Thank you Lana. You know, it’s like I’m in a raging storm, crying out for help, but no help comes and the storm keeps getting worse. I know He’s there, I know He hears me, but I don’t know why help won’t come. It’s very frustrating and makes me sad.Bell hunny, do not apologise sweetie…gosh your plate is full indeed.
Know this…NO one knows your heart better than GOD. He hears this cry from you and it pains him to know his baby is crying. He is answering you, just not the way you expect right now. Trust therir is good reason hun…and in this pain i know it is hard to see this. Even for me it is hard to see this for you.
Know this, you have to calm yourself…sa the mother to a new orb in your belly, this could harm the baby, or yourself. Durring stress, there is much not given to your baby that it needs. It also feels your stress. All of this you know and i am not preaching.
this is to merely help you count to ten, and breathe…on and out…
we need you focused…if it is out of your controle, then the extended worry is harmfulll…find another avenue to focus on…
old red legs has you in his clutches of fear…it is those who fear who loose faith…not religion…but faith hun.
again, not preaching…just trying to help you focus on calming yourself!
god bless…
I’m praying the following novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus right now, and it’s so beautiful:
Divine Jesus, You have said,
“Ask and you shall receive;
seek and you shall find;
knock and it shall be opened to you.”
Behold me kneeling at Your feet,
filled with a lively faith
and confidence in the promises
dictated by Your Sacred Heart
to Saint Margaret Mary.
I come to ask this favour:
(Make your request here…)
To whom can I turn if not to You,
Whose Heart is the source of all graces and merits?
Where should I seek if not in the treasure
which contains all the riches
of Your kindness and mercy?
Where should I knock if not at the door
through which God gives Himself to us
and through which we go to God?
I have recourse to You,
Heart of Jesus.
In You I find consolation when afflicted,
protection when persecuted,
strength when burdened with trials,
and light in doubt and darkness.
Dear Jesus,
I firmly believe that You can grant me
the grace I implore,
even though it should require a miracle.
You have only to will it
and my prayer will be granted.
I admit that I am most unworthy of Your favours,
but this is not a reason for me to be discouraged.
You are the God of mercy,
and You will not refuse a contrite heart.
Cast upon me a look of mercy,
I beg of You,
and Your kind Heart will find in my miseries
and weakness a reason for granting my prayer.
Sacred Heart,
whatever may be Your decision
with regard to my request,
I will never stop adoring,
loving, praising, and serving You.
My Jesus,
be pleased to accept this
my act of perfect resignation
to the decrees of Your adorable Heart,
which I sincerely desire
may be fulfilled in and by me
and all Your creatures forever.
Grant me the grace for which I humbly implore You
through the Immaculate Heart
of Your most sorrowful Mother.
You entrusted me to her as her child,
and her prayers are all-powerful with You.
I have a special love for the message of Divine Mercy (see my signature link) and this novena seems to fit right with it – obviously, since the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the fount of all mercy. Jesus, please hear and answer my pleas, and help me to confidently say Jesus, I trust in You!Amen.
Interestingly, the parish I attended growing up (where my parents still go, where I received all my Sacraments, is Sacred Heart Church.)