not all students will achieve what they should even if the teacher is doing everything right. Surely, if you were previously an educator, you would remember this. Unless you taught in a private school where most parents were present in their kids’ lives.
No, I did not teach in a private school.
Teacher performance should not be solely based on student achievement. There are many dimensions that can be used in an outcome based performance appraisal, student achievement being one dimension. The current system takes absolutely
NO measure of teacher performance at all. It’s time in the chair, that’s
And you are quite wrong about students not caring about school if they have a bad home life. I had many such students, and they cared a great deal.
When you took the time to get to know them as people and treated them as people (and not as “unteachable”) they actually did quite well too.
I knew too many teachers who had the attitude that students were hopeless-- the “hopeless” ones did quite well in my classes, even if it was the only class in which they were thriving.
I got a really nice letter about 5 years after I left teaching from a boy who was tagged by the teachers as a “hopeless” case-- talk in the teacher’s lounge can be quite brutal. He was in the Marine Corps, serving in Korea, and he took the time to write to me to tell me if he hadn’t had me in Geometry class in 10th grade, he would be dead because he had been contemplating suicide.
Yes, I do know about those types of kids. Do not assume that my leaving teaching had anything to do with not liking it, not liking the kids, or not being able to do the job well. It would be a rash assumption.
Thus, you are proving my point that teaching wasn’t for you.
You made an assumption that is absolutely not true.
Again, it is not an insult, as I can recognize I most certainly am not cut out to be a computer tech.
I am not a computer tech. That was the first job I took when I moved.
However, I think you either harbor a grudge against the profession or you simply don’t understand it.
I do not harbor a grudge, and I do understand teaching. I still teach, I just don’t get pad for it. I volunteer.
And, I teach in my professional career, developing curriculum and providing classroom training in a corporate environment among other projects.
Actually, I think it’s a sad commentary on society that we value those responsible for our children less than we value other occupations. Aside from doctors and researchers, there is no other occupation that I can think of that harbors more responsibility for society.
It’s not about “valuing” them. Of course they are valuable. So are:
army privates defending this country in Iraq
the guy who picks up the garbage (do that job for a week!)
social workers
FDA food inspectors
The list is
infinite. There are
many jobs in the public sector that are valuable, provide a service to society, and are important. It’s basic economics. You cannot pay them unlimited amounts of money no matter how much you “value” their service.
The premise put forward is that (public school) teachers are underpaid. I disagree with this premise. I don’t believe they are underpaid. Some, specific individual teachers-- yes, probably. Teachers as a whole, no.
If you believe public schools are underfunded, or teachers are underpaid-- then take action.