Soviet Union Rewind: Why Are We Praising Communism Again?

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Communism isn’t bounded by the Soviet Union. Soviet Union is product of Communism.but not source.
For all practical purposes, the Soviets Union was the source of all communism in the 20th century. There us a reason it became know as Marxim-Leninism. No communist country did not owe it’s origin to Moscow, either through the support of it’s revolution, it’s takeover by Moscow, or it’s subsidies. International Comintern rule communism throughout the world until the late 40s.
I think there’s a disconnect. Yes, some are advocating for “socialism”. But most are simply looking for better social safety nets similar to some of the European countries.
Propose universal health care as seen in every Western / First World country other than the US, and you’re pretty much labelled a communist by some… contrary to what some on this forum would like us to think, supporting a European style social democracy is NOT the type of socialism the Church condemns. You can disagree with social democracy principles for political reasons…but it is a blatant lie to pretend the Church condemns social democracy or to conflate it with communism.
Yeah and he explained the statement in the context for which it was made in the debate the other night.

Paraphrasing what he said;

As long as there are 500,000 people going bankrupt because of medical expenses, as long as people are going without life-saving medication because the drug companies have made the price too high for them to afford them, there shouldn’t be just a handful of people who own more wealth than the rest of the country.
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Sanders philosophy is more in line with the Catholic Church than Trump’s
Trump is pro-life. Sanders is in favor of laws allowing a mother to murder her unborn child if the umbilical cord is not yet cut, i.e., late term abortion, Is that not correct? With late term abortion, you have a fully developed child, not an embryo, not a fetus, but a whole fully developed child and then as long as the umbilical cord is not yet cut, you kill it? Does Sanders support laws allowing late term abortion? I don’t think that late term abortion is in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church?

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I hate crony capitalism as much as you do. I just do not believe what Bernie and the rest of the progressives are selling is the answer. I do not want to replace what we have with what they want. Their brand of government also comes with a whole lot of anti-Catholic values. On demand abortion, infanticide and euthanasia for all. Increasing government control over every aspect of my life and every business with unintended consequences. A chopping up of our constitutional liberties like free speech and gun ownership. Racism, class warfare, groups that are somehow more equal (please tell me how something can be more equal). That’s just to start.

The answer isn’t to throw the baby out with the bathwater but fix what we have to allow freedom to thrive.
And Bloombrerg outlawed sodas over 32oz because Big Nanny knows best for you and yours. Ahhhhhh big government…let’s put them in charge of everyone’s healthcare…that won’t end up badly.
+1 Agreed. Especially if people realize the violation of anyone’s private property rights.
The economics aren’t the real problem. The real problem is the Gramscian form that has taken hold across the West.
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And I don’t believe for a second that Trump is actually pro-life

He throws the pro-life meat to his followers, but would not write a bill and submit it to Congress making abortion illegal.
I was talking about communism, not socialism, as was the post I was responding to.

Do you equate socialism to communism? Marx and Lenin certainly did not.
When 530,000 families here in the USA go into bankruptcy because of medical expenses, that’s because of unbridled capitalism which has taken over the healthcare system.
If you really think the current health care market reflects “unbridled capitalism”, I have a bridge to sell you.

The market reflects the control of the corporate cronies who liberally helped the congressional staffers write the ACA with no (name removed by moderator)ut from the people who were going to have to pay for it.

Under unbridled capitalism, insurance companies would be free to offer any policies they want to. Under the ACA, they are restricted to writing policies that must cover what the ACA requires. As a sane and stable self employed single man, I don’t want nor need any of mental health, pediatric or ob/gyn coverages. But I’m forced to pay for them. The insurance companies went along with this in exchange for the captive market promised to them.

Further under the ACA, one cannot buy a catastrophic care only policy, those are not permitted to be sold anymore. So people are trapped into paying the costs of these policies and their deductibles. Or go cash only and risk medical bankruptcy.

Finally under the ACA, one cannot pay for health care in pretax dollars without an associated high deductible plan. In other words, if one goes cash only, then that person is limited to deducting medical expenses that exceed 10% of one’s adjusted gross income.

Under unbridled capitalism, it would be possible to arbitrage the difference in drug prices in domestic vs foreign markets to the point where there are no more gross disparities. But no, that is so heavily regulated that people are limited to importing only personal use quantities with existing prescriptions. Same deal with prosthetics and other medical devices.
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Unfortunately unbridled capitalism has never existed if you’re defining it as laissez faire.
The only pneople I know in the medical industry who seem to believe in unbridled capitalism are those docs practicing and advocating for practices in which the physicians are paid by patients and not by insurance companies or government. And they provide care at a cheaper price. Doug Farrago and Authentic Medicine have some doctors who blog on the subject.
My knowledge if Irish history is not what it should be, but my point remains, for all practical purposes, the USSR was the source if all communism in the 20th century.
I cannot see how anything you have said about Ireland has any bearing .


  1. the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
Pure communism, socialism, democracy, capitalism is harmful to any society. We can’t have an atmosphere of pure oxygen.
I agree that safety nets such as social security medicare and unemployment are things that any civilized society should have. Too much socialism and you have massive tax rates and jobs become hard to find. Capitalism gone awry is like the early stages of the industrial revolution, which was brutal. It turns the 1% into the .01%.

Communism of course is the polar opposite of the industrial revolution in that everyone is the slave of a jealous false god called the communist party, and the only ones that have it made at that party are the Politburo. Life under either extreme is hard and unforgiving. But at least the Coal and Railroad Barons let us have God.

So the answer to this good and well timed question about why people no longer seem to feel the horror of communism is sheer ignorance of history. Was it that they were not taught about Marx and the October Revolution? The Industrial revolution and so on? Unions gave workers rights who worked in slave like dangerous conditions, only for later generations to become slaves to the unions. There is a lot of history here people should know or have been taught.

Its all about homeostasis, and I think we have left that.

“There must have been a moment, at the beginning, where we could have said – no. But somehow we missed it.”​

― Tom Stoppard, [Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead]
I was at least. I read a book written by a Russian about life in a Siberian Camp under the Tsar. Wouldn’t you say that one evil system was replaced with another. We have our own terrible history here, but that was dwarfed I think by Stalin, Moa Zedong, Pol Pot, the Third Reich and others.

You know there has been a low boil debate since I was in High School about “could there ever be a Holocaust here in the US?” I was stunned back then to see the nodding of heads, mostly from minority students in the room when I once put the question out to the whole class.

If the US were ever to fall under the sway of something as oppressive as a communist government, I wouldn’t take that possibility off the table. I don’t trust our species one bit, or the grip the enemy has on it.
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