Spokane (WA) judge rules parishes, other assets available to abuse victims

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Mr.Donahue heads a speical interest group. That needs to constantly raise money.Just like the ACLU, NAACP, Family Research Council, to do this you have to at times stir up your supporters.
Mr.Donahue knows that Catholc diocese in the USA incorporate under state laws. For tax,purposes and to do diferent business.
.It was the Archbishop of Spokane who put the diocese into bankruptcy.Which put the Bankruptcy court in charge.
Catholics in the US have had to fight for a long time to prove they are,Americans ! All kinds of lies have been told about us over the years. That we were’t real Americans, that we obeyed a foreign prince (The Pope ) That we weren’t loyal to the U S A . Even when JFK was running for President you heard that garbage.
Well most of that talk is dead and we don’t want it back!!!
Catholics in Spokane are the same as any other American . will obey the laws and courts of the USA ,Just like any other American would !
Also on another point, all the bishops involved in the scandal are not dead.Many are still in office and being protected by the other bishops in the hierarchy.The Good old boy network that operates among police,doctors,lawyers, operates among our bishops.
Servus Pio XII:
The nationwide percentage of priests who commited the said crime is 0.7%.
According to the John Jay report, at least 4% of priests between 1950 and 2002 had been “credibly accused” of sexual abuse. This is based on 97% of Diocese self reporting. Abuse experts (both Catholic and secular) immediately responded that this number is low because few victims come forward. I don’t doubt that you read 0.7% somewhere, but I bet the source was published before John Jay.
Servus Pio XII:
Less than one per-cent are guilty. That means that 99.3% of the priests will lose parishes over crimes which they did not commit!
It depends on what you mean by guilty. Is it “in what I have done” or does it include “what I have failed to do”? The John Jay figure is just those who did the abuse. It speaks nothing of those who knew about it or those in places of authority that covered it up. If you include this among the “guilty” you soon approach 10% to 15%.
Servus Pio XII:
May the Lord God save us from such things.

Servus Pio XII:
Look here, though. You treat the subject as if all of the bishops who headed the diocese, and all of the priests in the diocese are guilty. There will be priests whose parishes (I daresay most priests) are “liquidated” who were perfectly innocent, and followed perfectly their vows to celibacy for the Kingdom.

The nationwide percentage of priests who commited the said crime is 0.7%. Less than one per-cent are guilty. That means that 99.3% of the priests will lose parishes over crimes which they did not commit! This is outrageous, greedy, capitalistic, anti-Catholic, downright blasphemy! :mad:

May the Lord God save us from such things.

-Servus Pio XII

Credo in Unum Deum

Outrageous → yes
Greedy → yes
Capitalistic → no
anti-Catholic → yes
Blasphemy → I don’t think so

I think that all catholics in the diocese don´t deserve this. In addition, indemnizations in other things aren´t so huge like this. I am not agree.
I think that all catholics in the diocese don´t deserve this. In addition, indemnizations in other things aren´t so huge like this. I am not agree.
It won’t happen, I’m still guessing.

Nobody deserves this. We all deserve to go to hell for our sins, as none of us are righteous and the wages of sin is death. Thank God for sending us His Son so we won’t have to pay our own wages of sin.

Ah, but we all do pay the wages of sin. It is now synonymous with “death” meaning, to us, Hell. However, that isn’t quite true. We all die because we all sinned, through Adam.

Since Mary was immaculate, she was taken up into heaven, Adam and Eve were destined to never die. Sin brought death upon the world, and Jesus did not prevent us from dying, for we do not attain Salvation until we are dead.

We all pay the wages of sin through our deaths, and we are granted God’s mercy in our Eternal Life. 🙂
Servus Pio XII:
We all pay the wages of sin through our deaths, and we are granted God’s mercy in our Eternal Life. 🙂
And for His sake, we walk through the valley of death all day long.

We have to be prepared to let go of anything temporal, and keep our focus on the eternal. If we do that, all the other things will be added unto them.

In the case of this parish, do not fear. If the assets are removed, they are removed and that will not shake our faith. If we are convinced in that, then we can obey Jesus’ instructions not to be afraid or worry about tomorrow. If they are removed we will deal with it. We are hoping, and I am expecting, they will not be removed. Who knows, though? Any of us could die this very evening, and what has this worry gotten us?

Spokane diocese, parishes appeal federal court decision

Seattle, Sep. 08, 2005 (CNA) - The Diocese of Spokane and the diocesan Association of Parishes (AOP) have filed separate appeals of a federal bankruptcy court decision that would have allowed churches to be sold to pay for settlements of sex-abuse cases, reported the Seattle Times.

Judge Patricia Williams ruled Aug. 26 that parish churches are owned by the diocese and can be sold to pay settlements to sex-abuse victims.

In its appeal Sept. 6, the diocese argued that Judge Williams erred by not giving canon law sufficient weight in determining parish ownership and by not considering all the evidence offered by the diocese about who owns parish churches, said the diocese’s attorney Shaun Cross.

The AOP is a separate organization, created by pastors and parish administrators of the diocese last fall. It includes all parishes in the diocese. The primary work of the AOP is to work in collaboration of the diocese and to defend of the canonical independence of parishes and their assets.

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