Well, “Mommy of Four” I don’t know where you live, but in my state of Texas, I can tell you teachers are NOT overpaid. Yes, I am a retired educator, but let me advise you of a few facts you do not seem to understand: First, teachers are paid for 185 days of work; they are not paid for days in which they do not work, including summers, holidays. Yes, most school districts pay teachers over a 12-month period but that is to help them over the months in which they would not receive a salary…remember…paid for the days they work, not for days they do not work. Second, every teacher I know/knew spends a great deal of their own money for supplies in their classroom simply because there is no money available for things like paper, pencils, math manipulatives. Otherwise the children would not have these. My former husband used to complain that I spent so much of my own money on my classroom…an average of about $800-$1000 per year. How many workers have to buy their own equipment to do the job? Third, all teachers must have at least a bachelors degree, most now require a master’s degree. So, compare teacher’s’ salaries with other college educated workers for a fair comparison…not quite so good. When I left the classroom in 1990, the year I was Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year, I had a Doctorate, 20 years of experience, and my annual salary was $37,800…in a fairly good-paying school district. Moreover, I was at the top of the salary scale; i.e. I would never make any more money. How many workers top out of their earning capacity with 15-20 years left to work? Fourth, every teacher I know has spent a huge amount of money over the years for his/her students on lunches, supplies, clothing, even soap, etc. How many workers buy clothing for the people who work with them? Finally, teaching has become a miserable experience for many teachers…50% of all teachers leave the PROFESSION within the first 3 years of teaching. Having to deal with apathetic, unmotivated students, combative, hostile parents, no money for basics supplies, unrealistic demands from overworked administrators, endless stacks of paperwork, and high-stakes testing of students that is usually a one or two-day test that determines the quality of teaching/learning for the entire year…and some teachers actually experiencing physical injuries…well, it is no wonder that we no longer attract the best and brightest to work with our precious children. So, may I humbly suggest that you get the facts straight before you criticize and, better yet, spend an entire day in the public schools, then decide if you would do the job for the compensation offered. There is a reason that we have so few men in education…they can’t afford to teach if they have a family. So, if you can’t compliment the work of these dedicated women and men, at least stop complaining and being part of the problem. It is more than discouraging to work under these conditions then listen to nonsense from uninformed people like you. Platitudes and criticism are easy. Where is your solution?
Dr. Ann Weiss