Thanks Michael! I have struggled with whether this is true, and as I see it, if I am willing to adopt, and am not using birth control, I am open to life, and could go ahead with a marriage. I expect a birth phobia would fall under the “grave cause” justification for NFP, especially if we were trying to overcome it.
Just some thoughts on birth phobia, just know its a natural process and its painful work, not just pain, like something is wrong. One thing i don’t like about birth is everyone shouting at you to push, which I asked in my birth plan not to have but everyone did anyway, because the have to feel they are helping. But your body will let you know when it needs to and you just will. I remember reading of a woman in a coma in a hsopital/nursinghome who was raped (by an aide) and got pregnant, and gave birth,l while in coma, because you see its a natural process you do’t even need to b e conscious for, let alone have peopel yell at you to push.
However, since you have a phobia all theeason in the world is not gong to help. There are real helps for phobias and one of them is EFTY - Emotional Freedom Technique You can read about it all o ver thenet and see how-to videos. Check it out on Dr. Mercola’s site, or elsewhere. You tap on accupressure points repeating a phrase, with the blanks you need filled into it: “Even thoughi am afraid of givignbirth,I deeply andcompletely ove and accept myself.” That would be the repeated phrase for you, and you would be stating a good trutyh, becuase that ishow God loves us, even though you have fears, faults and phobias, and we are to love others like this, but if we cannot love ourselves thus first, we are unlikely to be able to show this love to others.
Another new breakthrough i psychological healing
Robert M. Williams Psyche-K. I watched his videos extensively and am convinced this is not new age as I was concerned it might be, but instead is a real break through in the science of the mind. (as to that, i also watched the video lectures of cell biologist Bruce Lipton). You might be interested in Bruce Lipton’s research that almost all fears and “I can’t” beliefs that hold us back are formed before the first 3 months of our birth, at our birth, in utero AND inherited from our mothers and grandmothers. This is scientifically based - you will have to listen to his lectures if you want to understand it more because I am not a scientist and I am not the one to explain it.
Saving the most important for last. Jesus heals minds. He wants to take what is broken in you and make it whole, if you want it. There are many healing ministries that target phobias, trauma, and PTSD, and it is worth praying about this, and then researching it, and listening for God’s direction.
Fears, debilitating beliefs, trauma and phobias don’t go away with time. They get worse. But they can be healed, permanently. All three things I told you about are quick and non-evasive and they really work.