Teachers work extra jobs a) so we can live
The data does not support the theory that teachers are underpaid and/or not paid a wage they can live on. This is a myth perpetuated in our society, and unsupported by the facts.
You, personally, may be in a low paying school district. However, the data shows that teachers earned an average of $34.06/hour in 2005, 36% more than the average white collar worker.
If you are not paid highly enough, you are free to seek out a school district or occupation that pays more.
Here is a
link to a report showing 66 major metropolitan areas and the corresponding teacher pay. This is a very well researched white paper, including detailed tables and sources. The primary source is the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In addition, the teacher wages are exclusive of the retirement and benefits packages-- which are typically extremely generous.
and b) so we can take the classes we must take
As I have previously stated, teachers are not unique in having to maintain professional licenses and certifications. There are many professions requiring professional development credit hours-- and these professionals also must pay for their development, do it on their own time, and do so with less time off than teachers.
and buy the materials we need (that aren’t covered by our classroom budget) in order to keep and do our jobs effectively.
You may *choose *to buy materials, but you are not required to. I never bought anything with my own money. I used the district budget, and if there was no money then I didn’t need it that badly.
If you want to fix the education crisis in this country, pay teachers a 6-figure salary.
Why should teachers be paid “6 figures”? Why do they merit such high pay? On what do you base performance? Most of America is not earning “6 figures”. And, giving teachers piles of money will NOT fix the “education crisis”.
Currently teacher salary is not linked to student achievement at all. Again, the white paper I linked to is quite instructive in this area.
Teachers are almost exclusively paid on a seniority system, not on a merit system. Those of us in industry are paid on an outcome basis. I have duties, responsibilities, and projects. And, I am paid according to how well I do my job-- not how long I’ve been occupying my chair.
The way in which teachers are paid fosters mediocracy, not excellence in teaching.
How many potentially fantastic teachers have been lost to industry and business and other fields simply because of the difference in pay?
When I left teaching and went into computer support, I took a pay cut. I made more as a teacher. The eventual large pay increases came because I went into management. The same holds true for teachers-- taking on more responsibility by becoming a department head or by going into administration and becoming a principal, superintendent, etc, is the path to high earnings.
It’s a sad commentary on our nation that teachers make what we do, considering what’s at stake when we go to work.
It’s a sad commentary on entitlement that teachers think they should get paid loads of money, and shame on everyone for believing this persistent myth of downtrodden, poorly paid teachers.