Slavery Rampant in Africa, Middle East; The West Wrongly Accuses Itself

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Okay, you just said nothing. What are your advocating for? What would right these historical wrongs? Or are you just going to run around and virtue signal, and attempt to Vaguely shame and poke people
Okay, you just said nothing.
Then you should not have had anything for which to respond.
What are your advocating for? What would right these historical wrongs? Or are you just going to run around and virtue signal, and attempt to Vaguely shame and poke people
The truth is the light. When one acknowledges some FACTS the case for reparations for racial discrimination is much stronger. However, I don’t favor reparations – it would be too problematical to figure out how and to whom. Remember, more African have immigrated to the US then were brought here in chains.

No one should make believe that because their family never owned slaves or arrived in the US relatively recently that racial discrimination did not affect them.
racial discrimination in America
At the root of most of the problems black people face is the breakdown of the family structure. Slightly over 70% of black children are raised in female-headed households. According to statistics regarding fatherless homes, 90% of homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes, 71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father figure, 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes, 71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes, and 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions have no father. Furthermore, fatherless boys and girls are twice as likely to drop out of high school and twice as likely to end up in jail.

One might say, “Williams, one cannot ignore the legacy of slavery and the gross racism and denial of civil rights in yesteryear!” Let’s look at whether black fatherless homes are a result of a “legacy of slavery” and racial discrimination. In the late 1800s, depending on the city, 70% to 80% of black households were two-parent households. Dr. Thomas Sowell has argued, “The black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life.”

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At the root of most of the problems black people face is the breakdown of the family structure.
Which of course was first started when families were broken apart and sold separately.

The fact that the numbers did recover for a while does not totally absolve those who started it. The breakdown of the family causes poverty, but poverty also causes the breakdown of the family. So it is incorrect to paint the cause and effect in one direction only.
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This seems awfully defensive to me. What folks should know is that the African slave trade (which lasted some 300 years) was greatly fomented by Europeans and vastly dwarfed any other occasion of slavery in world history.

And it is over
Except that isn’t true.

Even if you don’t count communist countries and the ancient world; China, Muslim countries, the Aztecs, etc. All had way more slaves.
Which of course was first started when families were broken apart and sold separately.

The fact that the numbers did recover for a while does not totally absolve those who started it. The breakdown of the family causes poverty, but poverty also causes the breakdown of the family. So it is incorrect to paint the cause and effect in one direction only.
No. Black families were always more intact- even in slavery times- than currently. I think only 20% of blacks were illegitimate in 1960.
No. Black families were always more intact- even in slavery times- than currently. I think only 20% of blacks were illegitimate in 1960.
In my state we had a surge in out of wedlock births among the Amish, too. I guess no group was exempt from the sexual revolution.
Yes, thank God for those progressive Republicans who carried the day and not the conservative Democrats from the South who wanted to keep the status quo of white supremacy.

But of course today the Republicans are the conservatives and the Democrats are the progressives.
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Even if you don’t count communist countries and the ancient world; China, Muslim countries, the Aztecs, etc. All had way more slaves.
The African slave trade sent 12 million people in bondage to the Americas. That’s tragedy. I’m not going to get into silly comparisons of which onset of slavery had the greatest number.
The African slave trade sent 12 million people in bondage to the Americas. That’s tragedy. I’m not going to get into silly comparisons of which onset of slavery had the greatest number.
Slavery has always existed and it continues to this day. We just like to focus on one aspect of it.
The African slave trade
Over 100,000 heroic American men lost their lives fighting to defeat slavery in the Civil War.

Tragically, other countries do not have the same heroes that America had:

  • There is 40.3 million slaves in the world today.
  • North Korea has the highest prevalence of slaves in any country.
  • Nearly a quarter of enslaved individuals are children
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Democrats are the progressives
Good one. Democratic cities’ efforts to defund the police hurts minorities the most.
  1. That has nothing to do the the quote above. Surely you also believe the Democrats are the progressives and are not conservative.
  2. The effort to defund the police are mostly proposals to shift the funding from the police department to community development agencies. There is good reason to think that community development agencies are more beneficial to minorities than the police having more military-style equipment that does not help the minority communities one bit. Community development, on the other hand, includes things like mental health services, job training, broadband Internet access, small business lending, locally-owned business advocacy, recreational opportunities. These use of the funds help. They do not hurt minorities.
There is good reason to think that community development agencies are more beneficial to minorities than the police having more military-style equipment that does not help the minority communities one bit
–Can you point to some authoritative research showing so? Because by all accounts, when you cut police staffing, crime rises.
Community development, on the other hand, includes things like mental health services, job training, broadband Internet access, small business lending, locally-owned business advocacy, recreational opportunities. These use of the funds help. They do not hurt minorities
-I can make a compelling argument that I do hurt minorities by just handing them money endlessly - which is really what you’re advocating - particularly when done to the exclusion of other groups. Since when do the taxpayers need to endlessly subsidize X group? Funny, Asian-Americans; Indian-Americans, etc. don’t seem to need any “community investments” ad infinitum.
There is good reason to think that community development agencies are more beneficial to minorities than the police having more military-style equipment that does not help the minority communities one bit
–Can you point to some authoritative research showing so? Because by all accounts, when you cut police staffing, crime rises.
That’s if you just cut police staffing and don’t add anything back. The defund proposals all include spending the same amount of money, but differently.
Community development, on the other hand, includes things like mental health services, job training, broadband Internet access, small business lending, locally-owned business advocacy, recreational opportunities. These use of the funds help. They do not hurt minorities
-I can make a compelling argument that I do hurt minorities by just handing them money endlessly -
That may be, but the community development programs I refer to do not hand out money endlessly. They improve the community environment. How can a recreation center for kids to keep them off the street and from gangs be a bad thing for them?
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Since the 1960s hundreds of millions of $ have been spent on the projects you speak of. Huge portions of those sums have been essentially slush funds: I’ve seen estimates that if a community center costs $1 million, the grant is $3-4 million and the overage is essentially gravy for the developer. I’m actually looking around for a cite and will post it if I can. So although I’m sure your idea sounds laudable, it breaks down on the rocks of urban democrats’ “way of doing things.”
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