Something Must Be Done About Those High Paid Teachers

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A regular teacher would make more in a privatized school system. The excessive costs for administration, overhead, and capital expenses would shrink. Of course employment conditions would change. And yes students would do better.
Yes, I would say the conditions would change quite substantially if you reduced the money for capital expenditures. Do you know what capital expenditures are?

What, SPECIFICALLY, would you cut from the categories you mention?
I’m done with this thread. I am beginning to become upset, and I will not allow this to ruin my day.

I guess you win, 1ke.

I’m done with this thread. I am beginning to become upset, and I will not allow this to ruin my day.
I am sorry that you are becoming upset. And, if I caused that, I am sorry.
I guess you win, 1ke.
Dante, That’s neither the point, nor the objective. It’s not about “winning”.

It seems that everyone wants to come on here and as a group bewail the plight of teachers without supplying any data at all to back up their assertions.

I have an opposing view and opinion on their plight and the solutions to the problems. That doesn’t make me right and you wrong.

However, if you want to debate strictly from emotion, that is not very productive. Supplying data is a way to come at it from an objective standpoint. If you want to refute my data, be my guest.

My apologies for insuating that you were merely trying to win an argument. I am very emotionally attached to the issue of education, and my overall point is that, ideally, teachers should be compensated based on the value of their profession – that is, the molding of young minds into (on a practical level) contributing members of society and the leadership of tomorrow, and (on a more esoteric level) sophisticated thinkers with a deep and life-long love of learning.

Unfortunately, I’m unable to provide any data to back this up, as it is a purely philosophical standpoint. Comparing teachers’ wages to those in other industries does not contradict my point, as I’m not trying to make the case that teachers don’t make enough to make ends meet – although that is surely the case for some.

Personally, even though I make less at a private school than I would at a public school, I make enough to live. But my situation is a little different than most: in addition to being a single guy with no family for which to provide, my living expenses are significantly lower at the moment than most – having relocated from Texas to be near my family, I am currently (loser alert!) living at my parents’ house.

Given the market for renting apartments, and given the unbelievable mess that is the homeowner’s insurance industry in Florida, the idea of making ends meet on my salary is a bit daunting. If I had a family, and my wife were not able to work, it would be a tremendous challenge.

But I respect what I see to be your point: that there are many professionals who make less than teachers do. I guess it all comes back to what one believes to be a “just wage”.

Anyway – we agree to disagree philosophically, I presume.

Um, no, “we” didn’t mention that “most money in school budgets is not spent at the instruction level”. YOU proposed this, and the data does **not **back up your ideas. I’m sorry that you have some alternate-universe math that you are using, but it’s not real math and the data is there, for example the DISD budget example.
actually the data proves “most money in school budgets is not spent at the instruction level”. That is a simple straight forward fact. Your assertion would need the asset value of capital budget to exceed the capital budget which makes no sense if you read the budget(I have to guess you did not read the budget
Yes, I would say the conditions would change quite substantially if you reduced the money for capital expenditures. Do you know what capital expenditures are?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: so far I have stayed under budget on my capital projects how about you? Was it my recent 38%ROI calculation on the second coater the root of your accusation? did some leak company information to you? I stand behind that calculation
What, SPECIFICALLY, would you cut from the categories you mention?
Basically I would operate the schools differently thus the budget would not look the same at all, including the 199 million dollars on page 4 all of that would be gone. hey did you notice the 10.5 million miscellaneous fund was dropped to 8.5 million? Again this miscellaneous fund is not in the operating budget. BTW if you read that page the Capital budget ( this is typically opened with bonds then paid back with interest through taxes on residents) is down from ~443 million to ~391 million again that is over 200 million off from your earlier assertion.
Yes, but you then applied those to actual DISD data. You cannot mix apples and oranges. Using actual DISD teacher and salary information gives a more accurate picture.

Other posters have likely made assumptions regarding student/teacher ratios, salary, and benefits that are far different from actual numbers. These assumptions skew the perception of teacher salaries, percent of budget, etc.

The numbers I provided are based on much more accurate estimates, real DISD data.
actually DISD is a very high paying district, far above normal. That is clearly displayed in the BLS numbers however I still to not see how you or those reporters justify the number you are using. Could you point that number out in the BLS data as I can only find lower numbers.
…It is completely **false **to assert that schools are spending only a small percent of their revenues on teachers.
actually that is exactly what the budget shows
Nope. You’ve included the Capital Budget, which as I said is not operating revenue. Capital budget is bond revenue and can only be spent for that purpose.
really I suspect you did not read the actual budget it is hard to image you want to defend some of those line items as “bonds”
The Operating Fund, Fund 199, is $1,082,727,546. Salaries are 61% of the Operating Fund.
is this not a strange way to reaffirm my earlier post on the same subject? - thank you
Seriously, study school finance law. Funds can only be spent in certain ways by law, depending upon what those funds are and where they came from.
This is a good start how about you describe where all substantial money comes from for schools I’ll take tax payers what else is there? Let me give you a hint Bond Holder do not forfeit their investments, so who pays them?

1ke how about you explain a couple of things 1) If DISD spends 600 million a year over their operating budget how do you think those bills are paid? ( If they issue bonds who pays the bonds?) 2) The food services budget for DISD both in and out of the operating budget - can you explain that?
You go right ahead and cut all that stuff out, violate state and federal laws in the process, and get your school district shut down. That will solve everything.

Most of the “other revenue” funds, for example “Title I”, are referring to programs mandated by the federal and/or state law. You can’t eliminate them.

You are the one who indicated eliminating capital expenditures would be part of your solution-- be my guest. Stop building and repairing schools. Hey maybe you should run for school board on that platform.

I do not know what is in miscellaneous category is, and I agree that should be explained further by the district.

Yes, I did read the budget. Yes, I do know how bond issues are repaid (see previous post).

We’re done. Continue to believe what you want about teachers, but if you do believe they are so downtrodden-- then go to school board meetings (or better yet, RUN for school board) and act on that belief.

Otherwise, you’re just part of the problem.
You go right ahead and cut all that stuff out, violate state and federal laws in the process, and get your school district shut down. That will solve everything.

Most of the “other revenue” funds, for example “Title I”, are referring to programs mandated by the federal and/or state law. You can’t eliminate them.

You are the one who indicated eliminating capital expenditures would be part of your solution-- be my guest. Stop building and repairing schools. Hey maybe you should run for school board on that platform.

I do not know what is in miscellaneous category is, and I agree that should be explained further by the district.

Yes, I did read the budget. Yes, I do know how bond issues are repaid (see previous post).

We’re done. Continue to believe what you want about teachers, but if you do believe they are so downtrodden-- then go to school board meetings (or better yet, RUN for school board) and act on that belief.

Otherwise, you’re just part of the problem.
I’ll take this to mean you now realize:
-schools are paid for by tax payers
-only a small part of the budget goes to paying teachers salaries

Unfortunately it seems you are not yet open to the idea a school can be operated by non government employees, operated in non government buildings, on land not owned by the government and transported in buses which are not government property? Private schools do this everyday and they do not spend the volume of money the DISD spends. A private school last I knew was around $6,000 per student per year when the DISD is over $11,000 per student per year. Exiting the current public system is not the same as cutting the 33% funding from non primary sources. I hope you understand it is not about the money. The public school sets an example of irresponsibility because even the best teacher is paid the same, worked the same, and unable to advance through their success. Teachers are paid by how long they taught now whether they did it well !!!
However, the data shows that teachers earned an average of $34.06/hour in 2005, 36% more than the average white collar worker.
Sounds like you are only counting the time the teacher works in the classroom. You need to also count the time the teacher works at home and before & after school.
If you are not paid highly enough, you are free to seek out a school district or occupation that pays more.
Usually in the highest paid districts, there are 1000 applications for each job available (at least). So, while most teachers would LOVE a great paying district, not every teacher can do so as there are only so many jobs. Further, you suggest that a teacher find another occupation. Most teachers teach because it is their passion. They love children. (at least the good ones). We entrust our children to them…they should be paid as such. We pay doctors well, lawyers well, …heck, we even pay veternarians better than teachers and they care for animals! Teachers deserve to be paid enough money to raise their family on.
As I have previously stated, teachers are not unique in having to maintain professional licenses and certifications. There are many professions requiring professional development credit hours-- and these professionals also must pay for their development, do it on their own time, and do so with less time off than teachers.
I’d like to know what the professions are and how many credit hours are required before I can comment.
You may *choose *to buy materials, but you are not required to. I never bought anything with my own money. I used the district budget, and if there was no money then I didn’t need it that badly.
A school has a limited budget to give teachers…not because class supplies are unimportant, but because there is not enough money in the budget. A good teacher buys things that will improve their classroom. I, frankly, have never heard of a teacher who didn’t use their own money. You say that “you” didn’t need it badly enough. I am trying not to be offensive, but maybe that’s why you aren’t a teacher anymore. It’s not about what you need, but what they need. (Again, I’m not trying to insult you…I would not make a good nurse, thus I am not one…we all have our talents, but none of us are good at everything.)

It does seem to me that you weren’t meant to be a teacher. You say things like “change professions”. Obviously, teaching wasn’t your passion. That’s okay. But understand most educators will do everything to stay in this profession because they believe it is important and that they can make a difference. It’s all about the kids. That said, they still need to be paid enough to support their families. And we DO undervalue teachers. We pay many other professions of less importance far more than we pay teachers.
Why should teachers be paid “6 figures”? Why do they merit such high pay? On what do you base performance? Most of America is not earning “6 figures”. And, giving teachers piles of money will NOT fix the “education crisis”.
Did someone say six figures? If they did, I missed it. That is not my assertion, though. But they certainly should be paid more than $30k or $40k. I made $35k as a SECRETARY for goodness sake!!

(continued next post)
Currently teacher salary is not linked to student achievement at all. Again, the white paper I linked to is quite instructive in this area.
not all students will achieve what they should even if the teacher is doing everything right. Surely, if you were previously an educator, you would remember this. Unless you taught in a private school where most parents were present in their kids’ lives. Then I can see where your perception might be skewed. However, in public schools, a child will NOT care about school if they have no heat at home. Or if they have drug deals going on in their home. Or if their mother has 3 or 4 different guys sleeping over in a week. I’ve used these examples before, NOT becasue I think they sound good, but because they are actual example of kids I had in a class before. In ONE class, together. And there were more "sob stories’ in that class too. Do you think they really cared about doing their story webs?
When I left teaching and went into computer support, I took a pay cut.
Thus, you are proving my point that teaching wasn’t for you. Again, it is not an insult, as I can recognize I most certainly am not cut out to be a computer tech. However, I think you either harbor a grudge against the profession or you simply don’t understand it.
It’s a sad commentary on entitlement that teachers think they should get paid loads of money, and shame on everyone for believing this persistent myth of downtrodden, poorly paid teachers.
Actually, I think it’s a sad commentary on society that we value those responsible for our children less than we value other occupations. Aside from doctors and researchers, there is no other occupation that I can think of that harbors more responsibility for society.
Dante, let me just take a moment to tell you that I would LOVE for you either of my children to have you as their teacher. You sound truly dedicated.
not all students will achieve what they should even if the teacher is doing everything right. Surely, if you were previously an educator, you would remember this. Unless you taught in a private school where most parents were present in their kids’ lives.
No, I did not teach in a private school.

Teacher performance should not be solely based on student achievement. There are many dimensions that can be used in an outcome based performance appraisal, student achievement being one dimension. The current system takes absolutely NO measure of teacher performance at all. It’s time in the chair, that’s it.

And you are quite wrong about students not caring about school if they have a bad home life. I had many such students, and they cared a great deal.

When you took the time to get to know them as people and treated them as people (and not as “unteachable”) they actually did quite well too.

I knew too many teachers who had the attitude that students were hopeless-- the “hopeless” ones did quite well in my classes, even if it was the only class in which they were thriving.

I got a really nice letter about 5 years after I left teaching from a boy who was tagged by the teachers as a “hopeless” case-- talk in the teacher’s lounge can be quite brutal. He was in the Marine Corps, serving in Korea, and he took the time to write to me to tell me if he hadn’t had me in Geometry class in 10th grade, he would be dead because he had been contemplating suicide.

Yes, I do know about those types of kids. Do not assume that my leaving teaching had anything to do with not liking it, not liking the kids, or not being able to do the job well. It would be a rash assumption.
Thus, you are proving my point that teaching wasn’t for you.
You made an assumption that is absolutely not true.
Again, it is not an insult, as I can recognize I most certainly am not cut out to be a computer tech.
I am not a computer tech. That was the first job I took when I moved.
However, I think you either harbor a grudge against the profession or you simply don’t understand it.
I do not harbor a grudge, and I do understand teaching. I still teach, I just don’t get pad for it. I volunteer.

And, I teach in my professional career, developing curriculum and providing classroom training in a corporate environment among other projects.
Actually, I think it’s a sad commentary on society that we value those responsible for our children less than we value other occupations. Aside from doctors and researchers, there is no other occupation that I can think of that harbors more responsibility for society.
It’s not about “valuing” them. Of course they are valuable. So are:

army privates defending this country in Iraq
the guy who picks up the garbage (do that job for a week!)
social workers
FDA food inspectors

The list is infinite. There are many jobs in the public sector that are valuable, provide a service to society, and are important. It’s basic economics. You cannot pay them unlimited amounts of money no matter how much you “value” their service.

The premise put forward is that (public school) teachers are underpaid. I disagree with this premise. I don’t believe they are underpaid. Some, specific individual teachers-- yes, probably. Teachers as a whole, no.

If you believe public schools are underfunded, or teachers are underpaid-- then take action.
I’ll take this to mean you now realize:

-schools are paid for by tax payers
-only a small part of the budget goes to paying teachers salaries
I have never made any comment that would indicate schools are not paid for by taxpayers.

As to the salaries being a “small part” of the budget. Absolutely not. That is clear in the budget itself, I’m sorry you seem to be unable to read the budget.

In the interest of charity-- please stop posting to me and I will stop posting to you. Your comment above is very lacking in charity.
Unfortunately it seems you are not yet open to the idea a school can be operated by non government employees, operated in non government buildings, on land not owned by the government and transported in buses which are not government property?
I never said they had to be. So, you move from owning to leasing. The students must still be housed, bused, etc.-- the expenses remain no matter what you cal them. Leasing is not always more cost effective than owning. It can be. There are schools already doing so. It has not, by and large, eliminated their problems or resulted in a budget decrease.
Private schools do this everyday and they do not spend the volume of money the DISD spends. A private school last I knew was around $6,000 per student per year when the DISD is over $11,000 per student per year.
Private schools are also not subject to the same laws as public schools.
Exiting the current public system is not the same as cutting the 33% funding from non primary sources. I hope you understand it is not about the money.
You have made it all about the money. The whole premise has been teachers are underpaid-- let’s give them gobs of money.

That will not solve anything, as I have posted in numerous other posts on this thread. It’s not solely about the amount of money it’s about the way in which they are paid and the performance standards (lack of them) they are expected to meet.

I also agree that in many cases, DISD possibly being one, that the funds they do have could be managed better. I also have first hand knowledge of other districts where the board is extremely fiscally responsible and utilizing their resources very judiciously.
The public school sets an example of irresponsibility because even the best teacher is paid the same, worked the same, and unable to advance through their success. Teachers are paid by how long they taught now whether they did it well !!!
On this we are in 100% agreement. I guess you missed my numerous posts on this topic.
Sounds like you are only counting the time the teacher works in the classroom. You need to also count the time the teacher works at home and before & after school.
I guess since we’re three pages into these posts and you are only picking select posts of mine to comment on you’ve missed the numerous times I’ve already said this, so one more time:

Yes, teachers take work home. So do most other white collar workers to whom they are being compared. Overtime is not unique to teachers. It is an expectation of professional position everywhere. Therefore, to compare teachers salaries to other white collar workers is definitely appropriate.
Usually in the highest paid districts, there are 1000 applications for each job available (at least). So, while most teachers would LOVE a great paying district, not every teacher can do so as there are only so many jobs.
This is unsupported by any facts.
Further, you suggest that a teacher find another occupation.
No, I suggested it was a choice as is the district in which they teach.
Most teachers teach because it is their passion.
Clearly you’ve not spent much time in a teacher’s lounge.
They love children. (at least the good ones). We entrust our children to them…they should be paid as such.
And, it is my assertion that they are paid well. Relative to the communities they live in and the average wage in that community, teachers are paid well. Teacher pay varies greatly across the country, and there are some pockets of poorly paid teachers-- but on the whole “teachers” as a class of workers are NOT underpaid. The data does not bear it out.
We pay doctors well, lawyers well, …heck, we even pay veternarians better than teachers and they care for animals! Teachers deserve to be paid enough money to raise their family on.
None of these professions are in the public sector. Therefore, their wages are not limited by tax revenues but by what the market will bear. “We” pay baseball payers millions too.
I’d like to know what the professions are and how many credit hours are required before I can comment.
Then do the research it’s readily available on the internet.
A school has a limited budget to give teachers…not because class supplies are unimportant, but because there is not enough money in the budget.
Then go to the school board meetings, advocate for higher taxes, and increase revenue. Except in the states that have passed laws on how much revenue can be collected.
A good teacher buys things that will improve their classroom. I, frankly, have never heard of a teacher who didn’t use their own money. You say that “you” didn’t need it badly enough. I am trying not to be offensive, but maybe that’s why you aren’t a teacher anymore. It’s not about what you need, but what they need.
The kids don’t need most of the stuff teachers are complaining about not having money to buy.
It does seem to me that you weren’t meant to be a teacher. You say things like “change professions”. Obviously, teaching wasn’t your passion.
You are quite mistaken.
That said, they still need to be paid enough to support their families.
Please provide data to support that they are not.
Did someone say six figures? If they did, I missed it. That is not my assertion, though.
Yes, someone did say that.
Just and FYI

The bureau of labor statistics (BLS) data indicates one in four teachers’ makes less than $34,000. The BLS lists contract labor hours not hours worked thus 180 days times 8 hours thus 1440. Same for my profession which would laugh at the idea we work 2000 hours (50 weeks @ 40 hours per week).
My apologies for insuating that you were merely trying to win an argument. I am very emotionally attached to the issue of education,
As am I. I loved teaching. And, I love learning.
and my overall point is that, ideally, teachers should be compensated based on the value of their profession –
This is not only true of teachers. I wish everyone could be paid according to the value of their profession, and of their personal value to an organization or as a person. Really, what is the value of a person? What amount can you pay them that compensates for them being away from their family, putting in long hours at work, etc? The answer is really that no one is every paid what they are worth. We are all have infinite worth (as children of God and to our families). What we don’t have are infinite resources.

Philosophically, I wish I could pay all my employees lots of money an give them lots of benefits. Reality, is a different matter. Resources are finiate no matter the profession.
Comparing teachers’ wages to those in other industries does not contradict my point, as I’m not trying to make the case that teachers don’t make enough to make ends meet – although that is surely the case for some.
And yet, you have only to look a few posts below yours and this is what was posted to me: That said, they still need to be paid enough to support their families.

This is a myth-- one with abosolutely NO data to back it up. Yet it’s repeated on this thread over and over and I’m beat up when I ask someone to give me real data that shows teachers are not being paid a living wage. So far, no one has done so.
Personally, even though I make less at a private school than I would at a public school, I make enough to live. But my situation is a little different than most: in addition to being a single guy with no family for which to provide, my living expenses are significantly lower at the moment than most – having relocated from Texas to be near my family, I am currently (loser alert!) living at my parents’ house.

Given the market for renting apartments, and given the unbelievable mess that is the homeowner’s insurance industry in Florida, the idea of making ends meet on my salary is a bit daunting. If I had a family, and my wife were not able to work, it would be a tremendous challenge.
(a) You are not a loser.

(b) In the places that do pay poorly, I agree something should be done. But, what that something is-- no one can quite say. Thus far, no one has given an example of teachers actually being paid poorly. All anyone says is “pay teachers more”. No one thus far has stepped up and said how that will solve the problems of the educational system, or how they plan to pay for it.

What is a “fair wage” for teachers?
Teacher performance should not be solely based on student achievement. There are many dimensions that can be used in an outcome based performance appraisal, student achievement being one dimension. The current system takes absolutely NO measure of teacher performance at all. It’s time in the chair, that’s it.
Well, I do agree with you that student achievement should factor into a teacher’s evaluation, but I don’t think it is fair to make it all about that. Maybe we agree a little more on this aspect than I realized. I also believe that teachers should be rewarded based on performance, not just seniority…so we agree there as well. 🙂
And you are quite wrong about students not caring about school if they have a bad home life. I had many such students, and they cared a great deal.
Well, it’s really antedotal. It depends ont he child. You are right…sometimes when they have a bad home life they still care. But when they don’t feel SAFE at home, the LAST THING on their mind is doing school work. Again, it depends on the specific student, their specific homelife, and how they react. If they are hungry,they aren’t concentrating on their math. My point was that no matter how good a teacher is, she cannot get all students to perform well on the standardized tests (our current measurement system).
When you took the time to get to know them as people and treated them as people (and not as “unteachable”) they actually did quite well too.
Again, it depends on all the factors I mentioned about. Of course you’re right that not every child is unteachable. In fact, all are teachable. But will all of them perform well on the standardized tests used to determine their achievement. I believe that is what is in question, correct? I don’t disagree that all students are teachable.
Yes, I do know about those types of kids. Do not assume that my leaving teaching had anything to do with not liking it, not liking the kids, or not being able to do the job well. It would be a rash assumption.
You are right. I do not know anything about you. Would you mind if I asked why you left the profession?
You made an assumption that is absolutely not true.
I wasn’t really assuming…I was guessing though. Although that’s not entirely fair. It just appeared from your posts that you have a lot of bad feelings about the profession, and I’m trying to figure out where that is coming from.
I am not a computer tech. That was the first job I took when I moved.
Oh, I know. I was just saying that as my example of something I’M not good at. I wasn’t implying that’s what you are.

It’s not about “valuing” them. Of course they are valuable. So are:

army privates defending this country in Iraq
the guy who picks up the garbage (do that job for a week!)
social workers
FDA food inspectors

You are correct. ALL those professions should be highly valued. And I would argue that ALL of the professionals who are the crux of that field need to be able to support their families on their income.
The list is infinite. There are many jobs in the public sector that are valuable, provide a service to society, and are important. It’s basic economics. You cannot pay them unlimited amounts of money no matter how much you “value” their service.
Of course not. I’m not advocating unliminted amounts…just enough to support their families. Certainly much more than a secretary.
The premise put forward is that (public school) teachers are underpaid. I disagree with this premise. I don’t believe they are underpaid. Some, specific individual teachers-- yes, probably. Teachers as a whole, no.
I can see how YOU feel this way, since you never spent any of your own money to purchase supplies to enhance the students’ learning. Most teachers believe it is extremely important for their students and use their own money to do this. Unfortunately, it takes a big chunk out of their mediocre pay. Most teachers I know spend at least $500-$1000 every year on classroom supplies. (No, not candy treats either. 🙂 I’m talking bulletin boards, dry erase markers, construction/art paper, science equipment, art supplies in general, books (there MUST be an adequate classroom library in every elementary room, and that is not provided by the school), manipulatives, etc. Obviously you and I have a different philosophy of teaching. I believe in hands-on learning, and it’s difficult to do with the budget a teacher gets fromschool. (In our district, $300/year:eek: :eek: :eek: )
If you believe public schools are underfunded, or teachers are underpaid-- then take action.
Teachers do take action. It’s called the union. 👍 😉
I guess since we’re three pages into these posts and you are only picking select posts of mine to comment on you’ve missed the numerous times I’ve already said this, so one more time
Actually, I responded to your post as soon as I read it, without reading through the entire thread.
Yes, teachers take work home. So do most other white collar workers to whom they are being compared. Overtime is not unique to teachers. It is an expectation of professional position everywhere. Therefore, to compare teachers salaries to other white collar workers is definitely appropriate.
In these positions, are they required to take work home every night? Without fail? Most white collar people I know who have to take work home do so maybe once or twice a week. Most teachers I know put AT LEAST as many hours in at home as they do in the classroom. I think we’re really talking apples and oranges here. Again, I think your style of teaching is MUCH different than mine. Or most people I’ve worked with, for that matter. Maybe that’s why we’re disagreeing som much on this issue.
This is unsupported by any facts.
It may not be supported b y statistics, but it is supported by facts. I’ve seen the applications! LOL That’s fact enough for me!! And I’m friends with a few people that do the hiring in my area, and trust me…1000 apps per opening is MINIMUM at premium districts around here.
Clearly you’ve not spent much time in a teacher’s lounge.
I should have qualified that with most teachers I KNOW. Again, you must have had a horrible experience with education. You have such a jaded outlook. It’s very sad actually.
And, it is my assertion that they are paid well. Relative to the communities they live in and the average wage in that community, teachers are paid well. Teacher pay varies greatly across the country, and there are some pockets of poorly paid teachers-- but on the whole “teachers” as a class of workers are NOT underpaid. The data does not bear it out.
If you think a teacher making the same income or LESS than a secretary in the same area is paid well, then I guess I don’t know what to say.
Then do the research it’s readily available on the internet.
I have. My research does not support your findings, which is why I asked for specific examples of your assertions. Additionally, you are in the white collar field. Can you give me examples as they relate to you, then?
The kids don’t need most of the stuff teachers are complaining about not having money to buy.
You are very wrong. The things I mentioned are very important. Do the research.
Please provide data to support that they are not.
My “data” is primarily people I know. They make $30k!! I can’t imagine supporting a family on that?!?!?! Not in my area anyway!! And if you don’t believe that is the average starting salary, go do the research yourself and see.
…My “data” is primarily people I know. They make $30k!! I can’t imagine supporting a family on that!!! Not in my area anyway!! And if you don’t believe that is the average starting salary, go do the research yourself and see.
The BLS (all of the US) data (see post #55) claims one in ten teacher makes under $26,000 they would probably love to move up to your numbers. BTW the average income in the US is $41,000 which is about the same as the median household (~$45,000) so about half of teachers make a salary that would rate below national average income, and about half of teachers rate a salary that without other income will rate below average household income

The reason households and individuals appear close is because incomes are skewed thus median are a better judging point
The BLS (all of the US) data (see post #55) claims one in ten teacher makes under $26,000 they would probably love to move up to your numbers. BTW the average income in the US is $41,000 which is about the same as the median household (~$45,000) so about half of teachers make a salary that would rate below national average income, and about half of teachers rate a salary that without other income will rate below average household income

The reason households and individuals appear close is because incomes are skewed thus median are a better judging point
Wow. See, that’s just so sad to me that teachers make so little, considering the responsibilities they have and the lives entrusted to them. 😦
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