Soviet Union Rewind: Why Are We Praising Communism Again?

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What Bernie Sanders is speaking about isn’t Communist Socialism, but more a reaction to the unbridled capitalism our society has become which he calls it Democratic Socialism, which most of Europe have.

Here in the USA, when big corporations get government subsidies, is that not socialism at the expense of the rest of society ?

What about when big corporations like Amazon and Apple don’t pay any taxes, that’s socialism or uncontrolled capitalism ?

When 530,000 families here in the USA go into bankruptcy because of medical expenses, that’s because of unbridled capitalism which has taken over the healthcare system.

I’m not against capitalism, which I believe is the result of our prosperity and the good life many of us have

Here in the US, we have drugs costing 10 times as much as in other countries, which have Democratic Socialism. Veterans like myself, get healthcare and drugs. Is that socialism ? Why can’t every American get the same ?

I’m against capitalism run amok at the expense of everyone else.
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Remember for a lot of young people capitalism hasn’t worked for them their entire lives.
A slightly different view. I teach school. High school kids in my rich suburb school believe that the present era is the worst in human history. They are also actually convinced that a dystopian society is the ideal.
I could go on, but this is what they are taught in schools.
To emphasize, we are not talking about the disadvantaged classes. These kids come from upper middle class families.
Wrong he’s not talking about Communism Socialism, unless you consider Western Europe Communists nations
What Bernie Sanders is speaking about isn’t Communist Socialism, but more a reaction to the unbridled capitalism our society has become which he calls it Democratic Socialism, which most of Europe have.
Is it not true that Bernie Sanders is a multi-millionaire with three houses? He says it is obscene that there are millionaires in the US while people are hungry and homeless sleeping in the streets. If Bernie Sanders is so concerned about the homeless, why doesn’t he give one of his three houses to some homeless people so that they do not have to sleep in the streets?
Is it not true that Bernie Sanders is a multi-millionaire with three houses? He says it is obscene that there are millionaires in the US while people are hungry and homeless sleeping in the streets. If Bernie Sanders is so concerned about the homeless, why doesn’t he give one of his three houses to some homeless people so that they do not have to sleep in the streets?
Ah. But this is the beauty of socialism/communism. Bernie will be all too happy to share YOUR WEALTH with the poor. He gets to keep what he has. And since he and his gang are in charge of collecting and redistributing YOUR wealth, they will have to skim some off the top. Maybe most of it. That’s how that works.
And why is this bad ?

Sanders doesn’t say people shouldn’t make money, nor own three homes, which of his three, one is in DC, one in Vermont and the other is a camp. Compare his to Trump or Bloomberg.

Sanders is speaking out against the corporate greed like those in the healthcare industry, especially the drug industry. Do you think drug companies should charge 10 times the cost for life saving drugs like insulin, than what they cost in other countries ?

Do you think those companies should have lobbyists that got politicians to pass laws which prevents negotiations with pharmaceutical companies outside of the US ?
You may believe what you wish! Surveys have demonstrated that an increasing number of Americans seem to believe that '“money” originates with the government, and that if someone is rich it determines that someone else must be poor (zero-sum game). Patently incorrect.
And why is this bad ?
Because did not Bernie Sanders imply in his comments that it was obscene for there to be homeless people in the streets, while there are millionaires with several houses? He did specifically say that there was an obscene degree of wealth inequality in America, did he not say so? Yet he has three houses and is a multimillionaire while people go hungry? Why does he not share his houses, or at least one of them, with a homeless family?
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I’m from the former Socialist Republic. Poland. My country was occupied by Russians and they changed our government after WW2. They “liberated” us from nazis. My parents and granparents still remember these times…

There was nothing in the shops, there was hunger. People were beaten in the streets and executed in prisons. There was no free speech (literally, all media belonged to the National Socialist Party - the only party), and the whole country is now covered with disgusting Soviet concrete architecture.

After Berlin Wall all that was left of them was alcoholism, poverty, corruption and rudeness. Fortunately, this is slowly changing now. I do not wish anyone to have contact with official communism. These people have a fantasy vision of socialist utopia in their heads, and they should look at history and what Marxism and socialism led to in the past.
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła! :poland:
In the U.S. our two leading candidates for president are a known and admitted socialist, and an incumbent who flaunts his obeisance to a murderous Soviet agent.

It’s a crazy world. Someone ought to sell tickets
I always thought it was a silly idea for an anthem.

Not the idea itself, but that it just seems awkward to me.
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He was speaking about billionaires like Bloomberg who is worth 100 billion.

Also, you have no idea what Sanders does with his money. From appearances, he and his wife live relatively modest lifestyles.
You likely saw things in Eastern Europe, long after many if the worse occurred. Were you in Poland when the Soviets were systematically executing anyone who had been involved in resisting the Nazis during the war, when they were killing off the intellectual class?
Were you in communist countries when they were attempting to collectivize agriculture and people were not allowed their own small plots or selling at a farmers market? Were you in the Eastern block when the US, Canada, and Australia were not selling them vast quantities of wheat.

Yes, there came a time, in some communist countries, Poland, comes to mind where the priest’s could speak out in Churches to an extent. That was not allowed in others, ever : eg Romania.

Do not defend Communists based on how some governments were forced to behave in it’s later stages. Know even that what they gave, ur famers having their own land, they sometimes later took away.

It was evil, it is evil. No country that fell to communism did not suffer immensely due to it.
Also, you have no idea what Sanders does with his money.
Is it true that he has three houses while hungry and homeless people are sleeping in the streets? Is it true that he is a multi millionaire while many people do not have enough money to get by?
Do you want Poland to march to and from Italy to regain lost land?
From Italy to Poland, not the other way around and back.

It’s a reference to the Napoleonic wars. After a failed Kosciuszko uprising (against Russia), many Poles were forced to flee. Many of them ended up in Italy, where general Jan Henryk Dabrowski formed a Polish legion. They were to join Napoleon’s army there, to fight against partitioning powers (Russia, Prussia and Austria) in order to regain independence.

Similarly, there is a tribute to the shared history of this period, in the Italian anthem’s reference to Poland.
I guess I digress, for the given thread. 🙂
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And you don’t know how much money Sanders gives for homeless causes or any causes.

He’s not calling for billionaires to go into destitution, just asking for fairness in paying taxes and providing healthcare for all.

Sanders philosophy is more in line with the Catholic Church than Trump’s or Bloomberg;s
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