Generally I agree, (I’m in High School now, but looking forward) while I would love a situation where I could earn enough money to take care of the family and (at that point) have my wife (given this is a hypothetical, I am presuming I get married at some point along the way for the sake of discussion) be able to stay home and care for them, there are a variety of factors involved. Often, in order to make that kind of money I would have to work exorbitant hours and wouldn’t be as available for my (again hypothetical family), and seeing as I plan on going into youth ministry (with potential of transitioning toward speaking), it is unrealistic to believe I could earn that kind of money, and so practically I would need my wife to also earn money to help pay the bills. This said, what the person may have been trying to argue (and as St. Thomas Aquinas shows us we should always try to take their words in the most generous manner (in their favor)), is that we need people to return to the traditional Catholic manner of having large families, and we need to return to having women fill in feminine roles like mothering, and men to fathering, and so to the extent that college education harms this (by delaying marriage, etc.) this is an issue that presents substantial problems, in part being responsible for today’s society of married people who don’t want children. This said, realistically, there is no issue, particularly if one is careful to avoid believing the lies in society.
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