal things (aka flip flops) that people wear in the summer. All of the sudden I hear the word redefined and everywhere you turn women are going around wearing that butt-floss sticking out, its so low class.
Catholic Dude:
All of the sudden I hear the word redefined and everywhere you turn women are going around wearing that butt-floss sticking out, its so low class.
OK but you know a man had to come up with that one. I mean no sane women thinks hmm…:hmmm: let make the underwear so small I can walk around with a permanant wedgie all day long. The thong sticking out of the pants looks very sleazy to me. I saw a woman in Victoria’s one time that looked like she was in her late fifties picking out thong underwear. All I could think of was “why?”

Butt floss is for the bedroom when ya don’t wear it very long.
OK but you know a man had to come up with that one. I mean no sane women thinks hmm…:hmmm: let make the underwear so small I can walk around with a permanant wedgie all day long. The thong sticking out of the pants looks very sleazy to me. I saw a woman in Victoria’s one time that looked like she was in her late fifties picking out thong underwear. All I could think of was “why?”

Butt floss is for the bedroom when ya don’t wear it very long.
Yeah and it turns out not only is the daylong wedgie uncomfortable, it’s also unhealthy. Let’s just say the bacteria get a nice smooth paved road.

Lisa N
Catholic Dude:
This is one of those things where its all a matter of time, the whole “infection” thing is still being downplayed, mostly because this face ring stuff is relatively new. I bet in another 5-10 years there will be a large amount of people with sever infections and loss of functionality of things like eyes, tongue, stomach muscles, etc. And they will have a hard time fixing it.
No doubt. Plus there are often unintended tears in the pierced area. It never goes back to what it once was, as scar tissue develops. I’ve known several women whose ear piercings have torn and had to have a bit of plastic surgery to repair the damage. A friend had her baby grab hold of the eyebrow ring and rip it out. OUCH! Belly button, nipple, and genital rings…well you get my drift. I just hope the fad fades before the problems surface.

Lisa N
I think that a man who wears ear rings should wear womens underwear.

Can you imagine if you get to heaven and see Jesus with ear rings and womens underclothes what youd think?
Good point. I think logically one does follow the other.
Do you wonder the same thing about women who wear pants instead of something nice and feminine, like a skirt or dress?
It is not always possible to draw an exact line and say where the bounds of moderation have been exceeded. But this does not mean that there is no line.
I think that a man who wears ear rings should wear womens underwear.

Can you imagine if you get to heaven and see Jesus with ear rings and womens underclothes what youd think?
well, considering that almost no men that have earrings wear womens underwear, i wouldnt be too worried about that. and it really wouldnt surprise me if Jesus had an earring…men in that part of the world sometimes did. and i doubt Jesus will think less of me for having one earring.
Rand Al'Thor:
well, considering that almost no men that have earrings wear womens underwear, i wouldnt be too worried about that. and it really wouldnt surprise me if Jesus had an earring…men in that part of the world sometimes did. and i doubt Jesus will think less of me for having one earring.
Wishing and hoping does not make it so.
I wanted to wear a earring in one ear just for fun, but I did’nt wanna get my ear pierced at all (Firstly because of the pain and also because I didn’t plan to wear it all my life; besides I guess its wrong to disfigure one’s body,which is the temple of the Holy Spirit,unnecessarly ) so i got myself a pair of magnetic clip-on earrings which I wear only when going out with friends (only trouble is they hurt after wearing for a longtime)…Guess I found a loophole right !!

I fathom Jesus is only concerned with the heart and as long as one is sincere Jesus accepts us as we are ( A humble contrite heart, O Lord, You will not spurn ! ) ,besides wearing earrings, being pop culture, helps one to connect to other youth easily and probably bring them closer to Christ and his Church…I guess.
Our culture tends to embrace pan sexuality. The differences between men and women are blurred all too often.
and earrings is now a bisexual thing? that’s absolutely ridiculous. the thing you need to understand is that men in cultures all over the world have been wearing earrings for thousands of years. it has nothing at all to do with “our pan sexual culture”.
Wishing and hoping does not make it so.
what was i wishing and hoping for?
I just care for body adornments of any kind on men or women.I find it especially undersirable on men.
I guess It depends primarily on why the man would want to have his ear pierced.
Personally I don’t find any great value in women piercing their ears either. i don’t find any great value in makeup. Personally I find my wife and my daughters beautiful without either.
Again personally, I don’t see why a man would want to have his ear pierced and I wonder from what part of our culture this practice developed. I’m sure it is present and commonplace in other cultures but I’m not certain that it originated in those cultures simply to make oneself attractive.
Rand Al'Thor:
and earrings is now a bisexual thing? that’s absolutely ridiculous. the thing you need to understand is that men in cultures all over the world have been wearing earrings for thousands of years. it has nothing at all to do with “our pan sexual culture”.
In our Western culture earrings are traditionally a feminine characteristic. Why in these past few years do some men feel they need to aquire these female characteristics? Are we suddenly embracing other cultures in this one respect? If so, why?
what was i wishing and hoping for?
That Christ sported an earring.
No. Men should not have their ears pierced because ear rings are women jewelry and the Bible states that men should not wear anything that is feminine in appearance.
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