Socialism and Catholicism

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Good instructive example: pretend you’re walking by a river in a park one day to have your lunch. You sit down by the river, take out your sandwich and go to eat it when a homeless man comes up to you and says he’s hungry

(1) Catholicism = voluntary charity = you split your sandwich in two and give him half your sandwich. He is very grateful and says thank you.

(2) Socialism= involuntary charity = suddenly a team of military police move into the park, surround you with weapons drawn and order you to give half your sandwich to the homeless man. You comply and give him half the sandwich.

Note difference between (1) and (2). God doesn’t reward involuntary acts since they don’t require any sacrifice. You’re just doing what you’re ordered to do.
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And hopefully they can find some way to repair what is happening. Looking at Finland, they are doing well and I would say Norway as well. But I think there are a lot of other factors as well that are resulting in problems in Sweden. But at least we agree that Social Democracy can be good and do well. Which is why I am for it in the US to at least try it in someway even if it means only implementing some policies rather than all.

God Bless
What about the ends though? The practical means and objectives? Like what if charity isn’t enough? Or one has no recourse or a charity or working class parish that can’t help or can only help so much?
(1) Catholicism = voluntary charity = you split your sandwich in two and give him half your sandwich. He is very grateful and says thank you.

(2) Socialism= involuntary charity = suddenly a team of military police move into the park, surround you with weapons drawn and order you to give half your sandwich to the homeless man. You comply and give him half the sandwich.
In scenario #2 social services are properly funded and the man has access to the mental health services he needs and has his own sandwich and the two of you can have a conversation about how beautiful the park is.

Follow up in your scenario is the park paid for with voluntary charity or military police? Cuz right now we pay for lots of public parks with what you call military police pointing guns at you but I don’t hear many complaining that it’s socialism.
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What about the ends though? The practical means and objectives? Like what if charity isn’t enough? Or one has no recourse or a charity or working class parish that can’t help or can only help so much?
Yet another distinction

Ends of Socialism = collective and political

Ends of Catholicism = individual and spiritual
The first link shows an average salary of 33400 KR, equaling 3506 USD, which translates to 42072 USD a year, on par with the average wage for US police officers. Using the multiple sources, we see and average wage of 42000-50000 KR for Swedish Police Officers. Thats comparable to US officers.
Also worth noting the violent crime rate is much lower. In the US for example the homicide rate is 4.7 per 100,000, in Sweden it’s .86, 1/5th the number.
Please describe the steps that would lead to someone having a gun pointed at them. Because it seems like song the way the person would need to deliberately hide income, resist arrest, and so on.
For certain kinds of property, it is rightly contended, ought to be reserved to the State since they carry with them a dominating power so great that cannot without danger to the general welfare be entrusted to private individuals
What types of property would you put in this category?
balance out the economy so that its not leaning heavily on the side of the rich.
You make it sound like all the rich are on the same team. If that were the case, large companies (ex: Toys R Us, General Motors, etc) would never fail.
Police don’t have guns who enforce tax laws? News to me
Police have guns to meet lethal force on equal ground. In the scenario you’re suggesting is the person both refusing to pay taxes and violently attacking police officers?
You’re way off topic. Thread not about specific situations when police officers use guns. They bring guns regardless whether person is violent or not. This is common knowledge
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Any time concepts about which books have been written are summarized using only six words, the summary is bound to be overly-simplistic and inadequate for any real analysis.
But 7 words? Now that’s the golden threshold of adequacy
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You’re way off topic. Thread not about specific situations when police officers use guns. They bring guns regardless whether person is violent or not. This is common knowledge
You tried to paint the picture of Navy Seals storming a neighborhood park to force you to give part of your sandwich to a homeless person as an allegory for a society that provides social safety nets. I’m not the one who dove headfirst off the topic.
That’s Socialism - charity by force . On topic.

You went off topic asking when do cops use guns and when do they not? Such as asking “is the guy violently attacking police officers”? WAY OFF TOPIC
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