God has already provided for these faithful, by giving them what they have now. You and others are the ones proposing to take that away.
No, I am proposing that the Church leadership is 100% responsible for it. Why should the Church be held to a lower legal standard than, say, Arthur Anderson?
Thanks for making my point for me. It’s the priests and bishops who are responsible, so hold them to account. Don’t punish the innocent diocesan laity (WHO ARE IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS) because they happen to be the ones who are attached to capital that they and their ancestors built up.
The innocent laity has always been at the mercy of the Church, as the laity has no say in Church goings-on except to the degree the leaders allow them.
What would you have us do? Do you think the victims of their abuse might want to watch them flogged, for example? Would that be therapeutic?
The laity happens to be the nearest deep pocket, so they should be targeted?? Your logic seems to indicate that we’re going to help the victims by making more victims. That doesn’t make much sense.
I see it more as preventing more victims. For decades nothing else would stop them from creating more victims; maybe this will. Which would you rather have, a building and an abused child, or no building and no abused child?
The real crime here is that the diocese could liquidate all of its parishes, schools, cemeteries, and lands, and give the money to the lawyers (whoops, I mean victims. Pardon the innocent mistake), and it still may not heal the damage.
You are right that a lot of money will undoubtedly go to lawyers instead of victims.
This isn’t about healing. This is about blind vengeance.
It might be partly about vengeance, and quite certainly opportunity on the part of some lawyers.
No, this won’t heal anything, but it very likely will result in fewer victims of the Church leaders. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that since many of the ungodly decisions that were made over the years were by duly appointed and ordained officials, acting in their official capacity, then if we were to apply the standards to the Church was apply to a corporation, than the Church herself was guilty. The bishops involved were not just a few mavericks that the Church could not control; they acted with Church authority therefore they have profaned the Church and brought about guilt on her behalf.
If anybody needs prayers at this time, it is the bishops and cardinals that brought this situation about. The laity may suffer due to government action against the diocese, but those men will have to answer to God for their poor stewardship over assets He has given His people.