Hi all,Am wondering, would this be the correct thread to pray for a grown child and her young family? I can see by looking through it is geared toward praying for husbands. (not that my husband is not in need of prayer as we all are) If not, maybe I could start a thread for children and families?I have a grown child that desperately needs prayer. I know from reading about St. Monica, she also prayed for 17 years for her eldest son St. Augustine.Our only daughter has never really accepted nor been drawn to The Church from the time she was a teenager. We used to force her to go to Mass, and finally gave up when she started being almost disruptively rebellious at Mass. A priest friend used to tell us not to worry about it, she would come back around in her time.She never really has. She does go to Mass when she feels like it now. The problem is now, she is a grown woman with a family of 3 small children. Her husband is not Catholic (and not anything really) They of course did not get married in the Church. She does have her 2 oldest (2nd grade and kindergarten) children in Catholic school. She had enrolled them I believe mainly because she does not want them in public school. Of course when she enrolled them, I was beyond thrilled, as I had hoped this would be the beginning of her complete conversion to the faith. I just knew that God would lead her back to the faith this way. Well, my 2nd grade grandson will be making his first communion this year. He made his first confession last week. My daughter herself has never made her 1st confession. In the years that she was growing up and in religious ed, they had them make their 1st Communion without reconcilliation. They kept telling the parents they were too young for that, it would come later. She was even confirmed without making her 1st confession, the religious ed instructor saying they will do that when they are ready. By the time she was confirmed, she was already starting to rebel the whole Church scene. No way could I get her to make her first confession, it was a struggle to even get her to Church on Sunday. It was in the time span that the Church was not emphasizing confession, but I cannot hold the Church responsible for failing in this area as a parent. I hold myself totally responsible for this. A few weeks ago, she received a note home from school, telling parents that it was their responsibility to make sure they went to mass every Sunday (as their children were making their 1st confession and 1st communion) It also strongly suggested that parents go to confession as to encourage their children. We talked about it, and she decided to call Fr. in order to ask if she could see him and make her 1st confession herself. Well, she never made the call. Too busy. I had decided several years ago, that when I could, I would (instead of going to Mass at the parish where H and I go) go with her and the kids to theirs, just to get them to Mass. (to do what I could for the spiritual welfare for her and the children) I have done this many times with them, but if I don’t make a point of going, they don’t go either. Even when I make plans with her to go she doesn’t always come through, she calls with one excuse or another. This morning was another one of those mornings. We planned to go to 11:00 Mass, because it’s easier than the early Mass for her with the kids. Of course I got a phone call shortly before leaving for her house, that oldest grandson wasn’t even home, had spent the night with a friend. I’m afraid I kind of lost it with her, asked her why is she bothering to send them to Catholic School, and why is she bothering with the Sacraments with them when she isn’t even going to take them to Mass. “What’s the point?” Told her she’s not really Catholic, why pretend that she is by occassionally going to Mass when she feels like it. Why be a hypocrite? I told her she might as well not even go at all, she is not any kind of an example for her kids. She kept responding yep, ok, as if to say that’s what she wanted to do anyway. Not go to Mass, yank them out of Catholic School, and not teach them anything about God.a After hanging up, I was so totally upset both at her and at myself for saying such things, I have been crying all day. DH had gone to early Mass and I of course had planned to go with her and kids, but I went to the later one by myself. I really don’t know how I got through that Mass without all kinds of tears. Tried to offer my pain up to the Lord, uniting my broken heart with His. I guess I am so crushed as I really thought she was starting to really come around, talking about making an appnt. with Fr., making her 1st confession, going to Mass regularly.I want to scream at her that she will be held accountable for the souls of her children, I want to scream at her a lot of things, but the best plan of action for now, I believe, is to lay low and pray.I am totally heartbroken. Need prayers