Slain in the spirit

  • Thread starter Thread starter John_of_Woking
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We were told to take a hiatus from CCR right now—all the threads are closed. You may do a search, and check out some of the discussions. If you ask some questions, perhaps we may be allowed to answer you.

I have been patient with this "hiatus.

I am searching for greener pastures, where movements approved by the Church can be FREELY discussed by Catholics of good will.

I do not understand this and no one has tried to explain it.


I have been patient with this "hiatus.

I am searching for greener pastures, where movements approved by the Church can be FREELY discussed by Catholics of good will.

I do not understand this and no one has tried to explain it.

Hi Berta,
I thought I saw a thread that mentioned Roman Catholic Charismatics…can’t remember who it was by…anyway from what the previous poster has just had to contribute…do you have to ask why???:confused:
Hi Berta,
I thought I saw a thread that mentioned Roman Catholic Charismatics…can’t remember who it was by…anyway from what the previous poster has just had to contribute…do you have to ask why???:confused:
The thread you mentioned was deleted. Too bad.
Yes, the “previous poster” has succeeded in getting genuine Charismatic discussions censored, here. He is not alone, but he is one of a small handful who enter Charismatic threads, and cause so much problems that the innocent pay the price of being closed down and, even deleted.

This has happened in threads, opened and striving to be peaceful, without debate.

I have done my best to wait this out, while every other sort of controversial thread has been freely allowed to flourish.

As I said before, all I have asked for is an explaination.

Love you all.
The thread you mentioned was deleted. Too bad.
Yes, the “previous poster” has succeeded in getting genuine Charismatic discussions censored, here. He is not alone, but he is one of a small handful who enter Charismatic threads, and cause so much problems that the innocent pay the price of being closed down and, even deleted.

This has happened in threads, opened and striving to be peaceful, without debate.

I have done my best to wait this out, while every other sort of controversial thread has been freely allowed to flourish.

As I said before, all I have asked for is an explaination.

Love you all.
Hang in…maybe it just needs time to give it a rest…I feel really bad that these threads have been deleted too…everyone should have a right to speak…it is a part of the Catholic Church…a very big part! I think some well intentioned members of the forums are allowing themselves to be used to sew discord…Just keep praying!
The comment from Bishop Suenen is that the terminology “Slain in the Spirit” should not be used, and that “Resting in the Spirit” is more appropriate.

I do not agree with the comment that this is not Catholic. I will give my own witness on this issue, not as one who received this phenomena but as an observer.

Back in 1999 I attended a Healing Mass given by Fr. Peter Rookey. We were in the gymnasium of a “local” Catholic school. During the meeting I had the privilege of being able to smell the scent of flowers. Since my sinuses rarely work in order for me to be able to smell flowers, I realized that what I was experiencing did not come from the flowers on the stage because even when I was up close to those flowers I could not experience their scent. At the end of the Mass we were invited to move forward to receive a blessing. The first few rows moved forward and I saw several people fall to the ground. I forgot to add here that during the Mass one of the priests present on the stage of the gym also had an experience that was not staged. Anyway, suddenly, Fr. Rookey stopped and it was announced that we only had a limited time to get off the school grounds, so Fr. Rookey gave a general blessing. A young woman who was sitting two seats away from me fell as if in a faint. She was not pushed, it just happened. I do not believe that auto-suggestion was involved in what I had witnessed that night.

However, what I experienced was something special - the scent of the BVM, plus the incense associated with Jesus and a more hideous odour of sulphur as I was leaving the hall and stepped over some people who were still unconscious.

I have also participated in praying for others as an intercessor (for want of a better word) and the experience turned out to be quite powerful, and again even though no one fell to the ground, people did find peace from the intercessory prayer.

I will not get into the other aspects of CCR such as praying in tongues, I believe it can and does happen but not en masse. I have heard people praying in tongues, when it has not been expected.

I just want to add a comment, that is not a clarification of what anyone has said, but will clarify my own testimony.

On the night that I was used as a part of a prayer team, which included a priest as well as others in prayer, there were several people who came forward looking for the healing of hurt and pain in their lives. There was one particular case where the woman who stepped forward had quite a bit on her mind about family and friends dying and being diagnosed with cancer. As she spoke and then as we said our prayers (this was my first encounter with spontaneous prayer of this nature) I stroked her hair. My action was an automatic reaction to what she was relating. This woman told me at a later date that she had experienced a warmth as I stroked her hair.

I have already witnessed that the experience was very powerful, and I admit that praying in this manner was really quite a heady experience and I too felt alive from the Spirit’s actions that night. However, it did not last because on that same night I was attacked by Satan in a dream, as he cast doubt within my mind over something relating to one of my lay ministries within my parish. This I will not divulge.

Food for thought :).


Praise and thank you, Jesus.

There are many signs of the Spirit, which He allows to help His children. Detractors will say it is imagination or coincidence, but do not let that interfere with your legitimate Catholic form of worship.

Remember, “for those who believe no explanation is necessary, for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.”

Many people do not like Charismatic worship, and this is their option, but it is authentic Catholic worship. Many detractors know nothing about CCR, and come into these threads slamming non-Catholic groups, or Catholic groups without solid Catholic leadership, and using this as “proof” that CCR is inauthentic.

I have been praying on a prayer team AFTER a healing Mass each month for over seven years. There have been a number of healings, which doctors could not explain, most notably macular degeneration. Of course most people are not healed physically, and we will never know why some were chosen for physical healing and others were not. Most do report the Peace of the Spirit—God never promised that we would not suffer, but He did promise that He would help us through whatever hardships come to us.

I have been patient with this "hiatus.

I am searching for greener pastures, where movements approved by the Church can be FREELY discussed by Catholics of good will.

I do not understand this and no one has tried to explain it.

Yes, we have tried. Now we will pray and leave it in the Hands of God. He, who knows the heart of man (and woman) will open the eyes of the blind, if not in this life, in the next.
PS and yes, many have rested in the Spirit—right on the Church floor, in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament with the Pastor present.
PS and yes, many have rested in the Spirit—right on the Church floor, in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament with the Pastor present.
The resting I do at home, the praying I do in Church and at home.
The resting I do at home, the praying I do in Church and at home.
You know Mis, I really am starting to think that you are bordering on being uncharitable…😦
With all of the threads on CCR at the moment, lets give the subject a little bit of a rest. Not a ban, just a break. The charity pertaining to these threads is continues to decline and that needs to get back on track. If you can’t post anything nice, please don’t post anything at all.

Thank you for your understanding.
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