Some Interesting Facts About"Red" and "Blue" States

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Well, Zoot I am happy to report to you that Bush has passed a partial birth abortion ban, enacted the born alive act and also made it a criminal offence to harm a pregnant women and her unborn “child”. Furthermore if the Demacrats don’t block it he is going to put pro-life judges in the supreme court that could overturn or severly restrict the practice of killing unborn children. God Bless
Is that what you call “broad legislation to stop abortions.” I so, then there is no longer an abortion issue.
OK. But why let the Republicans off the hook? The Dems preach abortion, and the Repubs do nothing about it.

Consider that the Senate now has 55 Republicans. The House has a Republican majority. The President is a Republican. Who thinks there will be any broad legislation to stop abortions? I don’t.
I’m not letting them off the hook. I’ll stay on them to act on the mandate given to them by the election. I expect some legislative measures and judicial appointees that are appropriate. We saw some progress in the past 4 years. I expect much more over the next 4.
Lisa4Catholics, God bless ya, but you do know you can “quote” someone and respond all in ONE post?? 😃
Oh, come now.Don’t be so pessamistic:(Come clean If the Republicans stopped abortions today you would find something to rag them on. Would it hurt too much to look at some of the good things that they have done? Go to plannedparenthoods website, they are shaking in their boots.God Bless
Oh, come now.Don’t be so pessamistic:(Come clean If the Republicans stopped abortions today you would find something to rag them on. Would it hurt too much to look at some of the good things that they have done? Go to plannedparenthoods website, they are shaking in their boots.God Bless
The Republicans do good things. But they have done little more than the dems on abortion. Your list of what they did demonstrates this. They are not doing anything simply because they don’t want to. Lots of talk for a certain group of voters, but very, very little action.

And, yes. I have many beefs with both the dems and repubs. I don’t have to wait for them to get rid of abortion to complain.
American conservatives in the 1860s were pro-Confederacy, and Catholics in America at that time (who were born in America and not immigrants) were also pro-South. The Pope at the time was as well. He sent a Crown of Thorns to Jefferson Davis after the war. The Confederate cause was the just one-- since the lawfully elected representatives of the people voted in those states to leave the Union. Lincoln’s “government for the people, of the people, and by the people” was pure hypocrisy. He had legislators in Maryland (the original Catholic colony) arrested before they could vote to withdraw from the Union–so much for government. The Northern armies invaded the South to turn a buck. The Pope knew what was happening and condemned the folly, just as our current Pope saw the folly in invading Iraq.
I’m not letting them off the hook. I’ll stay on them to act on the mandate given to them by the election. I expect some legislative measures and judicial appointees that are appropriate. We saw some progress in the past 4 years. I expect much more over the next 4.
However much of what we get is “fought” - see post California Wants Reproduction Rights.
Tom of Assisi:
American conservatives in the 1860s were pro-Confederacy, and Catholics in America at that time (who were born in America and not immigrants) were also pro-South. The Pope at the time was as well. He sent a Crown of Thorns to Jefferson Davis after the war. The Confederate cause was the just one-- since the lawfully elected representatives of the people voted in those states to leave the Union. Lincoln’s “government for the people, of the people, and by the people” was pure hypocrisy. He had legislators in Maryland (the original Catholic colony) arrested before they could vote to withdraw from the Union–so much for government. The Northern armies invaded the South to turn a buck. The Pope knew what was happening and condemned the folly, just as our current Pope saw the folly in invading Iraq.

I always understood the states rights issue, and sympathized with it. The Civil War was certainly about economics, and plenty of “hypocrisy” to go around, but I can’t help but see the JUSTICE in freeing human beings from slavery!!
The Republicans do good things. But they have done little more than the dems on abortion. Your list of what they did demonstrates this. They are not doing anything simply because they don’t want to. Lots of talk for a certain group of voters, but very, very little action.

And, yes. I have many beefs with both the dems and repubs. I don’t have to wait for them to get rid of abortion to complain.
There is more than I put on my list, but my point is that they are trying, and I like you, don’t agree with everything that either party puts out. But on the more serious issues I had to go with the republicans(Bush). You can certainly gripe if you want to, I simply believe that more prayer and less gripe will produce more:)I know what a mess I can be myself so I try to look at the good, I don’t always succeed but I do try. God Bless
If you check the county-by-county results, then, yeah, the country is mostly red. But Democrats aren’t finished in some parts of the south and even in Texas. Some of those areas are very large and have few people in them. A few hundred votes for Bush and, yeah, he wins the huge county. But, quijote, we don’t elect people based on how much land area they win.
If you check the county-by-county results, then, yeah, the country is mostly red. But Democrats aren’t finished in some parts of the south and even in Texas. Some of those areas are very large and have few people in them. A few hundred votes for Bush and, yeah, he wins the huge county. But, quijote, we don’t elect people based on how much land area they win.
I pointed out that California had more votes for Bush than any other State except for Texas… My county is the largest in the USA but, it had more votes for Bush than some States… Orange County in CA had more votes for Bush than any other county in the USA but, California was a blue state… This goes the opposite way too…
Tom of Assisi:
Catholics in America at that time (who were born in America and not immigrants) were also pro-South. The Pope at the time was as well. He sent a Crown of Thorns to Jefferson Davis after the war.
Do you have a cite for these claims? It would not suprise me if Catholics in Maryland were pro-South. It would surprise me if the same were true of Catholics in NY and Boston.

Regarding the red and blue counties, it’s interesting to note from the USA Today map that Bush gained a total area of 107,000 sq. miles from 2000 to 2004, while Kerry bested Gore by 15,000 sq. miles. From this, we must conclude from USA Today that either Nader and Buchanan won 122,000 sq miles of counties in 2000, or perhaps the country has grown by that much. Maybe we grabbed some land while Canada and Mexico weren’t looking.
we don’t elect people based on how much land area they win.
I agree, and that was not my point. The county map shows that your insinuation about a relation between slavery and where Bush won is a stretch.
Are you guys ready to admit that when you compare slave states with free states and red states with blue states, red states were nearly all slave states and blue states were nearly all free states?
If anything, Kerry did well mostly in the cities whereas Bush did better in the rural areas (hence the “redness” of the election results).

Dear quijote,

The fact of the matter is, just as many Southern and Western states were united for slavery, once again they stand united for Bush.

Also, you guys should note that Bush won many more counties by less than 5% then Kerry did. If you don’t believe me, tell me and I’ll provide a link.

Also, I have another question: why do you end all of your responses/questions with “Cheers”? Is it in an attempt to end on a dramatic, mysterious note? I don’t you if you are familiar with the members of these forums, “MrS” and “Lisa N” but they, like you, end their threads with just their log-in names from here. Are you trying to do that to?

Cheers yourself.
Dear quijote,

The fact of the matter is, just as many Southern and Western states were united for slavery, once again they stand united for Bush.
Arizona, which voted for Bush, was in no way united for slavery during the Civil War. Your wrong here.
wisdom 3:5:
Pretty silly to think that where you are geographically determines your morality.
Or that state demographics are as they were in 1860.
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