That is not accurate. Are you arguing that men wearing errings is not a new trend and that it was not exclusively female until very recently? At one time people wore togas, does that mean it would not be unusual for one to start wearing one now in 2005 America? Why pretend like these things change quicly and often?
yes, i am arguing that it is not a new trend, in the sense that men have worn earrings at other times and in other cultures.
but even if it
was a new trend, so what? every cultural practice was at some point a new trend. does that mean every cultural practice we have ever had is “absurd”?
sure it would be unusual. but
so what? if it was done long enough and imitated by enough people, it would no longer be unusual.
what difference does it make? it was unusual for men
not to wear hats at one point. now it is unusal for men
to wear them. so what? it used to be unusual for women not to wear corsets. now the opposite is true. so what?
sure: cultural change typically occurs slowly. what’s your point?
I have already stated it is not a moral issue. Do you think all change is neutral and should be embraced as good or neutral?
no, i don’t. i think that good changes should be understood as good, and neutral ones as neutral. the wearing of earrings by men is neutral.
Maybe we will all have multiple piercings, tatooes and implanted horns in our scalps. All is good?
if that’s what people wanted, then sure. if you don’t want tattoos and piercings, then don’t get them. just like if you don’t enjoy eating hamburgers, then don’t. same goes for wearing the color red. or driving SUVs. or owning a dog. or whatever.
It would make it absurd for some men in America to start walking around that way.
sure, in the same way that it’s absurd for people to drink milk. or wear running shoes. or have short hair.
What if some men decided to start wearing makeup and lipstick? Would that change be acceptable?
sure. why wouldn’t it be acceptable? what do you think is
unacceptable about it? other than it exhibits a preference that you don’t share.
People who accept everything uncritically freak me out.
well, at least we agree about something…