St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Bell hunny, do not apologise sweetie…gosh your plate is full indeed.

Know this…NO one knows your heart better than GOD. He hears this cry from you and it pains him to know his baby is crying. He is answering you, just not the way you expect right now. Trust therir is good reason hun…and in this pain i know it is hard to see this. Even for me it is hard to see this for you.

Know this, you have to calm yourself…sa the mother to a new orb in your belly, this could harm the baby, or yourself. Durring stress, there is much not given to your baby that it needs. It also feels your stress. All of this you know and i am not preaching.

this is to merely help you count to ten, and breathe…on and out…

we need you focused…if it is out of your controle, then the extended worry is harmfulll…find another avenue to focus on…

old red legs has you in his clutches of fear…it is those who fear who loose faith…not religion…but faith hun.

again, not preaching…just trying to help you focus on calming yourself!

god bless…

Thank you Lana. You know, it’s like I’m in a raging storm, crying out for help, but no help comes and the storm keeps getting worse. I know He’s there, I know He hears me, but I don’t know why help won’t come. It’s very frustrating and makes me sad.

I’m praying the following novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus right now, and it’s so beautiful:
Divine Jesus, You have said,
“Ask and you shall receive;
seek and you shall find;
knock and it shall be opened to you.”
Behold me kneeling at Your feet,
filled with a lively faith
and confidence in the promises
dictated by Your Sacred Heart
to Saint Margaret Mary.
I come to ask this favour:
(Make your request here…)
To whom can I turn if not to You,
Whose Heart is the source of all graces and merits?
Where should I seek if not in the treasure
which contains all the riches
of Your kindness and mercy?
Where should I knock if not at the door
through which God gives Himself to us
and through which we go to God?
I have recourse to You,
Heart of Jesus.
In You I find consolation when afflicted,
protection when persecuted,
strength when burdened with trials,
and light in doubt and darkness.
Dear Jesus,
I firmly believe that You can grant me
the grace I implore,
even though it should require a miracle.
You have only to will it
and my prayer will be granted.
I admit that I am most unworthy of Your favours,
but this is not a reason for me to be discouraged.
You are the God of mercy,
and You will not refuse a contrite heart.
Cast upon me a look of mercy,
I beg of You,
and Your kind Heart will find in my miseries
and weakness a reason for granting my prayer.
Sacred Heart,
whatever may be Your decision
with regard to my request,
I will never stop adoring,
loving, praising, and serving You.
My Jesus,
be pleased to accept this
my act of perfect resignation
to the decrees of Your adorable Heart,
which I sincerely desire
may be fulfilled in and by me
and all Your creatures forever.
Grant me the grace for which I humbly implore You
through the Immaculate Heart
of Your most sorrowful Mother.
You entrusted me to her as her child,
and her prayers are all-powerful with You.
I have a special love for the message of Divine Mercy (see my signature link) and this novena seems to fit right with it – obviously, since the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the fount of all mercy. Jesus, please hear and answer my pleas, and help me to confidently say Jesus, I trust in You!

Interestingly, the parish I attended growing up (where my parents still go, where I received all my Sacraments, is Sacred Heart Church.)
Hello everyone, How are you all?
It seems like a lifetime since I posted on here. I have been here to Caf every now and then but haven’t had the chance to read through all of the posts I have missed.
I have missed you all. I hope there has been some improvements. Has anyone had some little miracles?
My situation has been up and down, too much to relay here now.
I will post again soon.
God bless you all and your marriages.
I have some hopeful news everyone!

Day before yesterday, DH was very attentive and loving. I was hesitant to be overly optimistic. We were watching TV laying in the bed of our master BR (the one I moved out of seven months ago), and I asked him if any of “this” meant he was ready to make some changes. He poo poo’d the comment and changed the subject. I was hurt and angry when he fell asleep without any further conversation. I left the room and went back to the guest room where I have been sleeping.

Yesterday when he called home I told him he needed to get himself psyched up to have the conversation with me because we need to have a real conversation about the question I asked the night before.

Last night after I put DD to bed, he invited me to watch " The Office" with him, so I grabbed a copy of an e-mail I sent to him TWICE along with an e-mail I had chickened out sending him the night before and followed him to the room. I gave him the chicken out e-mail (one where I told him I was hesitant to get too “close” because I am afraid of sending the wrong message and of getting hurt). I then told him I needed to have the answers to the e-mail about his drinking.

He told me he hasn’t been drinking for a while now. I asked what his motivation was. He said it was two-fold; he was tired of feeling like he had to hide it from me, and he just didn’t really want to drink right now. He said he’s feeling better and is glad he hasn’t been drinking. He told me he’s not going to make any kind of commitment because he is afraid of what it will do to me if he fails again. I told him I knew when he is ready to truly quit, he will embrace it with every part of him. I told him I knew that because I know that’s the way he is when he is committed to something. It’s never part way, it’s ALL the way. I apologized for the assumptions I had made when I accused him of getting extra cash at WalMart so I wouldn’t see the credit card transactions from the liquor store any more. (He was going on a four day fishing trip and was out of cash, the real reason and the man doesn’t know the first thing about an ATM!..LOL)

I then told him I can’t move back to the room until he finishes the remodel job he started three months ago. He couldn’t understand why this would be important since he has been living in it. I pointed out he has completely taken over the top of my dresser. I also told him, for me, the mess and chaos is representative of what our relationship has been for the last seven months. With a poke in the ribs and a smile I told him I can’t live in the middle of that mess and have any peace of mind. I told him I had read, and believe, a master bedroom should be a retreat for a couple, like taking a vacation at a bed and bath, and this is what I want to come back to! Walls textured and painted, closet doors installed, drapes re-hung, dressers cleared off, drywall dust gone. In other words, I want my room to invite me back, not be hostile when I decide to rejoin him in our bedroom.

So I think I am on the road to moving back into our bedroom. We have a few more things to talk about regarding the drinking, but this conversation was monumental in terms of the conversations we have had since November.

Keep up the prayers ladies! I think St.M is doin’ her job for us. *PRAISE GOD!

*Belle, darling, please hold your head up and keep praying. I am still praying my tush off for you and all the marriages here on the thread. God does answer prayers, and He has a job in mind for you and for your DH.
Thank you Lana. You know, it’s like I’m in a raging storm, crying out for help, but no help comes and the storm keeps getting worse. I know He’s there, I know He hears me, but I don’t know why help won’t come. It’s very frustrating and makes me sad.

Focus…you know he’s there, and what he’s capable of…if it is for the good, and he sees this, he WILL do it. If he does not, we are left wondering why.

I KNOW this feeling so very well, as i still trust, but wonder why my WILL was taken from me to go home to him.

Some how, some way, you must exhaust yourself of all the pressure and say…i no longer will ask or question your ability or reasons for what you do…it is not working my way, so i will try it your way. What is in the day for me today…It is yours…what i do, i do for you…and all of the pain of wanting will be second rate, and still there. Silently you will say…i give up, i give in, i live for you…what do YOU want.

I get the distinct feeling he wants your sourender…not in religion, not in faith, but in him, his plan, and accepting the plan.

That is not easy to do…it requires believing we are not the best to question what is best for us and our children…it is a controle issue…we must stay on top, we must sucseed, or we fail.

We only fail when we are not surendered to him, and his plan.
not in words, but in heart…i hear your doubt, so he must too.

Your scared…this to is ok…breathe hun!!!like floating on your back in deep water…relax so you do not drown panicking.

Lambie…oh how beautiful…no matter the results, isn’t it just so darn wonderful when we connect…it is a huge feeling of not being alone!!!

God bless ya darlin…and can he do my room like that too…lol

I have some hopeful news everyone!

Keep up the prayers ladies! I think St.M is doin’ her job for us. *PRAISE GOD!

*Belle, darling, please hold your head up and keep praying. I am still praying my tush off for you and all the marriages here on the thread. God does answer prayers, and He has a job in mind for you and for your DH.
Lamb, that’s great news! 🙂 Encourage him to go to AA meetings daily if necessary – it is one of the few things that keep people on track. I’ve seen (in my family) an alcoholic quit, then start again, then quit again, then start again, over and over. I’m not trying to discourage you, just to share some reality from my experiences. He needs to get to meetings, otherwise the temptation will be too much. AA somehow has a way of holding people accountable in a way spouses and family cannot. 👍

Praying for you guys. Thanks for your prayers. :crossrc: :hug1:
I KNOW this feeling so very well, as i still trust, but wonder why my WILL was taken from me to go home to him.

I get the distinct feeling he wants your sourender…not in religion, not in faith, but in him, his plan, and accepting the plan.
Your burden is much heavier than mine, I’m sorry to be such a complainer. 😦

On this issue of surrender: for about a year I surrendered each day as I left my DD at daycare. I would cry and cry the rest of the way to work, but I tried my best to offer my suffering for someone who has been unable to conceive a child. I offered my pain so that perhaps that couple could know the joy of having a child. I tried so hard to surrender, believing that it would only be a short time until I would be “rescued” from this pain and could be with DD. After a year of that, it’s just hard to believe things will change, you know? I know a year for us is like a second for God, but He knows how painful this is for me and I believe He made me the mother I am, putting this desire within me, so it’s just tough to keep surrendering, you know?

I will never turn away from Him, but I admit I am upset with Him. I confessed this last weekend and the priest said that’s OK, God can take it, and to keep trying to trust, so that’s what I’m doing. I love Jesus so, and that makes it hard too, b/c I know I should be more trusting, I’m just not sure how to do it.

Well, enough babbling from me. Saying a prayer now for all marriages and families represented in this thread. May God bless you all. :crossrc: :grouphug:
I forgot to mention: we have our ultrasound today and should be able to find out the gender of our baby! 😃
Lamb, that’s great news! 🙂 Encourage him to go to AA meetings daily if necessary – it is one of the few things that keep people on track. I’ve seen (in my family) an alcoholic quit, then start again, then quit again, then start again, over and over. I’m not trying to discourage you, just to share some reality from my experiences. He needs to get to meetings, otherwise the temptation will be too much. AA somehow has a way of holding people accountable in a way spouses and family cannot. 👍

Praying for you guys. Thanks for your prayers. :crossrc: :hug1:
Belle, my DH will not go to AA. He does not like the 12 step approach, and does not like the concept of surrendering to a higher power. Essentially he says it is something he needs to do and not blame God, or expect God to “cure”, that he choses to drink and he has to chose not to drink. He’s not completely opposed to help from an organization. He looked at SMART Recovery and Rational Recovery and signed up and participated for a couple of months at SMART. I would get absolutely nowhere pushing him in the direction of AA. I just know him that well. I have brought up him getting back involved with SMART, and it is something I will bring up at another conversation with him. Part of his problem is he is still in denial that he actually has a problem with alcohol. Doesn’t believe he is an alcoholic.

Honestly, as I said in a previous post, I wasn’t comfortable with the Al Anon side of AA. I guess it seemed to much like a big fat pity party where everyone was just wallowing in an attitude of "woe is me ", and “my loved one is a big fat jerk”. I know it’s good to vent, but that’s all anyone was doing was complaining. But that’s just me and perhaps its just the chapter here. Our town is small so there isn’t a lot of people involved in the Al Anon program. There are three different meetings and from what I could tell, all are populated by the same folks. So it just left a bad taste in my mouth. Having said that, I can’t speak for the AA groups. There may very well be some very affective help available from them for the addict.

Thank you all for your prayers and I continue to pray for you as well.:grouphug: [sign]God Bless you all![/sign]
Belle, my DH will not go to AA. He does not like the 12 step approach, and does not like the concept of surrendering to a higher power. Essentially he says it is something he needs to do and not blame God, or expect God to “cure”, that he choses to drink and he has to chose not to drink. He’s not completely opposed to help from an organization. He looked at SMART Recovery and Rational Recovery and signed up and participated for a couple of months at SMART. I would get absolutely nowhere pushing him in the direction of AA. I just know him that well. I have brought up him getting back involved with SMART, and it is something I will bring up at another conversation with him. Part of his problem is he is still in denial that he actually has a problem with alcohol. Doesn’t believe he is an alcoholic.

Honestly, as I said in a previous post, I wasn’t comfortable with the Al Anon side of AA. I guess it seemed to much like a big fat pity party where everyone was just wallowing in an attitude of "woe is me ", and “my loved one is a big fat jerk”. I know it’s good to vent, but that’s all anyone was doing was complaining. But that’s just me and perhaps its just the chapter here. Our town is small so there isn’t a lot of people involved in the Al Anon program. There are three different meetings and from what I could tell, all are populated by the same folks. So it just left a bad taste in my mouth. Having said that, I can’t speak for the AA groups. There may very well be some very affective help available from them for the addict.

Thank you all for your prayers and I continue to pray for you as well.:grouphug: [sign]God Bless you all![/sign]
Debbie, now I remember you mentioned those other groups some months ago. (Sorry I had forgotten!) Just to clarify though, AA does not support the idea of “blaming God” or "expecting God to ‘cure’ " one’s addiction to alcohol.

I think the biggest hurdle is this: “Part of his problem is he is still in denial that he actually has a problem with alcohol. Doesn’t believe he is an alcoholic.” Ah, denial. It’s one of the worst parts of alcoholism, because we just want to help and they won’t let us b/c they deny the problem to begin with. :banghead: It certainly is frustrating, isn’t it?

I went to one AlAnon meeting and it wasn’t for me either. I just wasn’t comfortable… however, the AA meetings are different (from what I understand – obviously I’ve never been to one.)

Anyway, I hope one of those other groups you mentioned (or something else) will help him so your marriage can be renewed. :crossrc: :hug1:
I forgot to mention: we have our ultrasound today and should be able to find out the gender of our baby! 😃
Let us know as soon as you hear…this is wonderful in the light of such stress. A beacon of light maybe.

You said…Your burden is much heavier than mine, I’m sorry to be such a complainer. 😦 Please do not ever apologise for complaining. It’s how and what we do as mothers and wives. The fact that it is focused to the bettering of your family is the right thing to do. And this is what the thread is all about.

Yes, loosing a child is completely un-natural, and goes against all of the laws of motherhood and life to me. But Will was so ill, yet he kept going because he lived for him. When it got hard, he wrote a poem mentioning a “coupe de grace”. His insides were the batteling fields of war…bullets flying, no chance for cover…and he needed to catch his breath.

He needed this and as he explained the poem to me, he said he discussed with God that if it was home with him he wanted Will, then he would willingly go, as his trust in him was so great. But if he wanted him to stay, he needed help, as it was getting harder than ever before to cope.

I marvel at his ability still, to be so convicted, beyond his body and life to his maker. I practice this skill, and i try to share it with you…But NEVER is it ever easy, and it is a constant struggle.

We know as mothers when it is wrong, or feels wrong. God gave us these feelings, and wants us to use them…so ask this of yourself, not god…what was his focus today…what did he want ME to learn today.

So if it is patience, seeing him in a flower, or so on…focus and it will lighten. Ask others in your day about something that happened, or what was said, and wonder about other things. The hyper focus should come off the baby and job…you need to find it, and never stop praying for it.

Know this, if it is good for the situation, it will happen. You WERE given an answer, it is, Not right now my child…this first. This means we do not like what our parent has said, and can not see why he said this. Like the child to him you are, you need to know he knows what is best. Own this, make it your thought.

This is the best i can try and help you achieve, or the sadness will consume you. Do not ever believe Satan is not gloating over your anger towards your heavenly father. Tell him it is no more, and he can not have your heart…banish him, rebuke his presence in your lords name.

When you feel the anger, or questioning…address Satan first, and second, take comfort in knowing it is your father in heaven that will send the sorry pain in the butt, Satan, packing. This followed by prayer and thanks for his help will calm you.

Give it a try!

Belle, my DH will not go to AA. He does not like the 12 step approach, and does not like the concept of surrendering to a higher power. Essentially he says it is something he needs to do and not blame God, or expect God to “cure”, that he choses to drink and he has to chose not to drink. He’s not completely opposed to help from an organization. He looked at SMART Recovery and Rational Recovery and signed up and participated for a couple of months at SMART. I would get absolutely nowhere pushing him in the direction of AA. I just know him that well. I have brought up him getting back involved with SMART, and it is something I will bring up at another conversation with him. Part of his problem is he is still in denial that he actually has a problem with alcohol. Doesn’t believe he is an alcoholic.

Honestly, as I said in a previous post, I wasn’t comfortable with the Al Anon side of AA. I guess it seemed to much like a big fat pity party where everyone was just wallowing in an attitude of "woe is me ", and “my loved one is a big fat jerk”. I know it’s good to vent, but that’s all anyone was doing was complaining. But that’s just me and perhaps its just the chapter here. Our town is small so there isn’t a lot of people involved in the Al Anon program. There are three different meetings and from what I could tell, all are populated by the same folks. So it just left a bad taste in my mouth. Having said that, I can’t speak for the AA groups. There may very well be some very affective help available from them for the addict.

Thank you all for your prayers and I continue to pray for you as well.:grouphug: [sign]God Bless you all![/sign]
I live in a very small town, all to many of the same group and set of principals. Very few of which i support or believe in. They are primarily Uropean farmers families. They are slave drivers, and family comes last. The busines, the business, the business is all the adults see.

All to many of the WIVES of these children forced to not be heard, attend school sick, and get your butt back out in the field has done such dammage to them as people. We, the wives are all devistated, and have compared notes. All woooed them with the right answers, the right look in life, were great people for compassion and negotiation, and then BOOM. We married them and ALL of them said, oh, that was just to get married, now we are, and this is the way it should be. But this was after slow silence took over, and a parting of ways that left all of us women feeling so alone.

Here we are, dragged into this mess because of absolute horrific parenting from the wartime starvation mode. All the grandparents can do is complain over the mothering, and not getting with the programe. We are left with absoltely zero support from the partner, or the partners family…but they well interfere in everything that should be between the man and woman only.

Let me tell you this, i do not believe in astrology, or any forms of soothsayers…but i do recognise the patterns of behaviour in personalities given like Aries, scorpion etc. I have red these primarily to be honest with myself over my own faults, and to study a bit of how i can reverse some poor qualities and use them for God.

My worst was my temper, and retaliation levels for revenge due to being hurt. I am a Scorpion…and i try daily with my temper not to own me.I learned the art of negotiation and so on…But my husband is an Aries. A hard headed Ram…he is so stubborn, he can not see his own pain. He has made a lifestyle of not agreeing on athority, not succuming to it, and being his own boss so he did not have to take orders.

So i have an unmedicated parinoid husband who hears voices and will not allow us to walk or ride on cirtain roads cause they are out to get him…that drinks making it work, and has questioned any motive i have ever had to help with family, drinking, or even a day outing. He seriously hides from life with beer. Did i mention he is Dutch, and i think his father is related to the Gastopo…a mess, a complete mess his father made of his life.

Never was he held, allowed to cry, have an oppinion, or anything.
Out in the fields with fever and chickenpox, flue and so on. he never missed a day of school, his mother wore an apron, served and cut up their food, seldon sat with them, and was a complete maid and servant to them.

Hence the problem, he wants a servant like his mother to come running when he screams the remote is too far from his hand. He wants the supper to show up, no thanks, nothing and can not muster anything more than rolling his eyes saying it was ALL RIGHT.

As far as his work ethics, they are supurb…he is so hard on himself…it is all he knows for self worth. He sucks as a father and husband sooooo bad, i do not know why i stay…but that is another book.

No one, no cop, no mayer, nobody, especially a wife or AA personel will tell him what to do…it is completely beneath him. No one is gonna tell him he can or should not tell him he can have a beer. So alanon was an option for me, and i called everyone for 6 months, hospitals, group homes, links, chapters, and so on…i had so many people send me the same thing.

A package convinceing me i had an alcoholic for a partner, but no one…no one could tell me where a meeting was that was not in TORONTO…as i am 1.5 hours away from there, and in the niagara area. After six months i gave up and turned to god, here and so on…Alanon sucks in locating them…but i could fill a grocery bag with pamplets, flyers, questionares, and so on.

This man has reduced his drinking based on my refusal to allow him into MY families home drinking. He did not have the right to abuse us, or make us witness this behaviour.

Then last year he just never came home much…and this became an issue. We are now faceing us being together as a family because of the rules…he knows them, he can choose to participate or not…Marriage or not…his choice!

So now we have him struggaling with me taking any role of superiority at all. But as i put it…i am the keeper of this business called family. This is our DEN so to speak. You want membership, you follow the rules. He is strugaling, as he respects the business side of it…but a WOMAN making the rules is killing him.

And the scorpion wants to tell the freakin hobbit to go back into the woods and suck on roots for the winter…but sees Gods finger wagging at her!!!

You see, i do not think the behaviour as a messed up Dutch farmer of the uropean decent is very bad to deal with compared to the additional psycotic and delusional behaviour added to this.

When he negotiates, he does it well, then guilt hits him and he retracts it…wondering if doubling up my anti’s and sharing them with him might get rid of at least half of my issues!

Now hows that for a ramble…

Belle, my DH will not go to AA. He does not like the 12 step approach, and does not like the concept of surrendering to a higher power. Essentially he says it is something he needs to do and not blame God, or expect God to “cure”, that he choses to drink and he has to chose not to drink. He’s not completely opposed to help from an organization. He looked at SMART Recovery and Rational Recovery and signed up and participated for a couple of months at SMART. I would get absolutely nowhere pushing him in the direction of AA. I just know him that well. I have brought up him getting back involved with SMART, and it is something I will bring up at another conversation with him. Part of his problem is he is still in denial that he actually has a problem with alcohol. Doesn’t believe he is an alcoholic.

Honestly, as I said in a previous post, I wasn’t comfortable with the Al Anon side of AA. I guess it seemed to much like a big fat pity party where everyone was just wallowing in an attitude of "woe is me ", and “my loved one is a big fat jerk”. I know it’s good to vent, but that’s all anyone was doing was complaining. But that’s just me and perhaps its just the chapter here. Our town is small so there isn’t a lot of people involved in the Al Anon program. There are three different meetings and from what I could tell, all are populated by the same folks. So it just left a bad taste in my mouth. Having said that, I can’t speak for the AA groups. There may very well be some very affective help available from them for the addict.

Thank you all for your prayers and I continue to pray for you as well.:grouphug: [sign]God Bless you all![/sign]
Have you guys watched the HBO series on Addiction? It is awesome. They make it available at a very reasonable price. Treatment videos are usually several hundred dollars a piece and this entire 5 hour series is $25 on Amazon. There is also a companion book for the same price. I use alot of the segments with my clients and it really helps to explain how the brain is permanently changed and rerouted it the reward center to change a persons ability to make healthy, rational decisions. This is a brain disease. The reason AA works is research shows that the power of the group is the only thing more powerful than the desire to survive. The brain became used to alcohol and now tells the decision making part of the brain that alcohol is needed for survival. I wish I could conduct a group to explain this further for you guys. Maybe those who have web cams, we could set up something sometime. It is would be hard and tedious to try to write it all out. Love and prayers!
Just wanted to let you ladies and gents know…

we’re having a BOY!!

We’re thrilled (DH is definitely on cloud nine!)!! Our little guy was moving around a lot during the ultrasound and we got some very cool pictures!

Praying that all of you have at least a moment today that is as joyful as what we’ve been feeling. :crossrc: :grouphug:
Just wanted to let you ladies and gents know…

we’re having a BOY!!

We’re thrilled (DH is definitely on cloud nine!)!! Our little guy was moving around a lot during the ultrasound and we got some very cool pictures!

Praying that all of you have at least a moment today that is as joyful as what we’ve been feeling. :crossrc: :grouphug:
Congratulations Belle!:extrahappy::clapping:

I’m so happy for you! Isn’t it good to have something to rejoice in?
Congratulations Belle!:extrahappy::clapping:

I’m so happy for you! Isn’t it good to have something to rejoice in?
Thanks! Yes, it’s wonderful to be rejoicing, something I haven’t been doing much of lately (but should’ve been). 😊

(Why is it often easier to focus on what’s wrong than on all the wonderful things? :o )
Belle sweetheart, i am so very happy for you…congratulations!!!

As for the focus thing…ask each and every one of us…no one sees this untill they are out of it and it is unexplainable excepting that he made us this way, us humans…flawed…he likes his children to make him feel it is all worth while, and we miss him and need him…you understand…right?

Debbie, I am glad you have had some good news, thank God. I hope it keeps moving in the right direction.
Congratulations on your little boy Belle!
Hello to everyone else. I haven’t got the time to read everyone’s posts. Sorry
I have been feeling absolutely miserable these last few weeks. I am overwhelmed with grief.
I have had problems and issues with every one of my 5 children and it is so hard doing the job of 2 people by myself.
I have had one thing after another go wrong lately and I really am at the end of it all. I find it hard to pray although I still try to.
I am really struggling to know what to do. I need to let go of my marriage but I just don’t know how to.
Please pray for me.
Jules darling…i can feel your concern and pain clearly…yet i feel the exhaustion in your grief.God knows your heart, more than you do. He wants for you what is best, and it would be the marriage being intact.

However, you are his little girl, and fathers do not deal with watching their little girls hurting unjustly. He sees your attempts over and over again…when some would have quit, and still the horse can be led to water, but no one can make the horse drink the water that will sustain him.

God knows this too, and although he loves his son (DH) dearly…he will not force himself on him, but he will be there when ever he calls. He must want this, and ask for his help. He’s gotta want it. If not, you need to be strong for your children.

Some times it is in the letting go…not ending…but letting go of the outcome, that we say…your will be done. I have tried, and i can not be forceful and make his life so miserable that he does something stupid out of desperation. He has to want it.

God hear her heart ache, feel it and send her angels, and your mother to hold her. When she prays to you Lord Jesus, let her concentrate, and seeee your eyes, and feel your truth. let her stare into the debths of you untill there is no question, but assurance…that she is worthy, and you love her so very much. That little girl inside of her needs to actually sit with you and be held and comforted…please let her roleplay the entire scenario, and mostly…Bring the HS with you, as there will be no doubt once the touch of your heart seals this finality of assurance.

You will be ok, no matter the outcome, you have HIM right at your side, his father, mother Mary, and soooo many angels, you can not count them. Let them rest with you, and sleep next to you, brushing the fallen hair from your brow…and tenderly kiss it.

This…you are worthy of, any time, any place…HE is yours forever…let him help you.

No one here yet today…thinking of you all, and praying for everyone and their DH’s and children. Dear Lord, hear their pleas!

Happy Sunday! (I’m trying to get myself in a better mood)

For those of you lovely women that remember my situation, I could use a little guidance. I have been going through a miserable situation with a woman that has done such sinful things that have made me very angry. Angry is an understatement.

I just don’t think this woman should get away with what she has done, and she is getting away with it, at least 90% of it.

The situation has put some evil thoughts in my mind, murderous thoughts actually. I don’t want to feel this way, but these thoughts have been with me when I sleep and to a lesser degree when I am awake. I’ve taken neuro associative conditioning sessions (NACS) which takes a terrible situation in ones life and allows you to focus on the positive.

For example, think of the worst thing that happened in your life. then you ask yourself “what was good about that situation?” Well, at first you think “nothing”. Then you keep asking the same. In my case, where my wife stole my son’s inheritance money that came from my recently deceased father and two uncles, there’s alot of emotion in that situation. I came up with “at least she and her three children can enjoy the money”.

Then you ask “What do you respect about the person?” Again, there is nothing to respect. But I keep asking the same and came up with “She tries to provide for her children”. And more questions relating to the situation and on and on until you feel better.

So again, I can usually deal with this situation while awake, except when she does continuing and relentless evil things or when I have to listen to her nonsense in court. But, these terrible and angry thoughts are with me, in some fashion, 24 hours a day.
I don’t think I am capable of harming anyone, so why am I stuck with these thoughts? How do I make them go away? She did the sinful things, why shouldn’t she but stuck with the pain and anger? I don’t think she has a conscious at all.

I’ve never known a person that is capable of doing the things she has done, so this is all new to me. Maybe time heals all wounds. Maybe I should seek additional counseling. Maybe I should talk with more good people. But for now, none of that is working. Any words of wisdom? You ladies are very good at that.
Dear 1/2:

I remember when you first started posting, you had said how much you loved your wife. Now - you are in the complete opposite direction of how you feel about her. I would think (JMHO) that because you have realized how nasty she can be, that just now your feelings of anger and resentment are starting to break through. I would think that this is normal. After all, you did love her at one time. I wonder: what made you fall in love with her? Maybe if you could go back to that time, you would find something “worthy” in her. Perhaps it would take some of the pain and anguish you feel over being betrayed by her. I don’t know…just keep praying. I’m praying very hard for you, and I feel so badly for you and your son. But - the Lord and Our Lady are with you. Please hang on to that. May God have mercy on you and bless you!
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