**Wonderful ,bringing this out to dicsuss and vote on, I do hope those called to religious life read these post.Mother Angelica made the decision yrs. ago to have her order return to the original habits, the result was awesome for the growth of the order, they are over flowing. I see the wearing of the habits as an outward sign of an inner committment, being seperated from the world, this I beleive it inspires the religious to a deeper call in Jesus Christ ,to strive for Holiness ,that is prime purpose ,deeper holiness makes for greater use by Our Lord as instruments of prayer and a non verbal evangelization .When I was young to see a Nun ,was to see a represenative of Heaven ,also an instant reminder to me ,this world was temporary. As a member of the body of Christ ,I want to tell my sisters ,those who are out having protest to have more “power” in the Church ,and that woman should be “priest” , I say shame on you , My hero as a NUN is St. Theresa of Avila, and I am sure that is what she would tell you. Woman,have greater roll then you realize in the body of Christ in the world, Mary our Mother ,for example bore our Lord, woman only can have children and to bring more Priest into the world, she walked with Him at calvery ,supporting Him, seeing her gave Him strength to perservere. Jesus did not wash the feet of woman, so there is the answer to that. If your in an order , your job is to give strength to the Priest , and prayer for their Holiness , for without prayer we are without weapons to fight Evil. One more statement I have on this , reform is a step forward in Holiness for an order, reform is not becomming more like the world,modern , womans lib etc. If the orders do not Reform , move ahead in holiness , you will see even less truely called by God to those orders and you will get what your sowing, the wrong kind ,those who’s ears are hearing the whispers of the evil one, to be more powerful in the world, God’s whispers are to be Holy, little , and less esteemed by the worldly. My heart aches for the loss of reverence and prayfulness from the represenitives of Jesus and Mary in the world. I am a woman ,and to old to do much,except tell you what I see. I use the name ElijahsSpirit ,one cause my Heart is only for God , and my mouth is in this world and I have no problem using it for God’s honor in this world. Truth is sometimes hard to bare,but it will set you Free ,Please Religious of God , be our Light to Holiness ,our guide to Living in Spirit and our example of what this life is ,a prepration for eternal life, get on the narrow path ,so others can find it ,and find their way HOME. In Christ Jesus , Ellen **