When I went to Catholic grade school in the late 60s, early 70s, nearly all the teachers were nuns and nearly all of them dressed in conventional habit. My “image” of a nun was a face slightly emerging from a habit.
That changed when Sister Leona, my sixth grade teacher, started teaching and wearing lay clothing. Although I didn’t notice myself, she was apparently very attractive, or “hot” as they say these days, and according to elders who confided in me years later, she was well aware of her physical attractiveness. What I knew about her was that she was an arrogant condescending b**ch, was unfair to me and several others because of personal prejudice, embarrassed children by making it clear to all that she was playing favorites at any given time, and was very unknowledgeable about math but doggedly coerced us to answer her way even when it was wrong.
Therefore I’m biased. Twenty nuns in habits – ranging from OK to great. One nun not in a habit, and I still shudder to even think of her 34 years later.
Of course, your mileage may vary.