Do I think their doing this all for the wrong reasons?
You bet!
However I personally believe the reason for the new found interest in the Tridentine Mass is not so innocent either.
Detroit is a hot bed of Traditional Catholics - there are several “sede vacantist” groups there as well as SSPX. St. Mary’s in Wayne Mich. is a huge Catholic Church and across the street sits a little “sede vacantist” parish that is bursting at the seams, 3 Masses on Sunday, a school with nuns and all - and it would appear the money just keeps pouring in…
That’s one of the reasons the Indult Mass in Detroit will have problems. The people want Traditional Sacraments,feast day Masses, and a parish school. Why go to the Indult Mass if you can’t get Traditional Sacraments[like baptism and confirmation]? The SSPX,[non schismatic]CMRI, and ICR[sedevacantist institute] will happily offer the Sacraments to you. I hope the Archbishop will allow Traditional Baptisms,Confirmations, and schoool education.That would get the Traditionalist Catholic to the Indult Mass.