St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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St Monica please intercede for all our husbands with the faithfulness you had in prayer for your husband and son.
Praying for all the marriages and families represented in this thread. Lord Jesus, Mary, and St. Monica, hear our prayers. :crossrc: :grouphug:
Would you all please join me in a novena prayer to Saint Maximilian Kolbe? The novena is to end the evening before his feast day, August 14. He is a patron of the pro-life movement, families, and drug addicts. Some of us here can really benefit from his intercession.

You can find the novena prayers on this thread, or on this website.

May God bless and keep you all in the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Would you all please join me in a novena prayer to Saint Maximilian Kolbe? The novena is to end the evening before his feast day, August 14. He is a patron of the pro-life movement, families, and drug addicts. Some of us here can really benefit from his intercession.

You can find the novena prayers on this thread, or on this website.

May God bless and keep you all in the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Joined you in the thread in the Prayer Intentions section. 🙂
sigh Just confirmed at Easter Vigil, and my dh is already a lapsed Catholic. He has been to Mass a grand total of twice all summer, that I can remember. I leave 30 min earlier than everyone else for music practice before Mass and he just hasn’t been coming. A couple of times in June he’d just drop the kids off and not stay. Now he’s not even doing that. I asked him Sunday morning if he was coming later, and he said “No.” I asked, “Ever again?” and he said, “Maybe not.” I’m hoping to get a chance to talk to him and figure out what’s going on. I am heartbroken and feeling like a dismal failure - again. This is pretty much the same thing that happened years ago when I took the reins as spiritual leader of our home and decided we should go to a certain Baptist church. I am not supposed to be the spiritual head of this home and it seems that when I try it always backfires, but he’s not doing it either! Somebody has to do it, right? Lord, HELP. :gopray2:
Would you all please join me in a novena prayer to Saint Maximilian Kolbe? The novena is to end the evening before his feast day, August 14. He is a patron of the pro-life movement, families, and drug addicts. Some of us here can really benefit from his intercession.

You can find the novena prayers on this thread, or on this website.

May God bless and keep you all in the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thanks for posting this, I’ll definitely be doing this novena! 👍
Prayer to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Hello -

I am not a Catholic (yet) - I was raised agnostic/atheist and then was baptized by an evangelical church 5 years ago (sect of the Church of Christ). I was married a year after that to my husband, who was taught and baptized in the same church. The last few years have been a time of searching spiritually and we’ve both made a lot of amazing discoveries together (though usually by my leading…), including the conviction to not use birth control and more recently, the conviction that the Body and the Blood of Christ is present in the Eucharist. Paired with a lot of study of the early Church, I’m starting to come to the realization that the Catholic Church is where the fullness of Truth resides – and where I belong.

This has been extremely difficult for me because of the tremendous amount of anti-Catholic teaching out there, esp among evangelicals…but I think it is even harder on my husband. He found out this last week that I’m interested in Catholicism and got super angry. He went as far as to accuse me of being deceived by Satan and imply that I’m walking away from God. He has started arguing with me on how “evil” the Church is and how he needs to “protect” me from their false teaching. It’s very difficult.

I don’t know quite how to proceed so I would appreciate the prayers of those who frequent this forum. I don’t want to be unsubmissive to him but at the same time I want to pursue God and do what is right by Him. We have a 14 mo old and another on the way and I want to provide a solid spiritual future for them as well. Please offer your prayers to God for our situation and for discernment on my part on what I should and shouldn’t do. Thank you so much.
St Monica please intercede for all our husbands with the faithfulness you had in prayer for your husband and son.
sigh Just confirmed at Easter Vigil, and my dh is already a lapsed Catholic. He has been to Mass a grand total of twice all summer, that I can remember. I leave 30 min earlier than everyone else for music practice before Mass and he just hasn’t been coming. A couple of times in June he’d just drop the kids off and not stay. Now he’s not even doing that. I asked him Sunday morning if he was coming later, and he said “No.” I asked, “Ever again?” and he said, “Maybe not.” I’m hoping to get a chance to talk to him and figure out what’s going on. I am heartbroken and feeling like a dismal failure - again. This is pretty much the same thing that happened years ago when I took the reins as spiritual leader of our home and decided we should go to a certain Baptist church. I am not supposed to be the spiritual head of this home and it seems that when I try it always backfires, but he’s not doing it either! Somebody has to do it, right? Lord, HELP. :gopray2:
So sorry Pixie. :hug1: Praying for your family! :crossrc:
Hello -

I am not a Catholic (yet) - I was raised agnostic/atheist and then was baptized by an evangelical church 5 years ago (sect of the Church of Christ). I was married a year after that to my husband, who was taught and baptized in the same church. The last few years have been a time of searching spiritually and we’ve both made a lot of amazing discoveries together (though usually by my leading…), including the conviction to not use birth control and more recently, the conviction that the Body and the Blood of Christ is present in the Eucharist. Paired with a lot of study of the early Church, I’m starting to come to the realization that the Catholic Church is where the fullness of Truth resides – and where I belong.

This has been extremely difficult for me because of the tremendous amount of anti-Catholic teaching out there, esp among evangelicals…but I think it is even harder on my husband. He found out this last week that I’m interested in Catholicism and got super angry. He went as far as to accuse me of being deceived by Satan and imply that I’m walking away from God. He has started arguing with me on how “evil” the Church is and how he needs to “protect” me from their false teaching. It’s very difficult.

I don’t know quite how to proceed so I would appreciate the prayers of those who frequent this forum. I don’t want to be unsubmissive to him but at the same time I want to pursue God and do what is right by Him. We have a 14 mo old and another on the way and I want to provide a solid spiritual future for them as well. Please offer your prayers to God for our situation and for discernment on my part on what I should and shouldn’t do. Thank you so much.
Welcome to CAF! How wonderful that the Holy Spirit has led you to the One True Church established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 😃 I understand this is a difficult time for you, especially regarding your husband, but do your best to keep learning. I’m a cradle Catholic, but I highly recommend any of Scott Hahn’s books and talks – he converted and his story is amazing! Check him out here:

I will pray for your family right now. :crossrc: I hope you come to enjoy the fellowship found here at CAF and eventually the wonderful graces that God gives through the sacraments in the Church. May God bless you on your journey! :hug1:

Edited to ask:

You said, “The last few years have been a time of searching spiritually and we’ve both made a lot of amazing discoveries together (though usually by my leading…), including the conviction to not use birth control and more recently, the conviction that the Body and the Blood of Christ is present in the Eucharist.”

Does that mean your DH (dear husband) also believes that the Body and Blood of Christ is present in the Eucharist? If he does, there’s only one place for him to be… 😉
Hi ladies!

Haven’t been here in awhile. I’m asking for St. Monica’s intercession AGAIN. DH hasn’t spoken to me in about a week. He has many issues (obviously). I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m at my wits end. 😦
Hi ladies!

Haven’t been here in awhile. I’m asking for St. Monica’s intercession AGAIN. DH hasn’t spoken to me in about a week. He has many issues (obviously). I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m at my wits end. 😦

So sorry. Keep praying. Can you speak with your priest about your situation?

Praying for you…:crossrc:
Welcome to CAF! How wonderful that the Holy Spirit has led you to the One True Church established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 😃 I understand this is a difficult time for you, especially regarding your husband, but do your best to keep learning. I’m a cradle Catholic, but I highly recommend any of Scott Hahn’s books and talks – he converted and his story is amazing! Check him out here:

I will pray for your family right now. :crossrc: I hope you come to enjoy the fellowship found here at CAF and eventually the wonderful graces that God gives through the sacraments in the Church. May God bless you on your journey! :hug1:

Edited to ask:

You said, “The last few years have been a time of searching spiritually and we’ve both made a lot of amazing discoveries together (though usually by my leading…), including the conviction to not use birth control and more recently, the conviction that the Body and the Blood of Christ is present in the Eucharist.”

Does that mean your DH (dear husband) also believes that the Body and Blood of Christ is present in the Eucharist? If he does, there’s only one place for him to be… 😉
Thank you! :hug1: I am in the process of reading Rome Sweet Rome by the Hahns as well as some other books on Catholic teaching and it has been very helpful! I am hoping my husband will join me in reading some of them.

And yes, he too believes in the Real Presence…but at this point he’s not convinced any priest needs to be the one who does the blessing and dispenses it. He believes any Christian man has the authority to do it and as long as you believe, it will be so. I think if I had info regarding this that I could show him, he would be a lot more willing to consider the Catholic Church.

I just bought The Lamb’s Supper by Scott Hahn…maybe it will address that issue somewhat? I hope so.
Thank you! :hug1: I am in the process of reading Rome Sweet Rome by the Hahns as well as some other books on Catholic teaching and it has been very helpful! I am hoping my husband will join me in reading some of them.

And yes, he too believes in the Real Presence…but at this point he’s not convinced any priest needs to be the one who does the blessing and dispenses it. He believes any Christian man has the authority to do it and as long as you believe, it will be so. I think if I had info regarding this that I could show him, he would be a lot more willing to consider the Catholic Church.

I just bought The Lamb’s Supper by Scott Hahn…maybe it will address that issue somewhat? I hope so.
The Bible Christian Society has some excellent CDs or MP3s available free that show where in the Bible certain Catholic teachings are found. Perhaps your dh would listen to some of them?
Thank you! :hug1: I am in the process of reading Rome Sweet Rome by the Hahns as well as some other books on Catholic teaching and it has been very helpful! I am hoping my husband will join me in reading some of them.

And yes, he too believes in the Real Presence…but at this point he’s not convinced any priest needs to be the one who does the blessing and dispenses it. He believes any Christian man has the authority to do it and as long as you believe, it will be so. I think if I had info regarding this that I could show him, he would be a lot more willing to consider the Catholic Church.

I just bought The Lamb’s Supper by Scott Hahn…maybe it will address that issue somewhat? I hope so.
Adding to Pixie’s suggestion, you can also get free CDs on various Catholic topics at 😃

Regarding your husband’s belief in the Real Presence – I think the fact that he believes it is wonderful! He’s halfway there! 😉 As far as resources to show him that not just anyone can do the consecration, I’m not sure…maybe someone else here can chime in…or maybe you can submit a question in the Ask An Apologist section here on CAF. It might take them a few days to get to it (they gets LOTS of questions) but hopefully they can help. Also, talk with a priest or RCIA director at your local parish – they can probably help too. (And don’t forget to share whatever you find with us here!) 😃

Keep praying and trust God. You are on the right path – and I’m sure you’ll be a light for the truth of Christ in your home. :hug1:
DesiringHim, check out these that I found on the Catholic Answers main page…maybe they’ll be a good start:

(When you go to the homepage, on the left there’s a blue box called Library with lots of articles available. 👍 )

I also found the following in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (I know that probably won’t be a convincing authority for him, but this is for your own information):
1142 But "the members do not all have the same function."12 Certain members are called by God, in and through the Church, to a special service of the community. These servants are chosen and consecrated by the sacrament of Holy Orders, by which the Holy Spirit enables them to act in the person of Christ the head, for the service of all the members of the Church.13 The ordained minister is, as it were, an “icon” of Christ the priest. Since it is in the Eucharist that the sacrament of the Church is made fully visible, it is in his presiding at the Eucharist that the bishop’s ministry is most evident, as well as, in communion with him, the ministry of priests and deacons.
1143 For the purpose of assisting the work of the common priesthood of the faithful, other particular ministries also exist, not consecrated by the sacrament of Holy Orders; their functions are determined by the bishops, in accord with liturgical traditions and pastoral needs. "Servers, readers, commentators, and members of the choir also exercise a genuine liturgical function."14
1144 In the celebration of the sacraments it is thus the whole assembly that is leitourgos, each according to his function, but in the “unity of the Spirit” who acts in all. "In liturgical celebrations each person, minister or layman, who has an office to perform, should carry out all and only those parts which pertain to his office by the nature of the rite and the norms of the liturgy."15
Also, read this:

I know these don’t offer specific reasoning as to why only an ordained priest can do the consecration, but at least it’s something you guys can read together. 🤷 🙂
So, I was still thinking about DesiringHim’s question regarding priests being the only ones who can perform consecration. I did a google search for the heck of it, not expecting to find much, but I found the following article. Ironically, when I checked the “About” section of the website to see what kind of authority this guy had for what he wrote, it turns out he’s an apologist for Catholic Answers and writes for This Rock magazine (CA’s magazine)!

Here’s the article:
Q: Why can only priests consecrate the Eucharist?
A: The simplest answer is – because that’s their job. Asking why only priests can consecrate the Eucharist is a little like asking why only congressmen can vote on bills or why only brain surgeons are allowed to do brain surgery. It is what their function is.
The real question is why should there be a ministerial priesthood in addition to the universal priesthood all Christians share. To understand this, let’s back up for a second.
Human society requires a division of labor. Within civilization there is no such things a true jack of all trades. Even if people could master all the necessary skills (which they can’t), they don’t have sufficient time to provide the quality of life that civilization allows. Outside of civilization life is – to be frank – nasty, brutish, and short. The mountain men of the 19th century may have been rugged, but they also had amazingly short lifespans, no more than a few years once they left civilization. Man is a social being. As God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18). Given that human nature requires society and society requires a division of labor, human nature indirectly requires the existence of all sorts of occupations: farmers, rulers, clerks, carpenters, and priests – men who minister in the holy things.
There is a good reason for this. The holy things are the most important things there are, meaning that they of all things require a specialist to minister them. Among the holy things are conducting the proper corporate worship of God, the blessing of the people, the teaching of the people, and the pastoral governance of the people – all of which are attributed to both Old Testament priests and New Testament presbyter-priests.
The chief act of corporate worship for a priest is the offering of sacrifices to God on behalf of the people. For the Old Testament priests this was the slain animal offerings; for the New Testament priests it is the offering of the living Christ to his Father as he presents himself to his Father in his heavenly intercession on our behalf as our high priest. If God required specialists to perform even the dead animal sacrifices, how much more will he require specialists to play a role in the living Christ’s offering of himself to his Father.
This is all the more apparent when one considers the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If any layperson could consecrate the elements, Christ would suffer innumerable offenses in the Eucharist. Only someone who has been specially trained and who is specially trustworthy must be allowed to minister in this sacred event. We can see the disaster that would result if every Christian were able to consecrate the elements if we look at 1 Corinthians 11:20, 27-30:
When you meet together, it is not the Lord’s Supper that you eat. For in eating, each one goes ahead with his own meal, and one is hungry and another is drunk… Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died" (RSV).
The Corinthians were offending Christ in the Eucharist in such a way that God was striking them dead! Given that this is how much values the Presence of his Son in the Eucharist, how could he possibly allow every Christian, no matter how backslidden, improperly educated, heretical, or even mentally unbalanced to consecrate the elements? Innumerable disasters would result! There is simply no way God would allow anyone other than a person specially trained in the proper administration of the sacrament to do the consecration.
We can see from the account of the rebellion of Korah (Numbers 16) how seriously God took it when universal priests usurped the administration of the holy things in the Old Covenant (seriously enough that he killed them and their followers). Now that the New Covenant is here and there are even greater holy things to administer, he takes it even more seriously when universal priests usurp the ministerial priesthood (see my pieces The Office of New Testament Priest and The Priesthood Debate). As Jude warns us, there are those in the New Testament Church who also “perish in Korah’s rebellion” (Jude 11).
It looks like he has a lot of information on his site regarding all things Catholic, as well as conversion stories and becoming Catholic. Hope this helps! 🙂
Prayer to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.
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