Is someone I feel safe spending time with
Maintains freshness (ex. Addresses body odor and foul breath)
Builds me up
Would you keep dating a man who didn’t meet these?
Would not leave a marriage because of sexual dissatisfaction
With your issues, this is a topic that needs to be thoroughly discussed PRIOR to marriage.
Does not dominate my heart (demand obedience, submission, reporting, etc.)
But yet you want to dominate his?
Does not explode in anger
Confidential with secrets shared in confidence
Honors my body
Loves me in spite of my past
Opposed to corporal punishment of children and animals
Remove from the list.
Strongly desires to raise his children in the Catholic Church
Open to adoption
Willing to practice Natural Family Planning
Fervent believer in the Catholic faith
In other words, a practicing Catholic
Willing to forgo receiving oral sex in marriage
Willing to forgo sexual acts that are humiliating, alarming or painful for his wife in marriage (ex. Certain BDSM aspects)
This belongs with #7
Believer in gender equality
What is your definition of “gender equality”?
It all boils down to wanting to marry a good practicing Catholic man.Generous towards the needy
Discerns our relationship with prayerful, slow purpose
Spends time in communal and private prayer
In other words a practicing Catholic.