By this logic, so was Jesus. Can you show where Jesus is a sinner too?I did not take it out of context but have used it to show that all who sin die. Unless you have some proof that Mary did not die then that would help your case for Mary not being a sinner. If you can’t then it stands to reason by the Scriptures that Mary to was under the curse of sin and died because of it.
This is a common Protestant error in matters of theology. You say “Adam and not Eve” just as you say “Scripture, and not Tradition.”The problem is that the Scriptures also attribute the fall of man to Adam and not Eve. This is why Jesus is always compared to Adam and not Eve.
There is no need to separate them. Both of them sinned, were disobedient, and inherited the consequences of their sins.
This is why Mary needed to be saved.Since Eve also ate she sinned and when they both started to have children the fallness of Adam was passed onto all men and women.
What you give here is the basic core of the immaculate conception of Mary. Since Jesus took His flesh from Mary, and His flesh was untainted by sin, we understand that Mary’s flesh had to be cleansed of original sin prior to the conception of Jesus.It does tell us that all of mankind is fallen since Adam sinned. The only exception is the Lord Jesus because of His miraculous conception and Who He is. Everyone else though was and is a sinner. This would also include Mary.

You have made the same mistake you usually do, by picking out one verse or passage, and proclaiming it to the “most clear” and using it to rule out everything else.Romans 5:12-19 is the one of the clearest teachings on the fall. In this section the fall is attributed to Adam and not Eve.
All of scripture must be taken together. This verse, regardless of it’s apparent “clarity” to your mind, does not stamp out other passages on the subject of the fall. It is not appropriate to create doctrine through one verse like this.
Once again, it is not “either / or” but both. The Scriptures are culturally biased, and they teach eternal truth.Code:Either the Scriptures are cultrually biased or its telling us the truth irrespective of culture.
No, only God could do that!I an inclined to conclude that he would have admired her - of course - as the mother of Christ but certainly would not have elevated her to the state of sinlessness.
In order to justify this, you will have to account for the many parts of the Church who were never involved in the Greco Roman mythology of the time, yet still received and practiced these beliefs from the Apostles. These are the Eastern and Oriental Churches that are known for have litttle affection for Rome.Code:Sorry, but I am inclined to believe that this current heavy Mariology emphasis invaded early Christianity from the competing mystery cults and the Greco-Roman mythology of the time. They had virgin mothers, often more than one, and these were given such titles as the Queen of Heaven.