retroactive = taking effect from a date in the past. In this case it refers to a prayer for some one who has been ill. It may seem strange to a materialist but there is no reason why life should be a one-way process.The full significance of a process is understood only if we know the final outcome. It is a mistake to think everything can be explained by what has happened in the past. Everything is purposeless if the future isn’t taken into account. When we plan ahead we make the present conform to a future state of affairs which reveals the meaning of what we have done.What is a “retroactive” prayer?
So it is with life. The ultimate value and significance of what we do or try to do doesn’t depend on place or time. Love is worthwhile even when it seems to have failed and evil is worthless even when it seems to have succeeded. Its success is short-lived because it ends at death, whereas love is indestructible because it is the very source of vitality. That is why prayer is effective regardless of our physical circumstances. It is an expression of love that transcends everything else. To reject prayer as worthless is to make life meaningless…