St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Dear Mom4truth,

Thank you. And yes, I loved my wife. I still do. But I’ve never known a human being that could do such things as her and not at least try to correct her horrifying mistakes, or even apologize. I fell in love with her many good qualities and I actually felt she could read my mind in some ways, she would do all the things that made me feel great without even asking.

Now, she is someone that doesn’t seem human any longer. She is someone that is relentless in her evil. She won’t stop doing horrifying things, and I’m not even with her any longer. I don’t see her, talk to her, email her, nothing. Just courtroom evil.

My prayers do not get answered, at least they never have it seems. Maybe I’m wrong about that. She has already spent the money she stole, but it’s way above money. It is the fact that she stole money that came from three of my closest guys in my life that have died, all three brothers within the last couple of years. And above that all of the other evil things she’s done.

She used the “law” as messed up as it is, to steel my son’s car. When it was ordered that she had to return it, she cancelled the insurance that was prepaid, didn’t put the remewal sticker on the license that was now overdue, and planted a realistic looking BB gun under the passenger seat. If my son or I had been pulled over, we would still be in jail. She was probably going to call the police if she saw the car again and say whoever was driving it threatened her with a gun! I’m telling you, I’ve never known someone as sick as this before. I don’t get it. It’s so ironic that the one I have done the most for in life has become this monster. There’s a laundry list of this crazy business, but I won’t go into it.

I try to put myself in her shoes and pretend I’ve done what she has. None of it makes sense. She is a liar, a stealer, and who knows what else. I think to myself, if I did what she’s done, that I couldn’t sleep at night, I couldn’t live with myself, and I’d actually be afraid that someone would want to harm me for what was done. Why would anyone want to live this way? I guess I have been lucky to have never been around this type of person before, maybe she is a common type in some circles.

Anyway, I’m doing everything in my power to feel better and thank you once again.
Oh sweetheart, i am so sorry that you are feeling this, but the good in this is that you ARE feeling this. Take care in knowing, that Anger is the twisted leftovers of love that has endured much pain. The first time i read a post from you, it was so different. God has granted you the merciful peace of going through this. The better you deal and finnish this off without being so deeply in denial over her behaviour, the better you can heal.

God knows of your love, and no matter how you type it, betrayal is a very bitter pill. Do you have the right to feel this, heck yes. Are you finally feeling it…yes. Will you feel this forever…yes. The good news is that it will deminish…and at best be filled with pity.

You see, you are a good man, one with morals, character and goodness that is filled with the good knowlege of the lord, and respects this. When others hurt you deeply, this is one thing, but when it moves over to your children…the bear claws of the heart come out. There to will be the idea of your family members who have died, and that they know what happened, and see this.

But they see it the way God does…you can not take it with you, and in so many ways, it corrups some, and becomes the stepping stones to a hell filled life. Your relitives and God know what she did. Will this money cause you to loose your character, scrape your belly on the ground with this snake…or will it cause you to be stronger in spite of it. This money is GONE, and yes, i would try and recover it…but if you can not, remember this, this money is a tool that will bring you to him. It can to her as well, but i do not believe she is at that stage in her life.

EVERYTHING will be used for his gain. Straight into his path, his word, and his heart.If ever you feel you are not being answered, think again. He answers EVERY prayer…every single one. We rejoice when it is what we want to hear, but when it is not, know he is the great teacher. Your job, and joy will be found in finding just how he wants this money used to bring you to him.

Those enduring as much as you have are “chosen” by him. Imagine yourself in heaven at his side. You will be able to say, i felt your passion when this hurt so much, i felt when you were betrayed, i felt when …and so on. Try am isolate the act, and then try and see how he is using you for greater things in life. Use his outcome to help you deal with your own outcome.

He feels everything you do, but as long as you endure this alone, it will hurt deeper and deeper. You want it to subside, you must die to self…leave it at the foot of the cross, and be ok with the outcome. Someday, your tender heart will be one with his in heaven. Just imagine how deeply your wife has distanced herself from the Lord. That in itself is a choice, and if she is miserable…she created her own hell. She is the only one who can fix this.

you are surely in much need to step outside of the pain, ask God to lift this from your heart, so that gracefully you can endure this, find the lesson, and build your heavenly bank with wisdom beyond a dollar value.

For this, i pray you find…

Hi everyone,

I’m praying for you all!!

Belle, congratulations on your little boy!👍

I found out a few days ago that I am also pregnant! 😃 I’m so happy that my daughter will have a sibling!! I’m very nervous what with our current situation but I know that God has a plan in store for us and I’m just so excited to have another little blessing in our home!

St Monica, please watch over all of our families and pray that we might have patience and trust in the Lord.:amen::gopray2:
Another little angel comming to help us learn about Gods love…sooo cool!


Prayer to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Congratulations MonicaRose on your pregnancy and Belle on your little boy. I’ll be praying for the health of you and your babies.🙂
This is very scarry for me as far as the outcome might be…but all hell broke loose yesterday with my husband. My children were home with him supervising them…a task he highly resents. I called and asked if he had the 200 i needed to have to take the cat into the vet. I had never been there before, so wanted to not be imbarrassed.

For three days, he refused to bring it, and the cat carrier from the farm. Here i believed he got busy, and forgot, but on the third day, i discovered he was holding off because his Co-Workers said cats take car of themselves, that you do not pay for an animal to be cared for by a human. If it was meant to die, it will not come back. ((No S**T bat man…sorry!) Not many come back from the dead!!!

So he hung up on me, and then left the children all by themselves. I found somone to watch them, and went to see him at the farm to discuss this, because it was way to heated for around the children. Needless to say, i found him drinking, and well into it. This means he was drinking and driving earlier in the evening with the 5 ton truck…our livlihood!

Needless to say, once there, you can not get away from the argument comming, and he finally hit me in the chest trying to deliver the money into the front of my shirt. He knocked me off ballance and i have to tell you, it was not pretty, i went after him, and two fistedly by the hair put him to the ground again!!!

This happened a few months ago as well. Yes alcohol involved too. He then screamed and yelled for me to get out. I was not going to drop the issue of him calling me the names he did, or what he did. He wanted to leave, and knowing he was way drunk, i took his keys and attempted to pour his beer out while he was at the washroom.

He went into the office and called 911 on me. Then retracted the info and HUNG up on the opperator for 911…OMG, i got the tail end of it, and was flabergasted, and told him they’ll call back. He did not think so, and when they did, he would not answer it, and told me to leave again. I answered the phone, and explained what went on, and i was told not to leave untill officers came to the sceen.

3 hours latter, 3 cruisers, and 6 cops…i was finally let go. Basically they walked us through the information Rob gave them, and myself…he felt it best to have Rob stay there, and me go home…we did this.

I took the cat, and she has a fractured tailbone, a dislocated hip, and a broken knee. She needs 2 weeks of pain killers, and antibiotics, and a month of isolation to completely rest the bones from use. She is completely unable to use anything beyond the back of the sholderblades, and can no longer use the facilities. She wets herself where she is lying due to not being able to get up.

We found this out for 201 bucks for office visit, anesthetics, ex-rays, and filling the scripts. (meds only 40 bucks) and after a month, it will reveal exactly what is permanant, and there is a possibility for recouperation, so we must try. If not, she will have to be put down. The operations fixing this was beyond my means, even if i wanted to…they started at 3 grand.

So for now, she must stay in a larger carrier for the month…this saddens me, but it is to protect the cat from the hug-myster daughter i have. She may harm the kitty, so they need boundries drawn said the vet. So i have to wash her down from peeing herself daily untill the feelings come back in her legs.

So hubby called this evening yelling his head off, over my complete uselessness in life…not getting a job, spending everything he ever earned, and refusing to let the cat die especially when he said NO to cats. This being said when we seen mice hourly where we lived, and he would not deal with it…so we got mousers!

The man does not know anything but know, and i said no, and did you hear me, i said no. Negotiation is lost with him, or compromise, because he is a man, and we are useless, and being kept by him. So frustrated, and hurt by the names called to me, after trying so very hard for 13 years, i am beyond even wanting this marriage, or helping him find the lord. I am so spent (tired) and not willing to justify my life anymore.

Something died in me tonight…i never felt this way before…

something can not be healed here…as once i was told-again-

that i am as useless as my dead son!!! F the alcohol, there is zero tollerance here for this anymore. I do NOT want to spend the rest of my life with someone who has stolen ever single dream i ever had through lies, abuse, alcohol, and neanderthal behaviour. He’s a cave dwelling hermit, and has been super sensitive around us always…trying so hard to be left alone.

Something tells me the alone will never feel so alone. He is capable of making sure he lives, and i am not going to be responsible for him anymore…if he is alive or dead…i am still alone. So why torture myself, and live this way.

I so need prayers, just to not wish him dead right now!

Dear Lana I’m praying for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. May God grant you peace.

You are always one of the first if not THE first person to begin praying for one of us when we ask. I’m not the first but I am definitely praying for you.

Also praying for all of you beautiful women here on the St. M thread.:gopray: :grouphug:
Belle, congratulations on your little boy!👍

I found out a few days ago that I am also pregnant!

St Monica, please watch over all of our families and pray that we might have patience and trust in the Lord.:amen::gopray2:
Thanks, congratulations to you, and Amen! 🙂
Congratulations MonicaRose on your pregnancy and Belle on your little boy. I’ll be praying for the health of you and your babies.🙂
Thank you! :hug1:

BeeSweet, how’s your pregnancy going?

Praying for you Lana. :crossrc:

Praying for everyone here. :crossrc:
Rammy, It sounds like we are having similar thoughts right now. The best thing about my situation is that I keep away from my wife except for court. The last two times in court I wished she would have attacked me, I envisioned slamming her head into the brick wall and ending everything, then being taken away by the police. The getting taken away by the police part is what keeps me grounded. The wife I loved is gone. She has been overcome by the devil. I asked my Aunt that is now in a nursing home what I should do about my wife after what she has done and continues to do. She was a Catholic Nun when she was younger. I was hoping she would say “take care of her” but she said that I am not to be near her ever again, I can’t be with her any longer, that’s it. My Aunt gave no indication of revenge, so she knows best. I must let it go, but it is hard. I know that I’ll be as strong as ever once this divorce is complete, but it is not what I ever wanted. I may never understand how a person gets taken over by greed and just goes crazy one day.

My prayers are for you and your children right now that Jesus may hold you all in his arms right now.:signofcross:
I am soo tired…4 hours sleep, and kids too. My lac of sleep was from another call from DH, screaming the same again…lost, and deadened in my heart, i even looked up where the court house in this area was. I was simply ok with a divorce, and let it go…like you said Halfofawhole, let it go before you go down such a dark place yourself.

Then my husband walks in just an hour ago with papers for me to fill out for better medical plan coverage, smiling, and so mater a fact. Wistleing, he asked me how my day was, “Are you didding me…is this an act?” Completely oblivious, that he said and did anything, told me he never wanted to see me ever again, and he was going to live at the farm from now on.

I took him into the bedroom, told him of the last two days, and he just remembers us fighting over the cat. He does not recall the 911 call to the police, 3 cruisers, 6 cops and a three hour lecture from them trying to straighten things out. Nor did he remember the ending of things last night. He looked so shocked and said nothing. Alcohol…the devils blood for him…he remembered nothing, or the hell he put me through.

I told him o was wanting to file the papers for divorce, i am done fighting this. I am done trying to justify my worthyness to a bum for a husband who does not value us…so we are gone. I also said, i have a month to make arrangements to move across Canada and i will do it. Not for spite, but i can not live alone, with zero support. We live here due to his job…my family is in Cape Breton.

I was shocked, he just kept asking why. And i told him, a marriage has compromise and value placed in the art of negotiation. Without this from you, there is no marriage, just my hope, that is dying by the minute.

He claimed he did not remember saying these things, and was visibly upset. He hugged me, said he did not want to break up, he’d stop drinking, and he was sorry…i was a good mom, i try hard, and he never tells me. He will try harder, and to give us a chance.

Now, every bone in my body says no…but he has never asked in 13 years to give him a chance. I feel it only fair to give him a chance…not the booze, but Rob! The marriage is in distress all on it’s own without alcohol poisoning it.

so, for today, i have gotten way over wanting him removed from society at large! I guess your prayers have saved me these thoughts, and i thank you all.

Good for you, Rammy. You’ve got a spouse that still has good in him. I wish my spouse still had some good in her. I haven’t had even one conversation with her directly about all of the sinful things she’s done. She is a coward, a liar, a thief, a terrible mother, a terrible in-law, a terrible wife, a terrible stepmother, and the most sickening, sinful & ugly person on the inside I have ever known. But, I can’t play God. I must let it go sometime…

Doesn’t it say in scripture that a thief must return the stolen money and/or property times two? Doesn’t it say also that the thief is to lose a finger or a hand? Or is that just something I read that does not apply any longer? I guess what is right and just doesn’t exist in our modern civilized society. I was told to get her in civil court to make her spend everything she stole on lawyers.
Half of a Whole,

May God bless your wounded heart. In Johnette Benkovich’s women’s study, “Women of Grace” the Ch. 7 of the workbook is about forgiveness. She says sometime you can’t pray for God to help you forgive the person, you are too wounded so you can pray for the desire to forgive and if you can’t do that pray for the desire for the desire to forgive or even the desire for the desire for the desire to forgive and so on and so on until you land where you are with your hurt and unforgiveness. God has his justice and it is an administrative function. Our part in it is to protect ourselves from harm and work on forgiveness for as long as it takes. Forgiveness does not have to mean you let someone back in. It is an internal state that God can see inside of us. I pray for you to have the desire for the desire for the desire for the desire etc. and etc. to forgive your wife who has wounded you terribly.

God Bless!

Your post made me cry. I can’t imagine what it must be like for you and for your husband to have him not only say those things, but not remember. I know at one time before he died, my Dad was losing every single day. It must have been like ground hog day. Due to alcohol, he had no short term memories. I may have more sympathy for your husband than others think I should since I am in recovery and also a SA counselor and I know horrible and difficult this disease is on everyone involved, even the user.

You will continue to be in my prayers.

a.k.a. Catholicmomof5
Thanks for the lovely words and prayers! I can live a hard life, and be happy with nothing, and so on…i just don’t want to do it alone.

It does not take much to make me happy, because the smallest thing like a smile, and thoughtful behaviour says it all…i simply want a friend to be and lean with…not a big dream, but it is my dream.

I left home at 17 thinking the man i was working for was the be all and end all of things. I married him and he was the man that beat the **** out of me for almost 5 years. Would i have put up with it…no, but the threat of him beating on, rapeing, or leaving my little sister for dead was what kept me there.

Then 7 years on the run, threats of death, stalked, and finally what stopped everything was my husband was repulsed over my sons illness, and told him he did not want to be his dad anymore, since he was going to die anyway.

In that married time i was raped often, and even tied down of others to use me…it was a degrading life. My son was concied like this, and i lost another baby and was left to die, and finally with my son ill, and far away, signed off everything to gain custody, and get nothing…we were free!!! Finally!!!

so for a few years we lived alone, and then i moved back to be with my first boyfriend, that i kep in touch with all my life. We lived so nicely, discussed life so fully, and then the alcohol started…he was in the closet over this. We had a miscarriage, and i was pregnant for Amber, my 10 yr old when all this began.

Then within a few months after she was born, i was pregnant again. SHOCKED, as i was told from the beatings, and torture instruments, i was mangled inside, and would never concieve. So i never protected myself as best i could, but following the second, my husband got a vasectomy, stopped talking to me, and it has been down hill ever since.

Some thing has got to give, as i am so tired in life now…i just want my little boy back, i am so lonely for the one man in my life that loved me, and i him, unconditionally. It indeed is the miricle in life i miss.

Lana, I will offer up prayers for you.

I’m praying my dh does convert someday from being an agnostic… but haven’t had the energy to do a 54 day novena… nor the time to fit it in.

Is it ok just to pray the prayer to St Monica daily instead?
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