I admit it, I’m guilty, shamelessly guilty of letting the t.v. be a babysitter while I prepare supper and when I’m having a migrane headache (have had them for 17 years) Yes, we watch sponge bob and a few others. If I had the energy to think of things for my kids to do 24/7 I would but I don’t and really I’m not that type of parent. I was allowed one hour of t.v. after school and one hour in the evening after homework and chores were done and on weekends we were allowed to get up in the wee early hours and watch Saturday morning cartoons and summers we were allowed some extra t.v. time also and really thought it was a big treat, of course we lived in the country and whatever our antana could get in was what we watched, lots of bugs bunny, Mr.Rogers, Little house, the waltons etc.
I still like t.v., I have the news channel going low all day, if I happen to see something of interest catch my eye I turn it up and watch.
I’m one of those parents who likes silly t.v. and if there is no swearing, hurting others, etc. I don’t mind watching it with my kids, I hate arts and crafts and once we have done our chorse, played out doors, played in doors, I’m ready for some pop corn and sponge bob, Yes, I’m guilty, We are all different types of people on this earth, each with their own thoughts and ideas of what is ok and not ok of what is right and what is wrong and we are all striving to do the best we can to raise good, christian kids, hats off to all of us, we do the best we can