Some Interesting Facts About"Red" and "Blue" States

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Are you ready to admit that the stand of the democratic party is determined to protect the number one killer of African Americans?God Bless
What’s the number one killer of African Americans?
Are you guys ready to admit that when you compare slave states with free states and red states with blue states, red states were nearly all slave states and blue states were nearly all free states?
So? What point are you trying to draw? Are you actually trying to say that Bush supporters are pro-slavery? I hope not. If so, trying reading the 8th commandment.
The other day I was reading an article about “red” and “blue” states, and I thought it was very interesting. I would just put it up here, but the people would want some sort of link or proof to confirm my claim. Well, I have that proof.

1st of all:
The top 9 Catholic states, in order, are: Rhode Island (63.5 percent Catholic), Kerry’s home state of Massachusetts (47.7 percent), New Jersey (43.5 percent), New York (40.6 percent), Connecticut (38.7 percent), Illinois (31 percent), Wisconsin (30.5 percent), Pennsylvania (30 percent) and California (29.8 percent). Interestingly enough, they all went for Kerry.

I also noticed some other things. Consider these two maps:
See any similarites?
One thing I notice is that a lot of Catholics don’t seem to support the Catholic position on abortion, fetal stem cell research, and gay marriage.

I also notice is that a lot of Catholics don’t seem to read our Bishops writings that different issues carry different weight…that some issues can be negotiable, and some issues are not negotiable.

OK all you liberals just suck it up! There is nothing you can do, you are going to have to put up with Bush for 4 more years. So just sit down and shut up until the next election. Rather than continuing to throw stones at us conservative you would do well to take a breather and reflect on what it was that cost you the election. Could it be that your message of death and immorality is just not that appealing to most Americans?
OK. But why let the Republicans off the hook? The Dems preach abortion, and the Repubs do nothing about it.

Consider that the Senate now has 55 Republicans. The House has a Republican majority. The President is a Republican. Who thinks there will be any broad legislation to stop abortions? I don’t.
OK. But why let the Republicans off the hook? The Dems preach abortion, and the Repubs do nothing about it.

Consider that the Senate now has 55 Republicans. The House has a Republican majority. The President is a Republican. Who thinks there will be any broad legislation to stop abortions? I don’t.
Legislation introduced and passed? Maybe. Upheld in court? NO. Not with liberal judges “finding” abortion rights in the Constitution.
Legislation introduced and passed? Maybe. Upheld in court? NO. Not with liberal judges “finding” abortion rights in the Constitution.
Congres can pass legislation that is not subject to the courts. They won’t do it.
Article III talks about exceptions. I’m not competent to provide a detailed analysis.
Lawyers??? Anyone?? This is too interesting to let go.
Yeah, look it up in Article III. This has been one of Pat Buchanan’s pet projects the past several months, to pass a gay marriage ban not subject to judicial review. Congress gets to regulate the scope of the Supreme Court’s duties, and therefore those of all the lower federal courts. They don’t do this often - I recall the campaign finance law was subject to original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, rather than having to wend its way up through appeals - I believe that is an example of Congress using these same Article III powers we’re referring to.

However, as I’ve heard it, there would be great reluctance by Congress to sidestep the normal and established process. It just looks a little sleazy, and once you do it for this issue, you’re on the slippery slope where there will be pressure to include such a clause in just about every bill. Which is apparently why Patty-boy hasn’t made much headway with this.
I heard this on the Laura Ingraham Show this morning that Red states, have larger families and have more children, than Blue states.

If that trend continues, just by population growth only, there will be more Red state citizens and voters than Blue states. (It makes sense since Blue states tend to go for liberalism, gay rights, abortions, etc.)
The number one killer of African Americans is abortion.All crime and disease has been surpassed by it. Our country has 36 million African Americans, since Roe v Wade approx.15 million have been killed by abortion.God Bless
OK. But why let the Republicans off the hook? The Dems preach abortion, and the Repubs do nothing about it.

Consider that the Senate now has 55 Republicans. The House has a Republican majority. The President is a Republican. Who thinks there will be any broad legislation to stop abortions? I don’t.
Well, Zoot I am happy to report to you that Bush has passed a partial birth abortion ban, enacted the born alive act and also made it a criminal offence to harm a pregnant women and her unborn “child”. Furthermore if the Demacrats don’t block it he is going to put pro-life judges in the supreme court that could overturn or severly restrict the practice of killing unborn children. God Bless
Here you go, Article III, Section 2:
  1. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the supreme court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before-mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.
Never forget that Kerry repeatedly stated that his first act would to be to reinstate the Mexico City Policy.

Tax funded abortion!
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