Hmm, I would not have guessed ENTj for you. But maybe! I see nothing to eliminate it as a possible type for you.
I am interested in Socionics. That is a Russian personality theory also based on Jung, using the same 4-letters for 16 types as the popular MBTI system. [The last letter is lower cause in this personality type system.] One thing that I find particularly interesting about this system - which is better researched, WAY more fascinating and accurate (that also uses a 3 letter name, and nicknames) - is that each of the 16 types, with each of the other 16 types, makes a different relationship type. And a LOT can be said, that is quite accurate, about each of these relationship types [what goes right, what goes wrong, what is best to avoid in order to keep peace].
The relationship types range from the Identical [all letters are the same] (you get along easily but you are both hopeless at the same problems) to the Conflicting [all letters are different] (you are attracted at first, but the more time you are together and doing things, the more you fight, and it only gets worse and worse). And then a whole range of 14 other relationship types in between [including 2 “uneven” ones, Benefit and Supervision, where it is worse for one than the other, and particularly bad for the Supervisee in Supervision, which is the most psychologically damaging relationship position of all, as the Supervisor harps on the Supervisee’s weak points all the time, trying to make him/her into a “normal” person…
I discovered Socionics after I fell for my husband, hard, when out of town (and we began writing, and God had confirmed to me that it was “okay” for me to not be able to make this “in love” go away, and I felt my now-husband felt the same, but, he was not one to say it yet, I just sensed it (it was way too soon for declarations anyway).
So I was searching - I will call him"George" - not his name - to read about George’s MBTI personality type - I have studied this much and I am good at it, so, I KNEW what his type was. Really I was doing this as a way to intensify and speed up my getting to know George, because I knew this was really something, though, honestly, I really wondered WHY, because there were a LOT of things he did not fit on my unwritten list of wants - like, real solid financial standing! and more! So, in my MBTI research, I stumbled on Socionics, and reading how the types together made the 16 different relationship types, I thought, “I wonder what George (not his real name]'s type and my types are like together?” So I found this chart:
Socionics Relationship Type Chart
And i found my ENFp type [we are sometimes called “The Psychologist”, and we are good at typing] and George’s type “The Craftsman” and the chart says “Dlt” so I looked below, and that means Duality, and I clinked on the link and got this description:
description of Relationships of Duality
[Continued in part 2 of 3 below]