Well ladies, things continue to improve for me, and it makes my hope grow and grow and grow. I share this with you so you can see, your prayers can be answered and there truly is hope on some level. Even if this improvement is short lived, at least I had a period of time with a measure of peace, but I digress. Things are improving which is good.
DH still has not had a drink since I posted on the 9th of our conversation. We went fishing this weekend and had a good time (if you don’t count the meltdown our 5 yo DD had because she got wet - we were at a lake for heaven sakes!..LOL). Today we have been planning a week of vacation. While the planning didn’t exactly go smoothly, we are, after all, relearning our communication skills.
I’m having a bit of difficulty with myself though because I am so tired of feeling like I have to do everything. I don’t feel appreciated for the things I do and rarely get an “atta girl”. I will attribute this to our breakdown in communication skills over the past year.
I took the advice of a poster on another thread to get the book “Love and Responsibility” by JPII and approach hubby about reading it together(
Thanks whatevergirl 
). I have it ordered and asked him about it a couple of nights ago and he seems receptive to it. Last winter for 30 days we took an hour each day to pray, or read the bible, or read from one of the books we have written by one of the saints. The whole thing was DH’s idea. He committed to not drinking, to begin exercising and to spend an hour a day in prayer with me. He wanted me to make th prayer commitment as well. It was a blessed, peaceful and wonderful time. I’ve asked him about rekindling this prayer time as well, but he seems somewhat hesitant to do so. I think partly because he’s afraid I want him to go for the whole thing again. I believe if I can get him to make this commitment to prayer with me and as a couple he will continue to stay sober.
Another thing I have been doing is sending him a prayer by e-mail almost every day for almost a month now. I’ve missed two days. I did a novena to St. Therese the little Flower by e-mail, and have sent numerous other significant prayers as well as prayers from my heart (written by me).
I hope this will, as I said, offer a glimmer of hope to all of you so you know God does listen. He listens and answers in His time. I continue to pray each night for all of us here on the St. M thread.
God’s Peace and Blessings on You!